
In Quest of buildings a kingdom!

[This novel is filled with kingdom building and war type . For those who are interested in this type of plot , this novel is best for you guys. There will be tons of upgrades and improvements , it is not fast growing but slow yet fun. At the starting of the novel there will be some stories and after reaching 7 -8 He will start the Quest of kingdom building .] The Blaze Kingdom "You are not worthy to be the king of the Blaze Kingdom " A beautiful woman looked at him coldly and said with overbearing manner. Aaron couldn't help but say in despair "Aunt ...why ?" The beautiful eyes of the women narrowed and said with indifference "This is the rule of the jungle . Only the strong has the right to rule as for weak like you do not deserve this fortune ". Later Aaron was ruthlessly fell down from the rightful heir of blaze Kingdom . Now he became someone with no status and support. His loyal followers who once said that they will follow him to the end now looked at him with mockery and disdain . The officials and general kept silent while his enemies tried to kill him . Even his future wife broke up the engagement pact which made him a joke in the royal family. With no one supporting him and the constant pursuit of the enemy made him sick of his life . "Alright it's time to end this" He looked below the cliff and ready to end his life but something happened which changed his life . [QUEST TO BUILD A KINGDOM ] Will he strive forward or doomed in the scheme of power struggle ? Only the time will tell !

Depressed_life · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Female Knight !

Aaron didn't know what to do now since all of these people are ignoring him . Luckily a nearby guard announced his name which made the soldiers all come towards his direction with unwillingness.


When all the soldiers gathered in from of him with variety of emotions on their face . Some looked at him coldly , other with mockery , disdain and indifference . But one thing is sure that they all did not wanted to go with him .

They didn't say but their aura and tension atmosphere made him realise that these people were not willing to become his bodyguard and stay with him at the Forsaken land.

A muscular hunk came infront of him and introduced himself


Olive was muscular and tall but he had a three scar mark at his left cheek which made him look like a bandit than a captain.

'That must be claw mark of a panther !"

Aaron nodded his head and said while glancing at the soldiers

"Captain Olive since I'm here you should know my purpose right ?"

Olive paused for a moment and replied with indifference tone.

"I don't know what your excellency is saying"

The guard nearby who heard this said in anger while pointing at the Captain.

"How dare you Olive ! Are you rebelling against the majesty?"

Hearing this the Captian became terrified . He immediately bowed his head and said quickly

"We didn't know that Duke was here on behalf of the Queen ! We ask for forgiveness . "

He was still acting like that he didn't know anything .

The guard was about to berate him but Aaron stopped him.

Aaron looked at the still bowing captain and said softly

"Raise your head captain , You don't need to bow before me "

The captain was caught off guard but still he raised his head and looked at him with complicated eyes.

Aaron said without any emotions

"As per the Queen order , 50 Knights should follow me to protect me in Forsaken land and they should not refuse this order when I choose them to be my bodyguard . If they dont accept it then that is mostly ignoring the majesty order . Do you know the consequences of it ?"

Hearing this the Captian face became pale he didn't want to offend any of these two characters since he was just a small captain but also he didn't want to go with Aaron at that place since it's almost as sending to death.

He had family so his brothers too . He didn't want to make his soldiers to lose their life by going there. That's why they ignored when Aaron came towards them .

If Aaron choose them , they should have to go with him . Or else they will die cruelly from the title as traitor so they didn't know what to do about it.

Aaron immediately understood their thoughts. Honestly he aslo understand their situation and he didn't want to force them so he thought for a while and made a idea .

He calmly looked at the soldiers and said loudly

"I know that the journey is filled with dangers and we will basically stay there for a long time.....maybe eternally . We don't know if we even reach their alive so I'm not going to force you to join me ! If there is someone who brave enough to join for my journey then come forward"

As he said that many soldiers felt relief and ashamed. This was a must do order but he was not forcing them and giving them the choice so their opinion of him changed .

Now all of them looked at him with respect. The Duke Aaron is indeed different from others , he was filled with kindness and generosity but pity we also have families to feed or else we could have joined in his journey without hesitation.

But still no one stepped forward which was awkward. The time slowly flowed but no one said anything or came forward so the atmosphere was silent and filled with tension.

Aaron didn't mind the waiting since he will just leave this kingdom and move towards other regions.

He just said this to make sure that he was very serious about this and no one suspicious of his motive. If some soldiers came forward them it's fine he will escape somehow and if no one came that's good it will very easy for him to escape.

It was already fifteen minutes yet no one came which made him sigh in relief but externally he had lost expression so that no one will guess his true motive.

He pretended to be sad and said

"It's looks like you guys are all busy in your schedule then I won't distrub you guys . "

Hearing this many of them bowed their head in shame and some couldn't help but avoid eye contact with him .

'Finally it's a good opportunity . I should just leave now since it will make him loose his pride of he still asks them'

When he was about to leave a high pitch voice made him stop from leaving


Hearing this the soldiers was shocked and they all turned to look at a particular figure . Even Aaron couldn't help but look at that impressive figure coming towards him slowly.

A tall dark woman wearing knight armour and a lion headed shield in her hand was slowly marching at him. She had pale yellow hair which was quite unusual but her hands which was filled with muscles and strength made many men look down at their own muscles in shame .

When she reached in front of him , she slowly bowed and once again said in loud voice which made his ear slight buzz .


'This woman'

She was taller than him by whole centimetres. And looking at the bulging muscles he couldn't help but taken back from surprise.

'What the hell does she eat everyday?'
