
In the Skies

Somewhere in the vast world, there's a continent hidden among mist outside and open like a clear sky on the inside. On this continent we are following a story of one talented aviator called Sparrow. He will journey across the world in order to stop enemy invasion on his homeland and to once again fly in the skies.

Rtanj · Fantasie
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32 Chs


My heart raced out of sudden enemy appearance, three airships passed below me without noticing me. I started my way back towards academy carrying bad news about southern checkpoint, i grabbed rudder and my airship started flying faster.

Everything was peaceful for a moment, not a single bird on a sky and wind was pretty calm too, i flied with faster pace now constantly looking around to check for possible enemies. But then i noticed blue shining light coming from one cloud right at me, and in that moment i knew that enemy is here and is coming right at me.

Shiny blue light coming inside clouds is signal used by elven army when preparing for rushing attack on enemy, i learned this in my past battles against them. My eyes widened in fear and adrenaline started rushing to my body. I immediately prepared defensive measures and activated Thunderbird's cannons, wooden windows opened at my ship sides and cannons revealed themselves. 

Then three ships appeared, emerging from clouds which they used to cover. I cursed myself for not noticing them sooner and not being careful enough, but my sudden cursing stopped loud sounds of firing cannons coming right at my Thunderbird. I gave boost to the ship and out of ten cannonballs, eight missed at two scratched back of my ship, fortunately for me not causing any major damage.

Then one of three ships charged right at me but luckily Thunderbird is fastest ship in whole academy and maybe even further. I dodged it pretty easily and i could see that enemy ship stopped suddenly along with other two, then i heard loud voice speaking.

"Is that famous Thunderbird?"

Loud and angry voice asked, one of three's ships captains spoke using echoing crystal. I however didn't have echoing crystal since i don't posses any magic to activate it, i can only activate ship crystal with fire from matches. 

"Well looks like we'll take a great feat when we finally destroy you."

Angry voice said and then three ships began firing at me.

I was able to dodge most of cannonballs but one or two managed to hit me again and this time damaging portion my ship's right side. I added extra boost to the ship and got at right side of one of enemy's ship, i fired and cannons echoed trough whole open sky. Other ship wasn't so fast and my cannons managed to damage it severely causing it to smoke and fire started spreading across it whole. 

Enemy crew started panicking and they started using water magic to extinguish fast spreading fire, i watched and smile appeared on my face remembering four years ago when this was daily routine for me. Other two ships were at left side of the burning one and they just stood there doing nothing which made me think there's some surprise coming at my way. 

I fired once again and already burning enemy ship started crumbling and falling down to the ground. Some of it's crew jumped down to their deaths and some just stayed onto the ship screaming and panicking in their last moments.

Smoke engulfed whole sky as enemy ship fell to it's demise, now with one of them gone things will be easier. I wanted to push fast offensive against remaining two and started flying fast towards them, but as i approached i saw magic circles appearing at their decks and their crew chanting by the looks of it, fire magic. 

This wasn't my first time going against this attack so i started zig zagging with my Thunderbird to avoid upcoming attacks. They finished chanting and two big fireballs appeared above them and they flew right at me, those could destroy my ship if they manage to hit me.

But my experience didn't come for nothing as i zig zagged and commanded my ship trough wind smooth like butter. Two fireballs missed me and i could see enemy crew panicking and preparing for their next attack, but their next attack won't be coming ever. 

My ship fast as ever got between two enemy ships and i fired cannons multiple times at both directions, causing enemy ships to crack and smoke. Cannonballs breached trough wood and metallic armor, most of enemy crew died on the spot as they were impaled by debris and pushed off the ship by strong shockwave, both remaining ships fell and with that i came out as victorious.

My hands and whole body shake from adrenaline causing me to sit on the wooden ground and breath heavily. Fear of flying disappeared mid combat and cause of that i came out victorious, i stood up once again and looked around me. Around me was smoke and smell of blood and fire, i took deep breath and placed my hands on the rudder and started flying back to academy.

Two days have passed until i saw academy from the distance, white buildings and airships flying over the sky made me feel easier. 

I signalized to conductors and parked Thunderbird at first open space in the port, couple of guards stood there presumably waiting for me. I jumped off and landed on port and waved at them. 

"Come with us, Athena needs your report."

One of them said with commanding voice as ever.