
Over did it

"Alright... shhh... You are Tony Stark. You are Steve Rogers. You are Clark Kent. You are Bruce Wayne. You are Bruce Banner. You are Barry Allen. You are George Washington. You are Oliver Queen. You are Wade Winston Wilson. And you are John 117... come into my lap and sleep..... You... My handicapped little boy, I'll name you... James Bucky Barns... Cant have America without Winter...." I said to the little cats with odd markings like super hero symbols.

As the little kittens curled up in my lap, the others sulked but laid on the others laps. I sighed sadly, "All the others can sleep here as well. I'm just taking the named ones when it's time to go."

Some cats meowed and climbed on my shoulders and head, on Ryu's lap, the others shoulders and heads, whatever they could to sleep closer to me. I purred quietly and let them sleep. I dont know how long passed but Ryu woke up first and barely moved before a cat softly meowed and moved so Ryu could see me better. I chuckled a bit, "Morning sunshine."

He chuckled, "Who are your friends?"

"Well the ones in your lap are Tony Stark, Clark Kent, Steve Rogers, Bruce Wayne, Bruce Banner, Barry Allen, George Washington, Oliver Queen, Wade Winston Wilson, John 117, and James Bucky Barns..... And this one is Peter Parker..... and this is Nick Fury.... and Steven Strange....." I said and pointed them out, adding more...

"Lucifer, I was asking about the sleeping people," Ryu said with a smile, "But I'm glad you have some friends here."

"Oh... Garp and some newbies of his," I sighed.

"Ha?! Where did all these cats come from?!" Garp yelled waking everyone up.

"Sir, Those are Lucifers followers. Be gentle with them," Ryu commented.

I nodded, "All right. Naps over. The rest of you.... You are Ab lincoln the vampire slayer... And you are Van Helsing... And Matt Murdock....Silver Surfer....Clint Barton.....Go away the rest of you."

The cats scattered except the ones I named.... I smiled, "Come here babies."

"Did we just adopt kids?" Ryu asked and the trio jumped to look at who spoke.

Garp pointed, "Its you!"

The other two paled.... Blond told the pink hair, "I thought from the figure, he was a woman..."

I ignored them all as I looked at Ryu pitifully, "The poor babies..."

Ryu sighed, "Where are you keeping them? Who will take care of them? Feed them, clean up after them, play with them?"

".....I ....Wait!" I was going to respond before I closed my eyes and spoke quietly, "Search translator pills.... duplicate... Search brain enhancements.... duplicate... Search custom character creation kits for named.... yes... That's what I like to see..."

I opened my eyes and grinned, "This is going to be great."

My grin scared every body.... I gave each little kitten brain enhancements. They can, for some reason, stand on two legs and speak. I showed them the characters they were named after and all became excited. I was able to give them low powered versions of their weapons, "I'll send you home, except you Bucky. The rest of you practice your weapons and read all you want. Fury, Give this to anyone you meet. Behave and clean up after yourselves."

"Yes daddy!" they all called.

I sent them off and looked at Bucky, "Do you want a new leg or a robotic one like winter soldier?"

"WINTER SOLDIER!" he said excitedly.

I smiled, "Of course. Alright, deep breath of this medicine so you can sleep."

After it was knocked out, I had to surgically add the pieces to put the robotic leg on him. I made it painless and used a regen potion on him. It healed and the system promised it wouldnt hurt him. When I was done, I woke him up, "Get used to it by walking slowly. If anything hurts, you tell me right away. Now I have to work, so try to get used to it."

He hugged me, "Thank you daddy."

And off I sent him. I looked at the others and smiled, "I have a feline army!"

Ryu shook his head. Garp laughed. The two kids were shocked. I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

Ryu patted my chest before hugging me, "Let's not have more kids for a while. Okay?"

"But... arent they cute?" I asked and looked at him expectantly.

"No more. We have all the cuteness we can handle right now," Ryu said seriously.

I nodded a bit, "Yes dear...."

Garp finally caught up mentally, "What is Ryu doing here?!"

Ryu looked at him like he was dumb... I looked at the trio and stated, "He is my precious person. Why do you think I got so many cats? Someone has to keep him safe when I'm away."

"Are you seriously going to train cats to protect me?" Ryu said with a scary smile.

"Not yet. I havent trained them, enhanced them, or even outfitted them yet," I said seriously.

"No," he stated.

"Eh? But...," I started to speak.

"No buts. Train them? Fine. Enhance them? Fine. Outfit them? Modern day things only. Send them to watch me? No," he stated.

I looked down at him, "If you dont accept one, I'll send five."

"Lucifer, dont make me tell your father about this," Ryu said angrily.

"Garp already is, besides, he will agree it's better than me hovering over you all the time or sending clones to watch over you....," I grumbled.

Ryu sighed, "Only one... Do not go overboard! And you better raise them properly!"

I smiled and kissed him softly, "You wont regret this!"

The trio were shocked again. No, I wasnt done yet. I lifted Ryu up until my arms, holding his butt, "I also got us some butlers and a maid."

"Oh lord...," Ryu sighed, "Who?"

"Cp9 will be hunted down for failing. They now work for us. The leader ate a feline devil fruit and I whooped his ass now I'm his boss and hes a scaredy cat. His little friends are also scared of me," I smiled.

"Sigh.... I knew you had something to do with their disappearance.. Promise me you will not outfit them," Ryu sighed and hugged my neck.

"I promise I wont outfit them. I gave them clothes I bought here," I told him.

Garo cleared his throat, "What the hell is going on?"

"I made a feline army, turned cp9 into my butlers and maids, and now I'm spending time with my precious person before I go to help fix the town," I told him as if it was obvious.

Garp nodded slightly, "Right... That's all...."

"Oh yeah, Do you want to meet that chef? He was pretty funny but I guess he sort of called it.... hold on," I smiled before looking into Ryu's eyes, "Did WE adopt KIDS?"

Ryu seemed flustered, "Uh.. yes?"

I went wide eyed, "I have... a husband... and kids...."

"Lucifer? Are you okay?" Ryu asked calmly.

"Y-yeah...," I said and smiled, "I'm great, love."

He chuckled, "Well technically, I have a husband. You're the pants in this relationship so I'm the wife..."

I smirked, "No. Not wife. You're my precious."

He nodded and we kissed again before I set him down, purring and smiling, "Now I'm going to show off my precious to the people I've met. See you guys later."


As we really just walked around, Ryu told me about the situation at work. A possible war might happen at HQ in a month. I sighed, fate really wants this war.

When we were passing an area, we heard a group of loud people working on a ship. Investigating, I found purple suit and half robot guy, rope guy, and some guys in black. I waved, "Yo."

"Ah, its Lucifer. What are you doing here?" purple suit asked.

Robot man became alarmed, "Its you! You gave me the keys!"

I grinned, "We came to investigate and maybe help."

"Have you made a ship before?" robot guy asked.

"Yes." I stated, not bothering explaining.

They looked at Ryu, "Nope but I can help him."

I smiled, "Sleep on my back, wear these to protect your eyes... and this for your mouth... hm..."

I nodded after forcing him to wear a face mask and goggles. I took off my suit jacket and shirt, Ryu sat in a chair, "Its my duty to help you, not be in your way."

I eyed him, "No. You need rest above all else. Here, sleep."

Handing over a blanket and pillow, he leaned back with a loving smile, "Be careful."

I nodded and smiled, going off to help. As we worked through the night, I would occasionally go see Ryu for a tea break. When everyone was asleep but Franky and I, he asked. "Why is a marine helping a criminal make a ship for a pirate?"

"Luffy is my friends grandson. Family is family even if they decide to wave a different flag," I said and glanced at Ryu, "I've already lost family because of idiocy. I dont want it happening to others."

He grunted a bit before quietly saying, "Thanks.. I wish you werent a marine. We could have been friends."

"We are friends, dumbass. Stop using titles and see me for me," I hissed.

"You just hissed at me?!" he seemed surprised.

"Hey, luc, come have tea," Ryu called.

Impeccable timing..., "Yes love, one moment," I called back calmer, "Look, I see a pretty cool dude who makes damn good ships and has a pep in his step. I'm just a jack of all trades guy with an extream spot for his precious person."

I walked away, letting him think. Knowing that Ryu didnt like other people watching us being cuddly, I waited until it was dark, like it is now. When I made my way to Ryu, I cleaned my hands and dusted my pants before picking him up out of the chair, "My love, you look very handsome in this lighting."

Ryu chuckled and wrapped his arms around my neck, "Such a smooth talker tonight, what are you trying to pull?"

"Just hoping I can talk you into a little moonlit dinner and a swim. How about it?" I asked with a smile.

"Carry me!" he said with a chuckle.

"Request granted, love," I smiled, carrying him away from any prying eyes. I placed a hammock chair between two trees and laid him on it. Pouring two glasses of red wine, I smiled toward him and handed one to him, "Here."

He took the glass and smiled, "I'm so happy that we can do this."

"To a wonderful night together," I said and clinked our glasses.

He sipped his wine and leaned against my arm, "So peaceful..."

I hummed in agreement, wrapping his free hand in mine. We silently sipped our wine and watched the moon rise higher into the sky. When we finished the wine, he stood up and started undressing. I grinned and watched him strip into his boxers and walk toward the water.

Watching his butt jiggle while he walked slowly toward the ocean, I slowly stood and also took my pants off. Once I was in my boxers, I walked toward him. He, who was standing a few feet from the waters edge, holding a hand out toward me. He, who was smiling and basking in moonlight, his hair flowing in the faint breeze. He, who was warm to the touch, pulling me by my hand into the cold ocean waters.

The calm water slowly rising until it was just below my ribs as we had walked deeper into the water. Pulling him into my embrace, I held his butt, his arms around my neck, foreheads touching. Kissing his soft lips, the sweet taste of wine filled my mouth. Kissing his cheek, the sweet smell of tea and honey filled my nose. Kissing just below his ear before softly biting it, the muffled moan almost disguised as an off breath filled my ears. Kissing down his neck, his breath quickened and his body warmed. Softly biting his neck, his body trembled and his back arched slightly as he gasped.

His fingers enlaced in my hair, he quietly gasps, "Why... why dont we... go back to..... the... the hammock..?"

I quietly whispered in his ear, "Someone might see. Are you sure?"

His body shuttered a bit but he nodded, "Y-yes."

Not bothering to hide the excited dragon, I kept his body against mine as I walked out of the ocean. Stepping to the hammock, I laid him down gently and kissed him again. Kissing his lips, his cheek, kissing and biting his ear, kissing down his neck, kissing down his chest and abs. Gently pulling the wet boxers off of him, kissing his thighs, softly touching his erratically throbbing dragon. His soft moans and gasps for air turning me on, pulling my own wet boxers down before gently rubbing my dragon on his.

He gasped and dug his fingers into the cushions, arching his back and releasing on his stomach and my dragon. The ecstatic face he made almost had me release. Leaning down to softly kissing and biting his neck, I slowly pressed my dragon in and felt his body shutter. His hands going under my arms and scratching my back, his legs pulling my body closer, his moans in my ear.

My dragon slowly being pushed in until I simply couldnt go any farther. His moans had become louder, his fingernails digging into my skin as his body kept twitching. The ecstatic look on his face changed to an addicted perverted look as his body shuttered again, squeezing and pulsing on my dragon making me release. Growling softly in his ear, "You're making such a slutty face right now, I might just make the whole thing go in."

His eyes held a spark of excitement, as he moaned out, "Yes! Bury your big cock in my ass!"

"As you wish," I growled out and kissed him roughly, pushing my dragon in. I made him drink a vial and sat up, watching his face change from pained back to slutty. He was panting, unable to catch his breath as he squirmed making it harder for himself to breath.

Pulling him legs in front of me, putting his knees to his chest, wrapping my hands around his waist and slowly bouncing his ass off of me. I couldnt hold myself back from releasing, his stomach distending as he gasped for air, unable to make noise.

The slutty look in his eyes remained even after I had pulled out and gave him a vial. He was leaning on my shoulder, wearing clean boxers and my shirt. I had on my boxers and pants, placing a blanket over his back. His body shuttered at my touch... I may have overdid it..