
Tea parties and other eccentricities

While walking to the tea shop, my mind kept thinking of scenes and scenarios to get Ryu to my home. I had decided upon the reason we started actually talking in the first place, food.

"Come have dinner with me," I said as if there was no reason to decline.

"Hmm, you know, I dont think I've ever seen you eat anything before," Ryu commented.

As I watched his butt sway as he walked, I couldnt help thinking of taking a bite.....

"Oh, right, I can make tea infused bread now. How about I bring some for lunch tomorrow?" he asked.

'Did he just offer that nice ass to me? Lunch is typically at the forest or tea shop... He probably has the forest in mind... Remind me to bring some things.'

-Reminder 'Ryu in the forest' has been set for 4am-

"Hello. Welco... Hello Lucifer. Ryu. Same as usual?" a womans voice called out.

"No....," I said quietly, 'I'll have him....'

"Actually can we have two milk teas?" Ryu asked. 'Milk tea?' I thought.

"Oh of course! I heard you werent feeling well Lucifer, so this ones on the house." the woman said with a bright smile.

'Oh, right. The very nice woman who owns the tea shop... I've come here everyday for 20 years... She smells nice today,' I thought, "Thank you Mrs."

"Hehe go have a seat, itll be right out." she smiled brightly and went off.

I sat in my regular spot... funny thing, it's the only empty seat every morning since I started coming here.... 'Maybe I should bring him to my island... or at least give him the teleportation coin so he can come and go as much as he likes...' I looked at the coin, having a tea cup engraved on one side and cat ears on the other.

"Here is your tea," the motherly smelling miracle working tea woman said and set down the cups, mine first....

"Thank you....," I said and checked out her smell, she seems excited...?

"Thank you," Ryu said and smiled.

'If you smile like that I'll...,' I began to derail.

"No problem," she said and went to go clean up.

As a customer came in, I was preparing to give Ryu the coin but something kept stopping me... "Ryu, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. I'll do my best to answer," he perked up a bit.

"I know this may seem odd for you... will you be my best friend?" I asked.. My mind felt like I was betraying Aka most of the time when i was with Ryu, but I've completely accepted that Aka's death was my fault and I'm trying... 'My friend, you will always be my first friend and companion but it's time I allowed another in..'

"Eh? I thought we were..." Ryu said confused. 'I'm sorry..'

"...I dont know... Other than you and dads friends... I dont have any friends... Before we met, I...," I couldnt help bringing it up, so I sighed and put the coin away, 'Forget it..'

"I'll gladly be your best friend," he said and tilted his head.

'Eh? He isnt afraid?' "Its dangerous, ya know?" I asked confused.

"Okay, tell me about it," he smirked and sipped his tea, "Oh this is delicious."

It took me a bit to think about what I was saying. As I explained a bit and when I almost said lover, I said mother... and now... well I swear I heard a sneeze but nobody here sneezed.... "I bet I'm being watched by a governmental agency with civilians recording things...."

After some chatting, I explained relics and played Lost Boy by Ruth B. That's when I noticed Sakazuki enter the tea shop. He ordered three milk teas and sat right next to me, "I heard you playing music from outside. Kind of funny you played that song today of all days."

"Would you rather the one you didnt understand?" I said and chuckled a bit remembering it as if it was yesterday.

"What's today?" Ryu asked intrigued.

Sakazuki and I told him a bit about the day I got here. I went on to play Avalanche and then Drown, both songs from Bring me the Horizon.

My mind was screaming at the end, 'Oh fuck.... I just fucked up... Did I scare him away? Is he going to leave? Where is the closest metal wall so I can hit my head on it... I'm so fucking stupid! Ah! Oh I know! I'll joke it off... I made things worse..'

"I liked it," Ryu said and smiled.

'What?' "What?" I asked skeptically.

Sakazuki lightly nudged me. "Its a good song that sometimes needs a pained person to understand," Ryu said with pain in his eyes.

'I touched a nerve...' I thought.

Sakazuki stood, "Hm. Well I'm going back to work."

"Okay... See you later," I said and mentally sighed, 'Today is not my day.'

"Lucifer, why do you seem so down?" Ryu asked.

"I dont want to go back to work..." I said an excuse.

"I see. How about a bet?" he smiled mischievously.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow intrigued.

"If you can finish the paperwork before, its 3 now, so let's sat 4:30, I'll do any one thing you want, no questions asked." he smirked.

"And if not?" I asked, thinking about the reward, there must be equal punishment.

"Then you have to eat in front of me." he said as if proud.

"...Today is the 11th... Its have to wait until the 15th but okay." I said remembering my eating issues, 'Thankfully I can fully suppress the ghoul side by drinking blood and forcing myself to binge eat... I really dont want anyone seeing that...'

"Eh?" he looked at me oddly.

"Too hard to explain." I waved it off knowing I was going to win anyways. At first I wanted to and now I had to but Meh.

"Okay. Do we have a deal?" he smiled.

'Oh damn that smile, I want to lick it off..,' I grinned, "You doomed yourself but yes."

"Oh yeah? How is that?" he said full of smiles.

"I can just clone myself," I confessed happily.

"Eh?!" he said confused and surprised....

I think he echoed... no, it's not an echo, "Shhhh were being listened to..."

We talking a bit more and I told him about the sexy jutsu I used on Sengoku way back then. On our way back to the office, I was purring.

'A bath! No no no, wait... a nap! No... Cuddling? That's apart of a nap... Hmm... a nap in the bath, genius!' as I thought that he initiated a conversation. I watched his butt sway and move while we talked. When we got to the office, I smelled something foul in my space.

We entered the office and I found an angry Kuzan leaning on my desk. I passed Ryu and got in Kuzans face, "Dont touch my things."

Kuzan angrily said, "Quit acting like a child."

I was so enraged, I growled and got a bit closer. Kuzan tried to freeze me, Sengoku grabbed Ryus shirt and pulled him to a corner. I bit into Kuzans neck, making him bleed. The blood tastes good, better now that it's getting closer to monthly dinner...

He grabbed my tails and tried to pull me off but I'm not having it, 'DONT TOUCH ME!' I bit harder and he surrendered.

Letting go, I gave him a vial of regen so he wont bleed to death. I bit him again so he would remember to not touch my things. That's when I noticed Ryu was moved....

I circled Sengoku, trying to figure out if he had other contact with Ryu besides moving him... No he didnt.. I circled Ryu to ensure only his shirt was touched... Good.... "Shadow clone... Do the paperwork and well have the D.T.P. layer."

My clones angrily did ALL paperwork in the office as I picked up Ryu and leaned back in my chair. As I was kneading Ryu's wonderous ass, I realized I was a bit excited from the taste of blood. The paperwork was finished, so Kuzan turned to leave before Sakazuki came in and got in his face. "I fucking told you to leave him alone."

"I'm not doing this," Kuzan snapped.

I killed my clones as Sakazuki looked at me in anger. I froze up, about to speak but he was already growling at me, "God damn it Lucifer, you know better than this!"

'Do you think I'm a child?' Thinking that I became angry, so angry I wanted to kill. I pulled out a blanket and put it over Ryu before setting him in my chair with the lightsaber. Pouncing at Sakazuki, ready to bite him, I was instead caught.

My chest to the wall, tails in his hands, and throat in his other hand, he growled in my ear, "Your clones could have killed everyone in the office."

I calmed and nodded before whispering, "Clones are sealed."

"Good," he said. His hot breath in my ear was making me excited, but I suppressed it the best I could. He soon let me go saying, "Since your done for now, go through the secret papers as well or organize things. Just stay busy."

Sakazuki went to talk to Sengoku and Kuzan so I captured Ryu and spoke in his ear, "I know what I want. You've never seen my room so come see it."

Ryu blushed a bit and nodded, 'Damn, so cute.'

"I cant wait," I smiled and glanced at his butt, 'Mm damn.'

"We're going out..." I said to the group.

As we walked to the house, I asked him again, ensuring he isnt doing anything against his will. As he assured me he really wanted to and we chatted, I ended up telling him 1/10th of my assets. Soon we entered the building.