
Baby Face

Smell the rubber burn...

Wind rushes forward...

Darkness falls...

Light from the town rises...

And gravity pulls you back but...

When your axles grind, jump...

And you can FLY...

{Caw} {Caw}

{Caw} {Caw} the sound of birds can be heard for miles

???:.... All those birds in one place...

???: Never have any trouble finding that guy ...

???: Honestly...

A young girl gets off her bike at a broken down warehouse on the riverside. The sounds of cheering can be heard from within.


Inside a large crowd of teenagers circle around a duo grappling in the middle. One advantage and one nondescript vs a teen with spiky black hair and a young looking face

???: HERE IT COMES ARE YOU READY ?!! the black haired youth yells to the onlookers


???: And




{BAAAAAM!!} the black haired teen lifts his opponent by his waist and suplexes him into the ground before following up with a back-flip

{IKKI!!!} {IKKI!!!}

{IKKI!!!} {IKKI!!!} The crowd cheers his name

{That was AWESOME!} {That Extreme Killer Backdrop of yours is unreal!!}

{Amazing man!} {You always rock out!!} {ITSUKI-Chan you looked so hot out there!!}

{Man The East-side Baby Face is a monster on the floor!!}

{With that East-side is UNDEFEATED!!!}

Ikki: Ok all you west side punks you lost this year so the whole central area is gonna be called the east starting now I better not catch you losers playing around here anymore

Defeated gang member 1: UGH...

Defeated gang member 2: Whatever man

Defeated gang member 3: Yeah next year well win !!

Ikki: Yeah yeah I hear that every year

???: ... umm... Ikki.....

Random punk: Whoa there Who are you!?


Random punk: There's a sacred ritual going on here. wherein the middle of the GOTZMAN! Do you know what that is??

???: ..I..

Random punk: We don't need random people getting in the way so how about you get outta here before I have to show you out, huh?

???: umm .. well i ... I mean

A shadow can be seen approaching the punks back

Random punk: Seriously girlie do I ha---

Ikki: Kay now




Random punk: WHOOOA__ AACHK!!





(insert death animation here)

Ikki: All right fools I'm out

{Thanks for the help}

{thank you} { yeah thanks}

The boy climbs on the bike waiting as the girl sits on the back

Ikki: Sorry ... those guys can't even fake having manners.

"so why you come looking for me ?"

???:" Yeah you've been gone for a while and it's getting late.

Ikki:" nothing I can do those guys are so week"

"They need me to look out for them"

She smiles and looks away from him enjoying the ride

{Wh- Who was that girl?}

{ Hit every pressure point as expected from Itsuki-san}

{oh if you don't know you must be new around here }

{Yeah everybody in the East-side Guns should know -}

{Thats Itsuki-sans childhood friend Ringo Noyamano}

{yeah doesn't he live with her family }

{yeah ever since his parents past when they were kids }

Defeated gang member 4: Hmmm The East-side Guns...Eh?

Defeated gang member 5: you said it. Id die of shame before I called myself one of them

{What's the deal Huh?}

{Get lost what ya dong still here?}

{acting tough now that Itsuki-san is gone? do you wanna die?}

Defeated gang member 4: Hmph You punks are just like those crows up there

Defeated gang member 4: But you watch pretty soon a serious opponent is gonna clean out your whole little flock

{Y- You think you're so good ?}

{yeah bring it on any time!}

Defeated gang member 5: The Skull Saders... Heard of 'Em ...?

The Crowd goes quiet

{ Air Treck Team...}

{Storm Riders!?}

The Skull Saders messengers from hell that roll through town after dark. Assassins of the air. A crew that has countless hits on their record, of course, the cops are scared of them even the Yakuza stay outta there way. There the strongest deadliest street crew you'll ever see.

Defeated gang member 4: And I happen to be in pretty good with them... Heh Heh...

Defeated gang member 5: Just you wait and see. Ha hahaha ...

They laff eerily as the walk into the distance

Hope you enjoy

007Ghostfoxcreators' thoughts