
In the Multiverse with a Template System...customised for my liking.

I was born a mortal. Weak and helpless. Miserable and dependent. Craving what was beyond the reach of my fingertips. Wallowing in the grip of despair. And then I was offered a chance. With no penalty nor was I delegated a purpose. I accepted the offer and relinquished my bonds. And I was reborn a God. Of Light greater than the stars. Of Darkness deeper than the maw of death. And I carved myself a new name. And gave myself a new face. And wrote myself a new destiny. In which I engraved the words of my creed. "Darkness and Light Chaos and Order Death and Life One by the other And not without each other Balance in the heart Balance in the soul Wise with my view Mighty by my hand Unconquered by my will I shall fall prey to neither But live by my terms And account for myself And choose my own fate Power is a means Content is a goal " And with my newfound gift, and my rightful status, I will transcend the walls between worlds, and claim my place atop All. -------------- Hi I am Luke George...no I am Nekros Darth Maleforius, the Force God of Duality... ____________________________________________ This will be a multiverse story. I will be uploading chapters to different arcs at a time. This story in reality is just a hobby for me. Perhaps one day I'll be able to commit properly to fanfiction. Open a Patreon and a discord and all that. It really depends on how much my college life goes. Don't be confused by the uploads.

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Awkward and Request

When I said the island was small, I clearly didn't know what I was talking about. It was bloody massive! There was whole country behind this magical shield. I managed to get here by sunrise and the air was cool while the sky was white. it was that brief period of the morning where the birds sang the first choir and dew drops would be found on the cobwebs and grass blades. I had conjured my self a small black cloak with a large hood. My entire face was obscured.

I landed on the beach, and looked around. No guards were around, no creature was anywhere to be seen. Taking off into the forest, I followed a muddy dirt trail which I hoped led to the city. I could have flown there but an entrance like that would most definitely have scared them or alerted them and my reception would be even more hostile than it was already going to be.

Turned out the trail led to a small spring with a waterfall behind. The water sparkled like nothing I had ever seen before. Taking a pause to sniff my armpit (that's how guys judge if they need a bath ladies, don't get me started on the weird shit you do) and pulled back as I realised how long it had been since I'd had a bath. Contemplating iny head whether or not I should, I concluded that it was still a bit early and I could afford a quick dip just to get rid of the scent.

Now some are wondering why I can't use my powers to do so, I tell you that sometimes the normal mundane things are what make life enjoyable. I had a perfectly good spring here to wash the stench off, and I was going to use it.

Stripping free from my burdens, I took a moment to admire myself. I was quite fit for my age. My neck was like a tree trunk, my chest was not muscled but had a fine toning to it. My abs were visible and clearly outlined, but I was not old enough nor full of enough testosterone to have a large eight pack other than the small one I had now.

Patience, patience.

I stepped into the spring and submerged into the cool water. Cold as expected but I was quite used to cold baths. This was the 1920s man, you couldn't just get a boiler and hot water at the twist of a tap. You wanted hot water, you boiled it over a fire because there wasn't even an electric kettle. Yeah, life without the usual electronics was difficult but I managed.

I stayed there with my eyes closed before I let myself drift, in the water and in the streams of the Force. My consciousness was rolling around in the waves of the energy field. The field was pure if that makes sense. Meaning there were no Force users here other than me. So it was in perfect balance, and it would remain so as long as I was so due to the fact I was its only herald. I faintly heard a splash near me, before I opened my eyes in confusion, not sure if I heard properly or not. I looked away from the force and stretched my Ki sense outwards. Immediately I was flooded with a Semi divine presence. Before I could upright myself, my head bumped into something soft.

I looked up to see a woman's surprised face looking down at me. I scrambled away from her before turning around and dashing back to solid ground and zipping on my gear, the hood collapsing overy face. I turned again to see the person I was most eager to see in this place.

Wonder Woman, aka Diana Prince was stood there in the water, wearing nothing but a smile! She too shook her head before levitating out of the water before me. Cartoons and comics did not do justice to her, for she was so beautiful it was enough to make a lesser man choke. Plus she was there before me in all her glory, unflinching and unembarrassed about her state. I took notice that she was smooth and hairless as a baby, mounds like pomegranates, curvy like an hourglass, and damn that thicc a-...


Luckily, I was at a physical age where it was a little difficult to get immediately sprung, but I certainly felt the heat. Diana floated over to a robe she'd left by the spring. Slipping it on, she faced me with an even brighter smile.

"Greetings, son of Man. What brings you here to Paradise Island?"

This Wonder Woman had already been out to man's world to fight in one of its bloodiest wars. So she received me with less suspicion and hostility, though I doubt she'd held any towards Steve Trevor anyway. I cleared my throat.

"Greetings daughter of Athena, my name is Lucas George. My friends abbreviate me with Luke. I have come here to request a funeral first and foremost, and secondly, to begin my warrior's path here, if your queen were to kindly oblige me." She quirked an eyebrow at me.

"A funeral you say? May I ask for whom? And you are clearly aware of my people, so why come here despite your knowledge of us?"

"I have come here to request a funeral for my grandmother, Penelope. I understand she was once one of you, but left here to join with a male partner in matrimony, much to the chagrin of your people. Nevertheless, she requested me to bring her body here to be buried with her sisters' as there is no other family to bury her with. I came here to respect her last wishes."

Diana frowned a little, and I caught a glint of sadness in her eyes. I further confirmed it with the Force as I could feel her projecting that emotion into the Force. It still fascinated me how I was able to tell exactly what emotion I was sensing. I could also sense a great intrigue in me.

"Penelope you say? Where is her body then?"

I raised my hands, and the coffin materialised in front of me. Grandma's face was visible through it, and Diana's sadness intensified. She looked up at me and beckoned. I followed her, the coffin floating alongside me. We trekked through the forest for quite a bit, before finally emerging into a town. I continued to follow her.

I was immediately bombarded with stares and a crap ton of different emotions. From the elder generations, I detected an immediate predisposed hatred and aggression. From the younger generation, I felt intense curiosity, as a male was like a mythical creature to them. If it weren't for the fact I was accompanied by their princess who had already escorted a man before me, they no doubt would have attacked me. I could have hakai'd them to the Null Realm but that was not me, not quite yet. Speaking of realms, I had been wondering if I should create my own personal dimension. From my gifted knowledge, I knew I was more than capable, but I just did not have the time or focused attention , so it was a project on hold for now.

We continued in silence for a good half an hour along roads and paths, up great stairs the led to walls and then along those walls. Only a metahuman could walk this long without tiring. Thankfully I was a god but they didn't need to know that yet. My fathomless divine potential was under lock and key for the time being.

We eventually neared the palace, where we met the Queen herself accompanied by four of her guards. The guards immediately were alert and they radiated with hostility. But the queen was different. To begin with, she did not look like her cartoon selves, but the actor who played her in the films. She had a kind yet stern face, and while I did detect distaste and wariness from her, I also detected intrigue although extremely little compared to her daughter's. On another note, Diana was the hottest around here for sure. Amazons were most certainly beautiful but she just took it to another level. No wonder that Themysciran blacksmith had a lesbo crush on her...I couldn't remember her name.

The queen addressed us both in a loud and dignified tone.

"Diana, this is the second time you have brought man upon our sacred soil. I thought you may have learnt your lesson last time."

"I apologize mother, but this young man has come forth with a sacred reason. I couldn't turn him down as it would have been against our customs."

"Then let him state what his reason is." She faced me. " What's your purpose here?"

I levitated the coffin over to her and using lifted the lid. Hippolyta looked into the box and her eyes widened in blatant recognition, before hastily facing back towards me in suspicion. The guards' hands gripped their spears tighter and their feelings became murderous.

"Explain yourself!"

"With all due respect your Majesty" I bowed to her, not a full bow but enough to let her know I recognised her position and authority and that I acknowledged my foreign presence on her soil. The hostile feelings recede a little bit only a tad. " I am the grandson of Penelope here. Here last words to me were to bring her here and request your Majesty that you let her be buried here alongside her fallen comrades. And that I also request to stay here for a short while to begin my warrior's path."

Hippolyta regarded me with a careful eye, and I could see her analyzing me carefully, memorising every detail she could find.

"Drop your hood." she commanded. I complied as she took in my features.

"The hair and eyes are certainly different. But your face is most definitely hers. And I sense no lie from you either." Her eyes glanced back down to my grandmother's body before glancing back to me. Her sight zeroed in on the pendant around my neck, and I sensed a flare of recognition and a sort of expectation. "Diana, take our guest to a room and provide him with food and drink. As for you young man, what is your name?"

"Lucas George ma'am. But if it is any interest to you, Grandmother always addressed me as Luke. It is a name I am more comfortable with."

"Then Sir Luke, I shall be taking this coffin with me. I will most certainly oblige my fallen sister's request, even if she did leave us once upon a time. But her years of loyal service far outweigh those old conflicts. As for your request to stay, I shall deliberate and converse with you later. But before you go, I demand you hand me that pendant for the time being." She most certainly demanded in a time that welcomed no refusal. I was not a fool to deny her and unclasped the pendant before her guard took it from me. I noticed this particular guard was giving me a stink eye, and the feelings I was getting from her was far more venomous than every negative emotion directed at me so far combined. She looked rather familiar too. Red hair and green eyes but I could not put my finger on the familiarity. And she snatched the pendant from me with wrathful vigor too. Now that I thought about it, when the Queen offered me a place to stay, she had bristled and looked ready to protest but the queen's hard glare fell on her freezing her in place. What was her problem?

She placed the pendant in the queen's hand before taking one of the handles on the coffin and the others took care of the other three. Diana placed a hand on my shoulders and led me away. The memory of her angelic image still implanted in my mi-



Three hours later

(General POV)

Queen Hippolyta sat at a desk in her personal chambers, one of her guards positioned at the door. She stared intently at the pendant on the table, which was now revealed to be hollow, with hinges to reveal a space within. Clasped in there was a small note.

Hippolyta grasped it and opened it up. The note was fresh, and had little writing in it, but the language, handwriting and the message itself was enough to answer a question burning in the back of her mind for a long time now.

It was written in ancient Greek, the kind she knew no mortal man of today could possibly understand. And the message was simple.


A polite cough drew her attention to the guard at her door. It was the same one who snatched the pendant from the newcomer.

"If I may be allowed to speak freely and without risk of penance except for the greatest offense, your Majesty."

"Go on." she urged.

" Are you certain you are not letting your feelings for your old squire cloud your judgement your Majesty?"

"Why do you say that Menalippe?" she asked with a very raised brow.

"Your Majesty, we have allowed a male to soil our sacred grounds with his filthy feet. His mere presence taints our integrity and the blessings bestowed upon us by the gods. As per our customs, he should have been turned out of here regardless of his intentions. And yet I sense that you are actually considering letting him stay."

Hippolyta leaned forwards on her arms and stared intently at Menalippe.

"I would have assumed that you would be the most welcoming to him out of all of us. After all, he is your blood Menalippe, being the direct descendant of your older sister after all."

Menalippe lightly gritted her teeth. "With all due respect your Majesty, that creature means nothing and is nothing to me. And Penelope ceased to be anything worthy in my eyes when she chose a MAN over US, us who fought and bled beside her, over ME. She betrayed and abandoned us. I care nothing for whatever hellspawn came after her."

"Oh Penelope. Five thousand years, and you still have not emerged from the shadow of your sister."

The redhead clenched her first tightly.

"I idolized her your Majesty. I wanted nothing more than to be like her, the best warrior after you, the one who had the greatest kill count of the Amazons in the battle to drive the Accursed back to his home world. We did so much for each other, sacrificed so much. And in the end she fell for the disgusting charms of a disgusting man, and threw it all away. And now to make things worse, it had to be a another disgusting man to bring her body back to us. Why must the Fates mock us like this, not bringing back a granddaughter with the corpse but a revolting grandson that does not seem to carry any of the good qualities my mighty sister once had?"

"Fate brought him here for a reason Menalippe. I feel it in my bones. While I take your feelings into consideration, my decision will be final when it's made. You are excused for now. Clearly you're quite emotionally unbalanced at the moment and are in dire need of rest."

Recognizing that she had said all that she would be allowed to say, Menalippe bowed and walked out of the door. In the moment it took for another guard to replace her, Hippolyta muttered something after her though it was unheard.

"I can never understand why she didn't tell you what she told me."


A younger Penelope, blond haired and blue eyed with immeasurable beauty was pushing a rowing boat away from the shores of the place she would no longer call home. A voice sounded out behind her and she turned to see Hippolyta there.

"You can still turn back Penelope. You can still remain with us and abandon him while you are on this beach."

"I cannot Hippolyta. You cannot understand why I must do this."

Her old mistress and teacher walked up and grasped her forearm.

"Then help me understand Penelope. Explain to me what it is that would make you so willing to drop the gifts bestowed upon you by the gods and leave us."

Penelope faced her with the most serious expression she had ever seen on her face.

"You were once a woman in love were you not? Did not the Skyfather himself embrace you with the warmth you find only in a man? In that brief moment, would you have not abandoned everything just to be with him?"

Hippolyta gained a sad look in her eyes but steeled herself and nodded.

"I would have, yes. But I know you too well Penelope. There is more to this than what you are telling me. What is it?"

Penelope turned away from her and leant her palms on the boat.

"I had a vision." Hippolyta's eyes widened. Penelope was the greatest seer on the island, surpassed only by Mala the sorceress, who lived in the mountains. None of her visions were proven wrong.

"In my vision I saw myself holding hands with Gerald. In the distance, we saw Themyscira, lush and beautiful and radiant. But then the skies turned dark, and fire began raining down upon our island. Within minutes the island began crumbling and the stench of inevitable death was so pungent, it choked me.

But just when I thought everything was lost, a light came out of me and Gerald, one so bright it outshone the sun. The darkness receded, and life was restored to the Amazons. And what followed that was the feelings of joy and happiness. I went to Mala with my vision, and she elaborated for me. She told me that if I joined with Gerald, one day a champion would be born from our line and free Themyscira of all it's chains. Our people would at last find peace and prosperity."

"Then why not simply wait here until she appears? Would it not be better if she were to born amongst us, so she may learn our ways."

"Mala told me it would be a boy."

Hippolyta's pleased look dropped at that.

" There are enough men out there with power they do not deserve, bringing misery to all around them. Why must you add to their numbers?"

Penelope whirled around and fixed her with a hard stare.

"Look me in the eyes Hippolyta, and tell me honestly, are the gods any different?"

Both women had a hard staring contest before Hippolyta sighed and shook her head.

"There was more to what Mala told me. She told me that this boy would be a divine being."

Hippolyta gasped.

"A new God?! But that means-"

"...A new pantheon, yes. And the key to our freedom, to release us from the gods' games, to change us from mere pawns on their chessboards into something greater. The first deity of a new pantheon is almost always the mightiest. I know this is something you have desired for a long while now. You do not wish to see Diana being forced into Zeus's games like he does with all his other demi god children. Please Hippolyta, this may be our only chance."

She stood there thinking deeply before releasing a shaky sigh and a nod. Penelope breathed out a relieved 'thank you'.

"How will I be able to ensure that he remains on our side, that he frees us?" Hippolyta questioned.

"There is one way." Penelope said. "Diana."

"What about her?"

"If you could tie him to Diana, get them close then perhaps maybe..."

"We could become in-laws." Hippolyta finished grimly.

"Do you not want a perfect son-in-law for her? Despite our people's personal feelings when it comes to men, you and I have both lived in times where good men were everywhere. Many of our own had husbands and many sons."

"I am not happy that my daughter's chastity will be taken from her. But I do want her to find a good husband..."

"Though you'll never tell her that."

"Though I'll never tell her that."

Both women stared at each other before bursting out in laughter for a good minute. When they calmed down. Hippolyta looked at her Penelope. Before Diana came along, she was the closest thing to a daughter for Hippolyta. For that fact only, she was willing to be determined in heart and soul.

"Very well. Should he come here, and I find him to be of good character and a good match for my daughter, I promise I shall protect him however I can. You'd better make sure that he is the right match. For I am releasing my best warrior from my ranks in the hopes of this POTENTIAL future. Before you go-" she took out a sword "...take this with you, and use it on him. Some good men only came about because they were regularly humbled by their guardians. I wish you all the fortune in the world, and may Destiny keep you."

Penelope took the sword and embraced her. That would be the last time the two women would ever interact as Penelope sailed away into the moonlight, waving behind her before turning around, never to set eyes upon her birthplace eve again.


'Very Well, Luke George. Let us see if my mischievous squire kept her end of the bargain, and see exactly what kind of man you are.'


Once I am done with this arc, it'll be a good eighty years before canon. Should I make this a multiverse story and send Luke to Star Wars when that time comes? Tell me in the comments.