
Where is Loki

~Tony pov~

I really appreciate Coulson, he doesn't talk a lot but he really seems to be a nice guy. I really hope that he will survive. Those bloody cards are constantly reminding me of my defeats. Maybe, if we hab been ready, we could have avoid that. We knew that Loki was a snake, and we gently invited him on board. Only the new nice guy was ready and I'm glad that he told us what to do.

Normally I don't like following orders but this time, I didn't mind.

I leave the conference room. Steve followed me, I know that he was not very close to Coulson but he seems truly sad too. We walk in the helicarrier, not talking and just thinking about what we could have done better.

Thor joins us not too long after. We are now in the room where Loki was imprisoned.

We all know that now Loki is unfoundable, and without Banners help, it's next to impossible to find him.

And now we are here, sulking. The silence is heavy and Steve is the first to break it:

"Was he married?"

I answer: "No, there was a cellist, I think."

"I'm sorry"

Thor: "Me too, I hope that he will survive"

Me: "He is an idiot"

Steve: "For what? For believing?"

Me: "No, for taking on Loki alone, the amount of people that can fight a god on this planet can be counted with the fingers of our hands. He should have waited. Even Batman didn't engage and he was right. Natasha wouldn't have engaged Loki neither. So yes he is an idiot. "

Steve:" He did his job, we are soldiers. "

Thor:"Yes he is a warrior. "

Me:"And is it intelligent to send your life away for nothing? He could have died, and should have if Batman wouldn't have been there. Let's stop talking about him for now, we can just pray for him. Thor, what can you tell us about your brother that can help us find him?

" He is very intelligent, cunning, a little bit arrogant, a very skillful magician. Very proud of himself and his achievements."

Steve:"And what are his usual strategies?"

Thor:"Hit where it hurts the most, divide, inspire doubt and distrust in a team. He doesn't fight with honor."

Steve:"Yes and he really hit us hard there, divide and conquer is what he used on us."

Me :"And he is proud, he wants all the eyes of the world on him, he wants everyone to see what he have done, a gigantic monument in the sky with his name on... Son of a bitch. I know where he is."

It's my fucking tower, I will make him leave it as quickly as you say fuck and kick his ass back to Asgard. He really made it personal, first Coulson, now my tower? I repair a bit my armor and I fly there.

I think that Thor and Steve understood my reflexion. They follow me.

Direction: the lab. I take my armor, repair it, and fly to New-York. I will be there in three hours. I also need to inform the others. Let's quicken the pace.

[Didn't have enough place in author thoughts]

I really appreciate all the conscrutive criticism that I received the last few days, I think that it will help a lot for my story. And I'm very happy to hear that a lot of people like the story too. I'm also happy that I don't have any haters, that just want to write hateful comments for the fun. (special message to BlaqueLyte who wrote a novel in the comments, I really appreciate that!!!) Also thanks for the reviews!!! And again sorry if you don't like it but my batman is not the comics batman, maybe he will become stronger after, who knows?

I read your comments, I'm very happy to see people supporting me, and I understand the anger that some people feels. Batman is the source of this hate... And sorry for that. But my batman will be less powerful that in the comics for now. As I said before I only watched films and for me, batman only fights against humans villains and not against gods. And I can't read all the comics so yes he will be less powerful, and more calculative in his fights. Like always, thanks for reading, see you!

pierreleloupcreators' thoughts