
in the multiverse as a dreamer[Temporary Haitus]

I do not own any of the worlds or characters that are used in this self insert except my oc and I will not be 100% accurate to the worlds or characters. this is a combination of 2 games and a novel that i have enjoyed. Warframe...Starcraft...Costume made demon lord system ...and any world I will visit in the future in this self insert .

DaoistqemBat · Fantasie
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693 Chs

17.Terrans and Hex....

During the cruise towards Erth we got visited by the son of the human named Mengsk Prince Valerian he sent a smaller personal ship that landed on the back of the Leviathan was the armour opened and a crystalline dome was formed above the transport than air was released in it after a bit of time the ship opened its door and from it, Valerian walked out with a spacious suite I welcomed him and he followed me to my room in the body of the Leviathan until we entered it and set down he didn't speak until we were alone he started the conversation with.

Valerian: Before we continue can you at least confirm one of my worries?

Manuel: Shure shoot the king while you're at it.

Valerian: How and when did you speer here there never was any Hex in this timeline, and don't tell me you're just here for those too, don't tell me why do you look like him the character that my previous brother Created, the description works but seriously way did you bring me here too dam it can you not have sent me to something safer like I don't know Minecraft or something ah David way didn't you tell me?

Manuel: First, Valerian is an interesting character second I am not David he died when he lost his love for learning and third you're here only because a stupid entity forth it funny to send you here as such I Manuel Osirus Hex Dremur, the amalgamation of genes and dreams shall give you a deal.

Valerian: So why should I trust you of all things?

Manuel: it is quite simply the linchpin of this world is with Charigan that I presume is gathering her forces after she escaped the testing labs to take her revenge on your new father as such give me a straight road to decimate the hybrids as well as directions and I will stop the Mad God from getting his body while you wait and convince the queen of blade's to spare your civilians and I get to terrorise that dumb God deal?

Valerian: Even if you're different persons you're personally mach way too much to let me refuse this good deal.

Manuel: after she gets her new form and is on course to erth send me a message I want to witness her killing of that insect.

We spoke up ower hands and then he gave me the coordinates to the hybrid project sight, we reached the reserch labs we met a infected terrain named Stukov after he borrowed my Leviathan he asked how am i and way am I here with such a strange yet familiar feeling creature , after i chatted with him i made a proposal if he shows me were the hybrids are i will help with his hand problems after some time he accepted he showed us the right way and there we found those sionic leeches , after which we sent the packs of Hex that have been made uncontrollable with sionic's , intelligent enough to slather ower enemies by looking on sionic individual and ripping them to shreds hundreds at a time to make the extermination easier the Leviathan in the atmosphere didn't stop its movement as it followed the Sionic hounds , the first thing that the Hybrids saw was a tide of razer sharp months hitting them and causing so much pain that they can't respond with they're power's and if they managed somehow they got killed by a giant armor covered hand , at the end wen we forth the minion of The Mad God we crushed him and the hole bioengineering lab by undistinguished Leviathan attacks the hounds wore disposable anyway, we got a message that the queen returned and is heading towards the Terrain home world , we met Charigan on the way we entered a telepathical conversation and made a deal if we can join the attack on her enemy with her forces I get to see her kill the bug ,

after we dealt with the sionic tech made for the swarm yet useless towards my Hex a lighter coating of void energy got my minions immune and as deadly as ever after they got the orders my four Heralds killed all the soldiers along side Kherrigan I got her name during the meeting as such we started dropping on the planet my forces deactivated the planetary defenses by asking my friend on the inside to sabotage some cannon's to make my troops arrive faster as such i destroyed all the planetary defenses near the Palace from were Dehaka and Zagara joined the advance towards it , as karigan walked toward the entrance i joined her she was a bit taken back wen a flufy humanoid goat slathered all the enemies to her goal with ice flames and a big old mace modified with the help of the protos, i walked before her during the stares and as we entered the room with Mengsk he didn't observe me he was too focused on her , at the moment wen he wood have pressed the button to activate the obelisk i hit it with a mace separating his hand and switch after which Kherrigan killed him her lover entered the room , he noticed me and pointed a gun at me that got turned to ice and turning to dust afterwards he gave up and spoke with Kherrigan and they separated after she completed her revenge i took the obelisk and infused it with void energy to activate the device and learning the directions to the void of this would, the protos ,Kherrigan and the Terrain joined forces to eliminate the Old God , but i arrived there first with time to spare i gathered the zelnaga genetic information and merged it with mine the only thing that changed is I have retractable appendages of different types from weapons to useful things like generic hands ,

I entered the void dimension and searched for the prisoned zelnaga that got surprised by the feeling I exuded and got terrified when I eliminated Nerud by devouring his essence and followed to gather his practically killing him if I didn't place his consciousness into a Hex body first to observe and tremble at my skills, I split half of his power and made a crystalline core for Kerrigan to fuse with after they're arrival and subsequent meeting with me and Ouros explained what needed to happen but I gave the energy to Kerrigan after her transaction she looked like an angel of flames but smaller then the original story from that moment I told them my plan and we went to Amon to finish the job,

When he saw me he Raged like a thousand sun's but was easy killed and subsequently split into for me and Kerrigan to grow after which I told her about the linchpin and the things that will happen if it gets destroyed as such she changed to her human form granted eternal life to her cowboy and left the void to live her life as the guardian of her universe, I visited Valerian and offered him a safer world to live if he doesn't want to live in this one he refused and I temporarily became one with the Leviathan and used his claws and tarred a gate to fit all my Hex behind the moon and arrived at my next destination.