

"Bye love," I said as I left the theater, going to Castiel.

Having been gone for two hours, they were antsy when I teleported in with my clothes in a bit of a mess. Before they could speak, I leaned on a wall and sighed, "If you meet him again, tell him you already called me and I'm furious."

"Why," Dean asked.

"What did you do to him," Castiel asked as he tried to fix my clothes.

I pinched his chin, "You want to be told or experience it first hand?"

His warm breath carried a sweet smell to it, making it difficult to hold back. The two humans knew what I was thinking but didnt say anything as they left. Castiel turned his head toward the door, "What do you suppose they are doing?"

I frowned, "Why? Did you want them to join us?"

"Hm," he seemed a tad confused and tilted his head, "Join us for what?"

I lifted him, putting his legs around my waist, "You can't escape now."


"Bye love," I said and caressed his chin, "We can play again some other time."

"Y-yes...," Castiel said and fidgeted with his jacket.

I leaned down and kissed his forehead, "What is it?"

"I cant come with you," he asked quietly.

"You could if you denounce everything and everyone," I said and bit his neck, "That includes killing half the mortals of this world and setting the demons free."

"I cant do that," he said sadly.

"Then wait until I come visit," I said and fixed his shirt, "Take care of yourself and these two. They cant do much without you."


"Hm," I hummed and stretched, "This is interesting..."

"Isnt it just marvelous," a man said next to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didnt notice someone was here," I said.

"Just got here myself," the man said and I could hear him sit down before a door opened and a sweet smell came out.

"Doctor, there is this alarm going off... Oh sorry, am I interrupting," the woman asked a bit bluntly.

"What alarm," the man asked and ran off.

I chuckled faintly, "Ah, to be young..."

"...sir, are you alright," she asked as I swayed slightly.

"Not in the slightest, dear. Not in the slightest," I smiled and fell against the wall, my body burned like it had that fateful day. I made a clone, "Tell me what you see."

"Boss, your tails and kagane are out. Your feet have changed... I believe your war appearance is showing, pre exoskeleton," clone said and moved around me before killing himself.

I huffed, "Shit... Shit, shit, sHiT...! HeH sO iT sTaRtS."

"Doctor!" the woman yelled and fled.

I stood and took a deep breath before making another clone, "HeY, tElL mE tHe HaPpEnInGs."

"Boss, your exoskeleton is growing out slowly," clone said and watched.

'Hey. what's happening?'

-Host has spent a year away and unlocked 10% unsealing-

'Can I look normal?'


"YoU hAvE tO bE kIdDiNg Me! I jUsT wAnTeD tO nOt Be BlInD," I huffed and felt the exoskeleton cover my face.

"Can you explain what's going on?" the man from earlier asked as he slowly approached.

"My apologies sir if we disturbed you and your wives vacation. My master is coming of age and his exoskeleton is growing," my clone bullshitted.

"Oh? I know a bit about coming of age sorts of things. Have one of our own back home but it's more of a naming thing " the man said, "So how old is the birthday boy? Might have a gift for him."

My clone shifted a bit so I nodded slowly and calmly spoke, "Its fine. I know it's a few years late. Dont be embarrassed now."

My clone bowed, "My master is 170,022 years old."

"In human culture, that is," the woman asked confused.

"Ah... about 20," clone said and shifted a bit.

I leaned on the wall and sighed, "At least the first form is done..."

"First form?" another man asked.

"Master...," clone turned toward me.

"I know... How long until we can leave," I asked in a growl.

-13 hours-

"At least 13 hours, sir... Shall I send the team out to find potential...," my clone said knowing my anger in this form was finicky.

"ShUt Up," I growled and took a deep breath.

My clone went silent and someone tried to approach but clone blocked them, "It is best to give others space, mistress."

"Why? Looks like he needs a hug," she said and tried to push him out of the way.

"You cannot help my master. A male, howere...," my clone said.

"DoNt EvEn TrY, yOu KnOw HuMaNs WoUlD dIe," I huffed and clawed at my mask, "ThIs ThInG hUaNtS mE, gEt It OfF."

'Can the mask come off?'

-Yes, but someone else has to break it. Clones are acceptable-

My clone took out a laser pen and started cutting the mask off until my mouth showed and I took a deep breath. Once my mask was off, I panted slightly and felt sick, "I can see outlines slightly now... At least its healing."

"Can I ask," the man spoke, "Why do you hate this form so much?"

I put my hand, or is it claws, up and my clone spoke, "He wishes to show you. He will tap your forehead and show you the reason."

I felt something connect to my finger and showed my first and only time in this form and some context about the people in it. When he disconnected, he became weary of me. I sighed, "Relax, I want to leave here as much as you want me gone. I'm just going to sit here for a few hours before our device is ready to go."

"Any way I can help speed the process up," he asked.

'Is there?'

-...I hate this doctor so I'll allow it. He has to make out with you, while sitting in your lap-

-Tell him it's to infuse time lord energy into your system so you can temporarily use it without taking his regeneration-

I sighed aloud, "Not without a timelord."

"What do you need from a timelord," the man asked.

"To human eyes, it's a makeout session. But we would be switching a bit of regenerative energy using skinship. My people have a certain way to do it without taking the regeneration of the timelord," I said and scratched my head, "Last I heard there was only a small council left or something so it isnt feasible."

"What if I knew a timelord," the man said, "How long does it take to... transfer energy?"

"Two minutes per hour. So 26 minutes," I sighed, "There is another way but it's a little more... well..."

-If you get him to take his entire top off, I'll send you somewhere that time flows faster-

"That bad," the man asked and looked at his friends.

"Who would want to be topless on an exoskeleton covered body," I sighed dejectedly.

"Do you mind if I touch it," another man asked.

"Watch where you touch, certain areas are sensitive," I said.

My clone cleared his throat, "I recommend this spot to be safe."

A hand reached out and gently touched between my abs and ribs. I froze and closed my eyes, "You directed him to that spot, why?"

I could hear my clone grin, "Let's be honest Lucifer, anywhere else is the same as asking for death. One painful, the other... well also painful but pleasurable. That is the only tolerable spot aside from places you still see as the late masters."

The man moved back and looked at his hand, "Why did the tattoo move?"

"It isnt a tattoo," my clone said, "Those are blade pieces."

"What would happen if a timelord does that," the other man asked curious yet nervous.

I spaced for a second and rambled, "The energy flow would link our bodies so whatever they feel, I would as well but the same goes to them. It's like a guidance system that tells how to send the energy and recieve it equally without backlash."

"But how would you react," the woman asked.

"I've been ordered not to do things of that nature. So you dont have to worry about me killing, injuring, maiming, attacking, or initiating anything," I said and brought my claws up, "Break these as well."

My clone did as instructed and broke my claws off, revealing my blood soaked fingers. I sighed, "Now what... hm... The woman is fine to touch as she pleases. I have no regard for them in that manner."

The woman scoffed, disbelieving what I had said but the man confirmed it, "He is telling the truth. He has had a single lover in life and they died long ago."

My clone looked at me and sighed, "Master... you told someone about the late master?"

"Its been 160,000 years... I cant keep it to myself forever... Little steps, my friend, little steps," I whispered and laid on the ground, roughly grabbing my hair, "I lost it back then. That's why you are so afraid of me..."

"Where are you going from here," the man asked.

"Home. We have a war coming and I want to stop it," I said.

The man sighed, "Let's say this timelord was topless... how long would that take to do the energy transfer?"

"13 minutes," I stated, "The more skin the quicker the transfer, but I refuse to take my pants off."

"As do I," he said and I heard his clothes rustle, "I'm a timelord. I'll help. No tongue, got it?"

"Do you one better," I said and sat up before pulling him into my lap, "I wont kiss your lips, but you may feel violated."

"W-what are you planning to do," he said nervously.

I lightly kissed the corner of his lips, then his cheek, trailing kisses to his ear before gently biting it. He flinched and grabbed ahold of my exoskeleton, it turned to dust under his touch as his nails dug into my back, "Dont bite me."

I started trailing kisses down his neck before biting gently and letting the energy exchange. I had bit enough to encompass his artery, his chest pressed to my body, his nails in my back. He disliked the bite being so low, my head kept telling me to move slightly. I licked his neck and moved barely so he was more comfortable.

His hands moved and became entangled into my hair as his body began to heat up slightly. His heart beats began to race, he quietly gasped and pulled my hair. I bit a little harder and let my tail caress and lead him to my own neck. He bit roughly, my body excitedly begged for more and he gave it. His bite drew blood from me as I licked his neck and panted a little, biting him once more before the system alerted me.

-Bite his lip or I wont do it-

I gave him my feeling of wanting to bite his lip gently and he agreed mentally as long as he could bite mine. With the mental agreement, I became bold and leaned back onto the ground. I stopped biting and had slid my hands into his back pockets. He had let go and was panting on my neck before biting my lip gently.

When he let go, I bit just as gently but send my wish for roughness. He bit into my lip and drew blood, making me squeeze his ass a little roughly before sealing his lips with my own. He initiated putting a tongue in my mouth so I went with it and played with his tongue.

-Pin him and continue a little longer-

Mentally I smirked and pulled my tongue back before kissing the other side of his face and neck. Carefully moving so his back was on the ground and he couldnt escape, I pressed on him. His legs around my waist hooked together as I held his hands above his head. I bit his lip once more and he opened his mouth before my tongue invaded his mouth. My dragon twitched, shifting my pants and moving his butt slightly. He flinched and tried to picture it so I mentally showed him and my willingness to continue this.

He was on the fence so I mentally told him I had regenerative drinks that will make sure he doesnt need to regenerate and I'd be gentle. He then remembered the people with him so I told him they would understand. He gave agreement and I mentally commanded, 'Set up a barrier and black everything out.'

'By your command my liege, Disconnecting once more,' clone said and then we were covered in a silent dark area.

I moved my hand and placed a bottle in his hand before pulling back, "I'll warn you when you need to use it."

He nodded and fumbled with his pants. I stopped him and easily pulled them down before kissing down his body. Licking his dragon slightly before I sit up and undid my own pants. His eyes widened as he saw I wasnt exaggerating and perhaps underplayed it. I put lube in my hand and rubbed it on his little spot as I kissed him more.


Pulling my pants back up, I poured another vial in his mouth and forced him to swallow it. I snapped and had him redressed and clean, his mind now back to normal as I stood and took a deep breath, "I dont keep lovers but I do fuck. If you ever feel lonely, I'll come see you."

He nodded slightly, unable to speak. I raised my eyebrow, "Ready?"

He nodded again. I shrugged and snapped, my exoskeleton back on and the barrier down. I glanced at the faint outlines before my clone stepped over and bowed. I cut his head off and let the dust return to me before I spoke, "Just dial 666 on any phone and you can contact me. If I dont answer, I'll call back as soon as I can."

Before they could question anything, I disappeared.