

Sarah visited Samantha's grave and broughta dead viper with her. "It's been a while since I spoke to you Samantha. You and I have not spoken since I defeated you and you crawled into that grave. How has life been without Jamil? Is it usually cold at night? Well, you don't have to worry because very soon another person will join you." Sarah got down and whispered on the grave "the person who will be joining you soon is jamil's previous lover who he is now showing some interest in again. Don't worry, I will send her to keep you company and also help take care of the baby that you were not able to bring into this world." Sarah laughed out loud and hissed as she told herself that if it was possible for her to kill Samantha again, she will do that a thousand times.

Sarah turned around and left the graveside and as she was leaving, she met Samantha's mother who was just coming in. Immediately the woman saw Sarah, her mood got ruined and it showed on her face. "You evil thing! What have you come to do here? I hope that you are not just coming from Samantha's grave because I will call the police on you and get you arrested as you have no business in that place." Sarah laughed and said "have you heard the saying that goes, let the dead bury their dead? I won't argue with you because you are already dead within and we are only waiting for it to manifest. You are fighting for your dead daughter because she can no longer fight for herself and I wonder why you still shout because of something that is worthless. Or do you need me to tell you that Samantha is now worthless to you or anyone? Well, I left a little something there for her which I know that you will like when you see it and I dare you to tell anyone about that. Have a nice day." 

Samantha's mother chased after her and shouted "come back here, what have you done? What did you leave behind on my daughter's grave?" As the woman was chasing after Sarah, she missed her steps and crashed to the ground. Sarah turned around and saw that scene and felt it was very funny. She laughed until she felt that she could not breathe anymore before she stopped laughing. She walked back to where Samantha's mother was laying on the ground and pretended like she wanted to help her but she came closer and said "this is how all my enemies will fall one after the other until they land inside their graves. This fall is just the beginning of many hard things that will happen to you if you don't stop chasing after me." She straightened herself, turned around and began to walk away then paused again and said "I will advise you to remain where you are and not get up because that is exactly where you belong." 

Samantha's mother shouted at her as she was leaving "may you die a thousand death and may your mother never reap anything good from you. I hope that dogs eat you up while you are still alive because that is exactly what you deserve you daughter of the devil." While the woman was shouting and saying terrible words at Sarah, she did not turn around to look at her even for once and only gave her the middle finger as she kept walking away. Samantha's mother pulled herself from the ground and decided to walk to her daughter's grave and see what Sarah has left there. She never expected to see anything good because she knows that Sarah can never leave behind anything good as she and Samantha were never friends while Samantha was alive but Samantha's mother had not expected to see a dead viper which was actually what killed her daughter. She screamed when she saw it because it brought back all the sad memories which she has been trying to put away. She stood there and began to cry as it all came flooding back to her. The pain, the loneliness, and the great sense of loss.

When Samantha's mother was leaving Samantha's gravesite, she told herself that Sarah is really the daughter of the devil and she is very sure that her mother had sex with a demon to have her because no human being will behave the way Sarah does. Every time she remembers Sarah, she curses the day that her friend give birth to that girl and she wonders why her friends have never really seen the true nature of Sarah as they keep supporting her and saying that she is innocent and that she's not evil. She told herself that if she was Sarah's mother, she would have seen the evil inside the girl already.

"Cynthia you know that you gave birth to a demon and you did not bother shielding the rest of us from the harm that she could bring to us. What your daughter has done to me and my family will never be forgotten by me and I don't regret anything that I said to you during Samantha's funeral because if I have my way, I will kill Sarah by myself and not wait for Justice to get her. Cynthia I will never forgive your daughter for what she has done to me. I will never forgive her for ruining my life and ending my family's lineage because she was jealous that my daughter married the man that she has always loved. Sarah for what you have done to Samantha who never offended you, I curse you and I curse the day that you were born into this world. You will die young and die terrible death that will make your mother weep till the day she dies because she did not feel any pity for me after what you did and she kept supporting you. Cynthia you will weep over your daughter and understand the kind of pain that she put me through." 

Samantha's mother kept talking to herself as she was walking away from the graveyard. If anyone had told her that her daughter will end up this way, she would have never believed it because Samantha was too peaceful for something like this to happen to her.

 Jamil called up Sarah to invite her for dinner but she told him that she was not in the country as she has travel to the United States to visit her mother and also to stay away from him and Itohan's lives. "I thought I was an inconvenience and a bother to you and your lover's lives? I can remember the last time we spoke because you told me words that made me cry for more than two days as I kept reminiscing. Jamil you can't push me away with terrible words today and call me tomorrow while expecting me to run into your arms and say well done for making me feel like trash. You said that I always come to complicate your life and I should stay away from your life and go get mine. Jamil I am doing exactly that by trying to get my life in order and stay away from the people who always try to put me down.  

Jamil did not feel bad for saying those words to Sarah and he was not inviting her to dinner because he wanted to. He was only trying to check up on her to see what her evil self is up to because she has been too quiet for a few days. Jamil knows that when you hear silence from Sarah, it is not really silence because she's up to something that will make others to scream in fear and pain. After she ranted about him making her feel bad, he decided to pretend by saying "Sarah, I have already apologized to you about that before and I don't expect you to still hold that against me. I thought you were my sister and sisters do not count their brother's offences. When I said that you should go get a life, I never meant it in a bad way but I guess it came out wrongly. Once again, I am sorry for making you feel like trash but I want to let you know that you one of the most important people in my life. Sarah I have known you and I cannot deny knowing you and not also forget that I promised you when you were a little girl that I will always be your brother. When I told you to go get a life, I was trying to be an elder brother to you because you have not successfully kept any relationship for a year and I thought that speaking to you in such a manner will make you think and change certain attitudes so that you can find someone who will love you and want you to stay with him by all means. Sarah you are a very beautiful and lovable young lady if only you will stop doing a few things that are unpleasant. If I, who call myself your brother cannot point out your mistakes, is it an outsider that will point them out to you? You should know that I talk about your mistakes because I love you and you are also free to do the same with me. You can always tell me the things that you do not like about me so that I can change. You and I have come a long way as brother and sister and I do not want anything to come in between us to the point where you start running off to meet your mother because you feel like I do not want you here. I want you to come back and live your normal life over here and not run away. I don't want you to leave because you are sad and feels lonely, I want you to leave because you feel like leaving or because you've found something more important elsewhere. I want to be able to visit you and I want you and I to see each other and still be able to smile and talk to each other. You are my sister and I love you and I'm also very sorry for the unpleasant words that I have said to you in the past."

Jamil was only talking to Sarah this way and apologizing to her because he wants her to come back where his eyes can be on her every hour of the day. He knows that it is very dangerous to take your eyes off Sarah because within a twinkle of an eye, she will do the evil that you never expected that she can do in twenty years.

Sarah was very happy when she heard the way Jamil was talking to her as she told herself that it seems he has come back to his senses and he wants her back. She told herself that she will lay low this period and not trying to cause any problems between him and his lover thereby deceiving everyone that she has changed for the better. She told herself that she will carry out her plan of Killing Itohan silently the same way she did with Samantha. She smiled to herself as she promised Jamil that she will come back in two weeks because she wants to stay with her mother for a while. Sarah's plans were to come back, apologize to Itohan, and pretend to be cool with everyone as she will stay out of their business and try to be a good girl to Mrs Richards. She hopes to find a young man and go into a relationship with him thereby deceiving him and every other person around, so that all attention can be diverted from her for now.

Lily stood by the side and was looking from her father to Jay and from Jay, back to her father. She was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do because on one hand is her father who has always treated her like she doesn't matter and like she is not a member of the family and on the other hand is her crush who she knows nothing about but was offering her shelter. She wanted to stay with her father because she has always known him and she knows what he is capable of doing. She believes that if she goes ahead with Jay, he will turn her into his sex slave and that is the last thing she wanted. Lily believes in the saying that goes, "Better the Devil You Know than the Angel you don't." She doesn't know what Jay is capable of doing to her but she knows what her father can do and she believes that no matter how her stepmother instigates her father, he can never take her life. But what Jay has just said is making her see things differently because the person who will allow her stepmother to instigate him to turn her into the official made of the house, can also allow her to instigate him into taking her life or she can do it by herself the same way she did it to her mother. Lily began to reason and ask herself that what is the assurance that her stepmother will not kill her just like her mother? 

She was wondering why Jay will want to help her, and came back to her senses when she heard Jay telling her that the time he gave her is about to expire and she is yet to make a decision. Before she could say anything, her stepsisters ran out of their rooms and she was surprised that they have been in this house since she and Jay walked in.

When the two ladies ran into the living room they were shocked to see that they were seeing Jay in flesh and blood and not on the screen as they used to or on stage. They couldn't control themselves as they screamed and ran for who will first get to him and hug him. When Jay saw the two ladies running towards him he waited until they got closer before he shifted away from their path as they doubled on each other to the ground.

Lily's father began to wonder who this young man is. He looked at Jay again and wondered why his two stepdaughters will want to hug this man even as he shifted away and made them fall, their excitement did not dampen as they still came at him and was shouting in excitement. They instantly wanted to take selfies with him but at that moment, Lily pulled on Jay's hand and told her stepsisters to stay away from her boyfriend as she turned to her father and smiled.