
Overprotective bear

"Ahem!" Garp coughed angrily.

"What?" I asked with a smile.

"Dont 'what' me. What the hell are you doing?!" Garp yelled.

"What am I doing? What are you doing?! Fuck!" I yelled back and sighed, "Where can I lay down at?"

"In the ocean for all I care! Little heathen!" Garp said furiously.

"....Since you dont want me here then why am I here?" I said and stared him down.

"Who said I didnt?! I already told you why!" Garp yelled.

"Fine. Where can I sleep at?" I asked again.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, you're in my room. Before you go, you need to be punished! Come here!" Garp quickly grabbed me and bent me over his knee. I had flinched in pain when he grabbed me and was near crying when he threw me over his knee.

The first time I've been spanked in both lives... I was crying my eyes out before it even happened and was pale by the end of it. Garp stood me up and told me to go to the room, but I couldnt move. Aka managed to catch me just before I fell onto the ground. Seeing this, Garp picked me up and brought me to the bathroom before stripping me and looking at me horrified.

"Did he..? Akainu did this...To you? Were you.. I mean.. Did he.. Did you..?" Garp didnt know what to ask and just rambled like that for a while until I cut him off.

"Garp, he and I went to far. I didnt speak up so he didnt know. Dont blame him." I said quietly, still pale.

"Dont blame him? DONT BLAME HIM?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Look at yourself! You cant even move can you?" Garp yelled furiously.

"I'm fine. Just some R and R and I'll be just fine tomorrow." I said.

"Ken, you're coming with me. The war is scheduled for two weeks from now. Enough time for me to beat them both into line but that means you'll be there for the war." Garp said angrily at first but watched for my reaction.

"What's it got to do with me?" I asked.

"....Fine. Two of Luffy's friends want to meet you, I'll leave you in their care while we're on the boat. Where are your pajamas?" Garp said.

"Noooooo The robe! The tea scented robe!" I cried and threw a fit like a kid with a smile on my face, "Pfft. I'm sorry, my pajamas are a bit eccentric so my robe would be better."

"I said PAJAMAS, so hand them over!" Garp yelled.

"Yes~" I handed him my boxers and cat pajamas and smiled.

"You damn eccentric brat. What next? Scarf? Gloves?" He asked jokingly.

"I didnt think you would accept it so I didnt bring them out, but here. Capture scarf and a lighter gloves." I smiled.

"....Put them up." Garp said tiredly as he dried me off and put my pajamas on me.

"....I'm 18 now... My birthday was yesterday. Please let me have a single earl grey cigarette." I said seriously.

"Boy, if you have tea cigarettes, I'll let you wear whatever you want with your pajamas for today," Garp said and smiled.

"YOU PROMISED!" I yelled and pulled a tea cigarette out, "Everything but the filter is tea leaves. I want to wear my gloves, scarf and head band!"

"....Remember what happened last time you used the gloves? Why not let me light it?" Aka said from the side.

"But Akaaaaaa, you took off half my eyebrows when you did it.." I lamented.

"Fine. Wear them, if you burn my bed, I'll spank you again... Heres an ash tray." Garp hand me an ash tray and left the room.

"I'll use the gloves for a whole second, dont worry. I'm also not planning to wear the scarf either. I just like to drive him crazy. Please help me put this hood on though." I said to Aka with a smile.

"I knew it! Bahahaha! Are you ready to meet luffy's friends though," Aka asked.

"....I wont exactly agree but I'm not disagreeing. How about a bite for breakfast?" I asked Aka as he straightened my cat eared hood. Once he finished, I put the headband on to hold my hood in place.

"I'm starving... I'll go tell Garp, wait here," Aka said and left quickly.

"Seriously? Do you think I'm going to get up? Whatever, I'll have tea and a smoke while I wait," I said as I pulled a tea cup and another cigarette out. I lit it carefully and sipped on my tea for a whole two seconds before someone knocked.

"Come in..." I said and exhaled smoke.

The door opened and two teenage kids came into the room, "Hi, I'm Coby, this is Helmeppo. Garp asked us to... Why are you smoking?!" the pink haired one yelled.

"Its tea leaves..." I said dodging his grabby hands, "Wow, your pretty fast...."

"I cant evem catch you, how is that fast?" Coby asked with a stupid look on his face.

"....So you know Luffy." I stated to change the subject.

"Yeah you see, ....." Coby started explained and I tuned out. I finished my tea and cigarette, about to start yelling, Aka arrived.

"Breakfast! Except.... um... Garp said he will feed you to make sure you dont make your... injuries... worse.." Aka said quietly.

".....that fucking.... Aka, do you think he's a bear?" I said and looked at him seriously.

"Yes and No. Are you thinking..." Aka said.

"No! Dirty cat, take a bath..." I said angrily and flinched when someone sat on the bed. I looked over and found the blond kid sitting on the edge.

The two were talking quietly but stopped talking when I glared at the boy who sat down. "W-what," the boy stuttered and looked confused.

"If your going to sit, at least do it gently. I have severe internal injuries and a few external. I suggest being more careful...." I spoke but was interrupted.

"Ken, You better not be messing about!" Garp yelled as he threw the door open.

"I'm about to beat the snot out of the next person who hits this bed," I said with tears in my eyes before glaring at the pink hair boy who was laying on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry!" he tried to stand but hit the bed again.

I flinched from the pain and hissed, "I cant take it anymore!"

"Hey Ken, do you have any more of those cupcakes from yesterday?" Aka asked quickly.

I calmed down at the mention of tea cakes, "I do. Would you like one after breakfast?"

"...." nobody spoke but Aka nodded.

"What kind are they?" Garp asked suspiciously.

"Fufufu like you need to ask. It's obvious isnt it," I looked at Garp waiting for him to answer. As I waited, I realised he had no idea about the greatness of earl grey..

"Psst, quickly say tea and how much you love it." Aka said to the three.

"...Er its tea right? That's the best in the world..." blond kid said confused.

"Definatly, I love tea." the pink hair kid added.

"Earl grey is a delicacy unless your around Ken." Garp said with a sigh.

"Oh god, my heart almost gave out when I thought you didnt know about earl grey. Woo that was close.. Here, I made them yesterday. Earl grey cupcakes with earl grey buttercream frosting." I smiled and handed them cupcakes.

"....What are you eating Ken?" the blond boy asked quietly.

"Earl grey crackers or bread. I haven't decided yet so I'll have a biscuit first." I said and ate a bite of a biscuit.

"Is this how I sound about luffy?" the pink haired kid asked dazed.

"Yes. The trick is to accept it. Everything I have has something to do with earl grey and I love it. I nearly chose it over romance." I confessed with a smile.

"Nearly? What happened?" he asked.

"The tiger showed his stomach instead of his claws," I smiled and lightly ruined my hips, "Sadly claws arent the only weapons a tiger has."

Garp facepalmed at my analogy but said nothing. Once I ate a bit of food, I went back to sleep and woke up to Garp sitting on the bed, facing away from me.

"You were better off with Aokiji than Akainu..." Garp sighed.

"But I want both...." I said quietly with a hoarse voice.

"You cant have both. They would kill each other. Or you would simply be worse than you are right now," Garp said and looked at his hands, "Do you think you could deal with that?"

"....." I couldnt say anything because I knew he was right. I couldnt handle both, let alone one, physically or mentally.

"You are simply too young... After the war, I think you should stay onboard my ship..." Garp said.

"I need to figure it out... I'll disguise myself during the war so I can get rid of the truely evil people. What are you going to do though?" I asked him.

"I cant side between my grandsons. I want him to live but what can I do about it?" he said sadly.

"I didnt ask you to. It isnt my place to tell you what to do, but blood is supposed to be thicker than water," I yawned and tried to get up, flinching in pain, "Besides what's family for if not eachother?"

"Lay back down Ken, your going to make it worse," Garp said with a sigh.

"I need to get up. I cant stay still all day and night. If I dont move around, I wont get better," I said and dropped my feet over the edge of the bed. I slowly and shakily stood up and inched my way to the bathroom. After relieving myself, I stood by the window and looked at the sky. I brought out a cigarette and lit it, blowing the smoke out the window.

"Its odd seeing you smoke..." Garp said with a faint laugh.

"I bet, I mean I look like a 16 year old." I mused.

"And the pajamas dont help at all," Garp said with a grin.

"Yeah I know..." I laughed a little and finished my cigarette, "How far are we from HQ?"

"We will be there in 3 more days. Why?" he asked.

"I have 3 days to heal then stick to the shadows so neither see me." I said with a sigh.

"No. If you're going to get off this ship, then you will be in public. Dont argue with me," he said.

"Fine. Fine. I'll protect the ship without anyone seeing me. How bout it," I asked.

"....Your going to stay on the ship the entire time we are at HQ? Yeah right!" Garp said and shook him head, "Just heal for now."


Garp slept on one side of the pillow wall made on the bed, Aka and I on the other. When I was about to fall asleep again, I realized a problem.

'System, why isnt regeneration working?' I thought.


-Damage caused to host internally is being healed first. As requested, points are not being used in exchange. Expected heal time for internal injuries is 8 days. External injuries will heal in 2 weeks-

'How bad was the damage?!' I was mentally freaking out.


-If host didnt have regeneration or immortality, host would be dead. Pain receptors have been turned off until fully healed-

'Oh my god... What about the first time?'


-Internal injuries were more severe. No preexisting external injury-

'I really almost died...' I stared at the ceiling. 'The overprotective momma bear was right... My body cant handle this... System, put me into deep sleep until were close to HQ.'


-Inducing deep sleep-


When I opened my eyes, the room was empty and my body felt like it was on fire. I made my way to find Garp, stumbling over my feet until I reached the door. As I pulled it open, I found the two boys cleaning the hallway. I tried to speak but no sound came out. Silently I stumbled to them and fell over onto the blond.

"Coby, go tell Garp hes awake," the blond said with panic as he caught me, "Hey, are you okay?"

Once again no sound came out as I tried to speak. I felt sick and hot so I pushed off of the boy and went to the end of the hallway, leaning over the edge and threw up. A weird squishy lump covered in old blood came out when I threw up.

'System what's going on?'


-Part of hosts stomach was damaged beyond repair. New stomach created around damaged one. Expelling the damaged organ-

I threw up again and felt better, the marines seeing what was happening were scared stiff. Aka had heard my mental conversation with the system and was watching over me while sitting next to me.

Garp had seen what I threw up and gave me a bucket before bringing me back to the room. Each time I stopped throwing up, he would take one of my limbs out of the soaked pajamas. Once in my boxers, my body cooled slightly and I was able to get the last bit of dead organ out of my stomach. I let out a sigh, "So gross..."

"How are you alive?! You just threw up your stomach, literally, and your sighing now?" Garp said with panic in his eyes.

"My stomach was damaged too badly so my body created a new one and expelled the damaged one. It happens. My body recreates anything I've lost, including organs. My pain receptors also get shut off when I'm that hurt," I said with a shrug.

"I want you to repeat that into this microphone..." Garp said and handed over a recording device.

"...Why?" I asked.

"So they know the pain they put you through and what you go through without them around." Garp said seriously.

"Okay. How about leaving it be for now? Can I deal with it the way I want to or are you going to meddle in everything?" I asked him.

"Fine, how long until your really healed?" Garp asked with a knowing look.

"~cough~ 5 more days for internal damage and close to two weeks for external..." I said quietly. Garp dazed off for a second before becoming furious. He stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"Hes going to kill them, you know that right," Aka asked me.

"No he wont. Just beat the life out of them. I kind of want to as well but I need to save my energy for healing... I'm going to take a bath," I said and slowly went to the bathroom.

A medical bath bomb was added to the water as the tub filled. The mystery ball had black woven braclets, which I put to the side. I couldnt scrub myself very well so I got a loofah on a stick(5p) to do the work. Once done scrubbing, I rinsed off and got into the bath to soak.

"Ken, are you in the bath?" a voice asked.

"Yes." I stated and lit a cigarette.

"Can I come in?" the voice asked.

"Why?" I asked and took a puff.

"I was asked to keep my eyes on you no matter what happened," the voice said before opening the door.

"Pick a better lie, you just wanted to talk. Garp wouldnt have stopped just now to ask you that when hes that angry. So what's up lieutenant?" I asked the man.

"Honestly, I saw you throw up what looked like an organ of some kind. I heard you had severe injuries but Garp wont say anything else." he said with a sigh.

"I fought a tiger and barely survived.." I said and looked away with a slight blush.

"What island was that? We should warn people before someone else..." he said but stopped talking as he seemed to realize, "...Wrong kind of tiger, huh?"

"Y-yeah... Wrong kind of tiger...," I said embarrassed.

"So this fight... how did it lead up to that?" he asked.

"....a house cat tried to run with the big cats and simply couldnt compete." I said quietly.

"Your kidding right?" he asked.

"No. I'm not kidding... Do you have a light?" I asked and pulled out another cigarette.

"...Sure.." he lit the cigarette and shook his head. Not long later, three people entered the room and I sent the lieutenant out.

I slowly smoked my cigarette and sipped tea. Waiting for something to happen. I knew they would fight but the room was silent since the lieutenant explained he was keeping an eye on me. I sighed in the silence and finished my cigarette before getting out and drying off with my special towel. 'Use outfit ticket to get a new pair of cat pajamas.'


-Gained black cat onesie pajamas-

I put them on and exited the bathroom which turned all three pairs of eyes onto me. Slowly going to the table, I sat down and brought out a cup of tea and handful of biscuits. As I sipped on the tea, my stomach started hurting.


-Host is asked to not eat or drink for five more days. Hosts organs have been shredded. As a new one is created, the old will be expelled. Please prepare-

I stopped and left the tea and biscuits on the table before going to the bathroom. Garp followed me and kept glaring ar the two. The two sat there and glared at each other for a while. I shook my head and threw up my organs for a while. When I stopped, I was out of energy and couldnt move from where I was.

"How about a bucket next to the bath?" Garp suggested to me.

"For five days?" I whispered.

"What?" Garp asked.

"Can someone explain to me what's going on again? You said he was injured not sick." Aokiji said.

"....Kid, you tell them or I will." Garp said.

"Tell us what?" Akainu said angrily.

"Give me a bit you...-blegh-" I said and threw up, "Damn. My regeneration is too slow...-blegh-"

"Wait... He's regenerating? Regenerating what?" Akainu said less angrily as he stared at Garp.

"My organs..." I whispered, my stomach calmed down and now empty, "Currently, I'm regenerating my organs that were completly destroyed before going on to repair the rest."

"What the hell happened to you?!" Aokiji looked at me shocked.

"This is the second time I've had to do this. The first time wasnt as severe but it still was a lot to deal with," I said and rinsed my mouth out.

"Said it outright, brat," Garp said and knocked on my head.

"I'm just a house cat trying to play with big cats..." I mumbled.

"....So its Aokiji that you were with before.." Akainu said and glared at Aokiji.

"...How bad are your injuries?" Aokiji said.

"In five days my internal injuries will have healed. Itll take a week after that to heal my external injuries. Until then, my pain receptors are off. If I wasnt immortal and didnt have regeneration, I would have died both times..." I said and closed my eyes.

"....I'm sorry...." Akainu said and turned to walk away.

"Stop that. It was my decision to do it, so I'm taking responsibility for myself. This overprotective bear forced me to tell you today instead of waiting until I was better so he can scare you both off. Besides, each time I regenerate, I come back stronger hehe," I said and smiled toward Aokiji and Akainu.

"I want to see how bad the external injuries are," Aokiji said then glared at Akainu again.

"They were made worse when I fell out of the bed and again in the hall...," I said looking away, trying to avoid showing it.

Garp frowned and pulled my pajamas off of me, "Little brat, show him. They need to know that this is too far."

Garp put my back, ass and legs on display. My thighs and ass black and purple, my lower back had purple spots on it. Aokiji looked horrified while Akainu looked down in guilt. I spoke up, "Its just some bruises. No big deal."

"No big deal? Let's continue your punishment then, shall we?" Garp asked with a smile.

"I'm 18. Why are you set on punishing me? I didnt do anything wrong," I stated.

"You're hurting your own body in order to be with people double your own size. That's flat out wrong and idiotic. Are you two going to keep letting him do this?" Garp yelled at me then Aokiji and Akainu.