
In Percy Jackson World With 3 Wishes

Achlys a 17 years-old boy was killed in a hurricane as his car ran out of fuel while escaping the hurricane. At the moment of death he heard a mystical voice. "Not again" Waking up he found himself in a white room infront of a bald old man.

Daoist3K1ip1 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Birth! Journey

Opening his eye again, Achlys found himself in a body of a 10 y/o boy in a small wooden house in a the middle of the wood.

[ Ding! System have been bind with host. ]

[ System Novice Packet have arrived! ]

[ 10 Skill Point. ]

Achlys then shouted.


[ Status:

Name: Achlys

Level 1 (0/100)

Energy (10/10) (2E/1Min)

Age: 10


- Shadow Travel Lv.1 + (1 Energy per usage)

- Sword Novice Lv.1 +

Soul Weapon:

- Eludicator ]

"What with the plus System."

[ + Mean that skill is avaliable to Level Up. Each Level Up require 1 Skill Point. By killing monster you can earn Skill point. ]

Achlys then all of his skill point on Sword Novice

[Sword Novice have reach Level 10. Upgrade to Sword Master]

[10 Skill Point per Lv Up]

Achlys tremble at the thought of spending 10 Skill Point in one go.

Just then a knocked in the door moke him up.

3 person appear at the door.

Aclys immediately raised his guard. Eludicator was summon in his hand. Although it was his first time touching the sword he immediately felt familiar as if he had used it a hundred time before.

"I'm Luke and this is Annabeth and Thalia. We mean no harm to you."

Huh Really. Following them should be a good idea though.