

Itohan shook her head when she

thought about Sarah again today. It

was quite a pity that the man she that

schemed and even fractured her wrist for,

still did not look at her direction as he

kept seeing her as his kid sister.

Everytime Itohan thinks about Jamil,

the only consolation she gets in the end

is by telling herself that Jamil never

truly loved her because if he did, he

would have investigated the matter

before blaming her and he would have

tried everything for them to come back

together instead of going out there and

marrying someone else.

The day that Itohan heard about

Jamil's marriage, she was heartbroken

and almost cried her heart out. It is

true that she still loves Jamil, but not

with the same intensity she loved him

with five years ago.

 She has always been hard on Chris

because she doesn't want Chris to

fall victim like she did. Many ladies

in this industry are sneaky and

scheming. Right now it seems like

the issue with Ima has died down

but Itohan knows better than to

believe that Ima will accept defeat

and hang her head low in shame

without doing anything.

When Doja was done eating, he

looked up and asked Chris "how

did I perform?" Chris smiled and said

you scored one point five out of ten

because you really need to work on

your table manners. You lack table

manners and I should have scored

you zero, but because you are my

boss, I decided to give you one point

five so it doesn't seem like I am being

a hater.

Chris was very pleased with herself

after insulting Doja that she never saw

him coming towards her. He pinned

her to her chair and she looked up, his

mouth came crashing down on hers.

He kissed her until she was out of

breath before letting her go. Chris

jumped out of her chair in anger as

she looked at him, hissed and walked

away. Immediately she got outside

the restaurant, she began to run but

she couldn't run faster than Doja.

Because the moment she got to the

roadside and trying to order a ride

from her phone, Doja caught up with

her. He tried talking her into coming

with him in his car but she refused

and they began to struggle because

he tried forcing her.

Doja leaned closer to her as he

whispered in her ear. Chris if you love

your reputation, you had better come

with me in peace before I kiss you

in public. She looked at him, smiled,

and said everyone already sees

me as the industry's whore but you,

the CEO of Starstruck seen kissing

a brand ambassador of your

company will be a great scandal

don't you agree with me? So, I will

like to see you try out what you

have just threatened to do. She

laughed and said waoh! Doja, you

got the wrong girl on this one.

While Chris was basking in the joy

of her triumph, Doja pulled her

against his body and began kissing

her right there in front of everyone

passing by the road.

Some people began to take pictures

of them while some were making

videos. Most of the people taking

those pictures do not even know

who these people are. They were

only curious to see a couple having

such a romantic display on the

road right there in presence of

passers-by without any restraint.

Despite seeing that people were

taking pictures of them, Doja still

did not stop and Chris had no choice

but to play along. After the kiss

she told Doja to carry her to his car

because she has planned a speech

in her head already for the public.

He carried her into his car without

knowing what she was planning,

and they drove away.

When thoes pictures hit the

internet, many people were amazed

at Chris's ability to stir up scandals

and how manages to put herself in

romantic positions with different men

in such a short period of time. Some

people began to call her a social

climber and saying that their

suspicions have now been

confirmed about her not being

a good person. Some of Jay's fans

came to her page and left horrible

comments for her while some even

threatened to pour acid on her if

they ever see her with their Idol again.

While many people were speculating

different things, Chris made a post

and her Instagram page and on

that post She wrote:

I will like to thank the CEO of

Starstruck who saved my life today.

I have seen many comments about

me today, but none of those leaving

these comments about me could

imagine beyond the assumption

that I am in a romantic relationship

with the CEO of Starstruck. Even if

I want to have a romantic relationship

with multiple men, I guess netizens

should have also imagined that I

am not so stupid as to make them

public. I am a victim here but I still

can't believe that I have been made

a villain. I was endorsed for a

product line by Starstruck a few

days ago. My manager and I were

at the company today to sign my

contract and after the signing, the

CEO invited us for brunch. While we

were having our branch, my manager

received an emergency call and

felt it would be rude of us to leave

the CEO all alone there, so she left

me behind to keep him company.

After having brunch, I came out to

get a taxi and started choking on

my own saliva and just like a

guardian angel, the CEO was beside

me before I knew it. I am glad that

he was there to save my life today

and I owe him a lot for this. For

those of you out there saying

terrible things about me without

knowing who I am or my personality,

I have just one thing to say to you;

keep it up.

That post from Chris sparked up

a new comment war on social

media once again as many people

refuted the claims of choking and

said, that was a passionate kiss

and not what she is claiming it to be.

Within half an hour, a new group

called we "can't be fooled" emerged.

That group was inspired by Najiba's

cousin who is a blogger. She

instigated her friends to create that

group and troll Chris.

 The group called "we can't be fooled"

posted the video of Chris and Doja

leaving Starstruck without her

manager. They made analysis and

told the public the time that Chris's

manager left the company and the

time that Chris and her CEO lover

also left. They played the video in

slow motion for everyone to see

that not even once did Doja take his

mouth off Chris. They also told

people to watch his body language

as that is not the body language of

a person trying to save someone.

The trolling continued and people

kept sharing their views on the matter.

At noon, a bigger wave hit the internet.

An official statement was released

by the CEO of Starstruckck stating

that he has ended his engagement

with the A-list model Ima a few days

ago and Chris was in no way behind

that decision. In that statement he

wrote "I met Chris in a bar two weeks

ago. She did not know who I was

and I did not also know who she was.

Surprisingly, she was there to meet

my dad but I ended up sabotaging

that meeting just so I could get to

know her better. I never told Chris

that I was engaged, neither did she

know that I was going to be the new

CEO of Starstruck. We never really

got close because she never wanted

anything to do with me after

discovering who I was. She is only

a victim in everything that's happening

and I will appreciate it, if people stop

trolling her and ruining her name. I

have every right to go on a date with

whoever I choose to whether I am

single, engaged, or married and I

don't see the big deal in that. I will

also like to use this medium to

announce to the public that Chris

is the new face of the Hygra perfume.

The company decided to set up a

challenge for her potential models

who she considered for an

endorsement without their

knowledge. The company wanted

to see which model will comport

herself and be unbroken even in the

face of adversity because the

product that they are about to

endorse speaks of femininity,

strength, and courage.

And as we all know, with the whole

scandal trending on the internet

today, there is only one model

whose voice we can still hear. And

that person is Chris. You will all

agree with me that her presence has

been all over the internet but the other

models have been silent so far. The

second day after the fight between

Ima and Chris at the shopping

mall, Chris still had the courage to

travel to Abuja and back within two

days. She still had the courage to

and go see a movie at the cinema.

She refused to hide like a coward.

We have chosen her as the brand

ambassador and we will like to hear

from the public whether she truly

deserves it or not.

Underneath the post was a picture

of Chris's flight ticket to and fro Abuja.

After that post, everywhere became

quiet as the whole fire that has been

raging on the internet for a while

finally died down. Many people

came to an agreement that Chris

truly deserves the endorsement.

Even Chris could finally breathe again

after seeing what Doja has done for

her. She was really grateful because

she had no idea how to pull herself

out of the mess she had created by

her post. She finally learned a lesson

that she is not a public relations

manager and she can't just

fabricate her own stories, post

them on the internet and expect

people to believe them. Her contract

states that she will leave for Dubai

in three days and their project there,

is expected to last for a week. She

was very grateful to have gotten out

of this mess in one piece.

Chris has not been having a good

sleep for a while now but after

everything that happened today,

she realised that she became

sleepy which means this whole

issue has actually gotten to her

without her knowing it. She entered

the bathroom to take a shower

because if she takes a bath, she is

very sure that she will go to sleep

while still in the  bathtub and run a

risk of drowning. After taking a

shower, she went straight to bed

and a few minutes after her body

touched the bed, she was off to

dreamland. She woke up from her

nap late in the evening and felt

uneasy, soo she went into the

bathroom to check what was going

on down there and discovered that

her period came early.

 She breathed a sigh of relief as

having her menstrual period has

proven to her that she is not pregnant.

She was very happy and refused to

get angry despite the fact that it

came very early. Since she will leave

for Dubai in three days, it means that

her period will not obstruct how work.

 Ima who has been very angry that

her parents did not push for Doja to

continue his relationship with her,

also saw the post on the internet.

When she first saw how people were

trolling Chris after her lame

explanation, a smile could be seen

on her face after almost a week.

She was happy that others were

doing part of her dirty job for her

by trying to bring down the

homewrecker. While reading

comments on Instagram, she even

went into the kitchen and dished out

some food for herself. Her mother

saw this and was very happy that

her daughter was finally coming out

of depression. She ran in to tell her

husband and he said, "you see, I told

you that she will come around." Her

mother had tears of Joy in her eyes

as it she has felt so much pain seeing

her daughter wallowing in sadness

all these days.

She walked up to Ima and asked

her if there was something special

that she will like to eat. Ima told her

mum that she would like to have her

favourite snacks and her mum

couldn't wait to provide them as she

ran inside and brought them instantly.

She was willing to do anything to see

her daughter happy again. Ima's mood

was great and she even told her mum

that she is ready to go out into the

public again after her ear was

healed up.

 She went back into her room and

opened the curtains to allow sunlight

into the room. Her mum ordered

the maids to go into Ima's room and

change the curtains and the sheets

because for over a week, she has

refused to allow anyone into her

room as she locked the door from


 She kept eating and reading comments

but the unexpected happened after

she saw the official post of the CEO

of Starstruck. She flung her phone

away and screamed then she

started thrashing everywhere and

when the maids ran down to stop her,

she dragged one of them and pushed

her down the stairs before she also

passed out.

Her parents could not understand

what was happening to their daughter

who was happy and fine a few hours

ago. The maid she pushed down the

stairs, fractured her leg and was

taken to the hospital but was

warned never to speak about what

happened to her as a news story

was created that she slipped while

running down the stairs. A doctor

was also called in to check on Ima

and he disclosed to her parents that

she fainted due to a very strong

emotion and advised them to seek

psychiatric help for their daughter.

Her mother cried as she asked

herself where she had gone wrong

in the upbringing of the child and

why her daughter had to be the one

suffering right now. The doctor

advised them to stay away from her

when she wakes up. He told them to

only approach her when they are

sure that she is not violent else

what happened to the maid is just

the beginning if they don't seek help

while there is still time.

As usual, her father blamed her

mother for everything. He looked at

his wife and said why is your

daughter different? Other people's

children are out there doing exploits

but yours is down with a mental

disorder because she refused to be

strong for herself and I know that

he has your mental state because

no child who has mine will break

down this easily. Perhaps, I do not

see what has happened to her that

has not happen to anyone before.