
Chapter 11: The Devil's Advocate

Warona woke up to the sound of rain shattering on the windowpane.

She reached for the opposite end of the bed, encountering only void, except for a damp texture on the sheets. She lifted her hand and was immediately filled with terror upon seeing blood on her fingers. She shot up the same time the door burst open to reveal a stern faced Utasha with a blade on his hand.

It was the knife he had taken off of Warona's thigh. Tight in his fist. Before Warona could pick up her breath, her eyes took notice of the crimson liquid wetting the white silk sheets, oozing out of nowhere but her very on abdomen. She let out a loud scream.

Then everything faded into nothing.


A few days prior, Warona could've sworn all she ever wanted to do with the devil's son was kill him, but now she was sitting across from said demi-devil at dawn, sipping coffee.