
First big developments in this world

Years passed, and I'm now one of the richest man of the world. The trading did go well, my book was a best-seller, and my inventions are the core of a company that rivals Stark industries. This company is specialised in house gadgets and connected home. You can control everything in your house just with your cell-phone. Phones sold by the Ryan Company. The next step is the installation of a rudimentary AI in the phone that will allow voice interaction, a better security, a better speed of processing... Some newspapers say that this company is the future of the world, and it's not false.

Jane, my mom, is now the boss of a team of lawyers that help people who can't have justice by normal way. It doesn't make a lot of money but I don't really need money anymore. Mom is just so happy to help people, it's heartwarming.

I'm nearly eleven and this day is very important for me because I'm in my lab, finishing my most important project, the culmination of technology, biology, secret weapon from differents countries, maybe even alien technology, this is my baby, the exosqueletic armor: its name is Alfred.

The reactor is using vibranium dust. The vibrations are absorbed and very quickly used to form energy, the energy is transformed into electricity for the armor and there is also a battery used to stock all the excess energy. That means that even if the armor encounter no vibrations for more than 17 days, and is constantly firing, moving and doing every actions that are need to fight, it will still work on battery... That test is not very accurate because even if you move a bit there is a little bit of vibrations, the test was done in a special room with no air, just void... But after 17 days some little bit of air passed and the battery was charging that why I can say more than 17 days with just the battery ...

All I can say is that I will not have any problem of low charge. If I move I recharge my energy, if I hit I recharge the batteries, if I fire I recharge the batteries, every single action done is recharging my batteries.

The end of this project means that I'm finally ready to fight against villains, heroes, and all the world if needed. It was a very long project that took many years, we can see the genius mind of Stark here, he built an amazing armor in little time, with very little funds, and even if I think that mine is better, his armor will be one of the most technological advancement in the world.

I just hope that my company didn't change the world too much, and even if I'm sure that I caused a lot of differences between this universe and the comics by building a company of this size, I can only pray for the best.

My next move will be for mutants rights, I will also demolish some labs that experiment on them... I see that a lot more mutants are appearing these days.

I think that everything will start now and I'm ready for everything.