
24 Mhmm

"Get up," a voice said near my ear before violently shaking me.

I grumbled, "I'm up...."

"Good. We have things to do so get up and get ready," he said and let go of my shoulder.

"Shadow clone jutsu... Coffee...." I groaned and stepped out of my standing coffin. My clone had already left to get coffee as I made my way to the bathroom with my robe and bath tote.

When I got to the bathroom door, my clone had a cup of coffee and was reading the paper. I glared at the clone and took the coffee before taking a shower and brushing my teeth. Going back to my room, wearing only my robe, Sakazuki stopped me, "You sure take your time."

"You said no music. I cant life without it, so," I said and made a 'it's your fault' face and shrugged.

He grumbled and went to the bathroom, "Play it very quietly."

I smirked, "Yessir."

My clone came to me, "I request a song because I got coffee."

"Okay. Play it quietly," I said and entered my room.

My clone smirked and put the phone on the speaker before playing Dance Monkey by Tones and I. We danced and I changed into a black and blue suit, I put my contacts in and put glasses on. Smiling and putting a standing mirror up, I scrutinized my look then frowned. "What would you think of me if you say me now Aka," I sighed and fixed my hair.

I failed to notice the person in the doorway, so did my clone. My clone cracked a joke, "He would laugh at us and play that one song."

"Heh yeah. Play it then," I smiled a bit, "Its funny now that I have clones."

Me Too by Meghan Trainor was turned on and we danced to it before putting everything up, "Let's see what the day holds for us."

"It holds inspections and meeting the previous fleet admiral," Sakazuki said at the door.

I jumped a bit, "Should I act more childish around him?"

"No he hates kids," Sakazuki said and turned to leave, "Let's go."

My clone killed itself and I followed behind. We stopped briefly in the kitchen and he asked if I needed to eat anything. I shook my head, "No thanks, I have tea."

We left and went to an apartment building. We went straight to the top and started bothering people... I say bother because he would knock and the door flew open quickly before a marine saluted and Sakazuki kept a frown on as he intruded in the apartment and looked around. I stayed in his shadow, a few steps behind him.

Funny thing is, when he turned to leave he seemed to realize I was merely following him so he decided to make it a learning experience. After telling me what the inspections were for, what to look for, do's and don'ts, and what not, I was told to do the next one to see if I learned anything.

I knocked on the apartment like he had, the marine who answered saw me and looked into the hall before spotting Sakazuki and saluting. Sakazuki frowned, "Continue."

I nodded, "I'm here to conduct an inspection under Vice Admiral Akainu's authority and supervision."

The marine nodded to me, "Please come in." He stepped to the side to let us in nervously.

I scrutinized the place to the best of my abilities and turned to the marine, "For the most part, you've passed. However, for future inspections, please make sure to properly put away adult content."

The marine kept his eyes on the ground, clearly scared and embarrassed. Sakazuki grunted, "Continue."

I nodded and bid farewell before going to the next door. This went on until we reached the bottom floor. Sakazuki frowned after looking at the time, "Hurry up or we'll be late. I'll wait at the door for you."

I went by myself to the first door. The marine didnt see Sakazuki so he rejected letting me in. That continued for each door so I laughed to myself and went to meet Sakazuki, a few marines following me from a distance. Stepping near him, I spoke, "All rejected the inspection because I myself do not have the authority nor the proper papers to prove my claim."

"Really?" He grumbled and glanced at the marines behind me then looked at me, "So my kids a push over."

"No. We have better things to do than bicker with people who believe that someone would have the audacity to claim to be on behalf of a vice admiral without actually beings as such. You said you have a meeting, why should I keep you back?" I smirked.

"Smart. Let's go," Sakazuki said and smiled slightly before leaveing out the door. I turned and nodded to the marines before following after him.

We went to a restaurant a few blocks away and met an old guy. Oh man was he pissed when I followed Sakazuki to the table. Sakazuki had a slight smirk on his face as he introduced me to the man. I gave a small salute and sat next to Sakazuki.

They chatted and ate while I sat quietly and drank my tea. When lunch was over, the old guy turned on me, "Do you think your too good for the food or something?"

"No, I'm just not hungry. Smells and looks good, but I wont eat if I'm not hungry," I said and set my cup down.

"Hm. Fine." old man frowned and left.

I watched quietly as he left then followed Sakazuki to another apartment complex. He smirked, "Let's see how you do alone."

I frowned, "Can I use clones?"

"No. I'll be watching from the stairs," he said and led me to the top floor.

I get that I look like a child but do they really think I would falsely claim to be working under a vice admiral. Sakazuki ended up showing his face and we continued.

And that's how we spent the next week... I was also forced to talk to children my age so I have 'friends' by Garp and Sengoku. I was so frustrated when Sunday night came around, I holed myself up in my room and listened to music while painting Aka on a canvas.

I was sleep deprived from not sleeping in the last week and my mood had taken an obvious turn for the worse but that wasnt the main issue. After taken a shower, my eyes kept closing and I found my way to a bed.

Key words were a bed and not my bed.

I had woken up the next morning because an angry voice was in my ear, "Why the hell are you in my bed?"

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and looked at him, "I was testing its firmness...?"

"Get out. Now," he was seething in anger.

And so I went to my room before putting my things away and putting a tarp down. Putting on headphones and taking the soundproof down before putting the speaker up, I then pulled out the odds and ends door and brought out black paint.

The ceiling and walls were covered in the pure matte black paint. The wall was quickly dried before I put the tarp away and hung up the black out curtains again. Soundproofing was added before I turned my speaker black and mounted it. My desk was now black, without anything on it. The coffin was gone and replaced with a pile of black blankets.

The door was pushed open as I placed the blankets down. His shadow spilled over the floor. I could see his arms crossed and the room was heated. When I looked at him, he had a darkened face but I could tell he was angry.

Turning the music off, I looked at him and waited for him to day something. As the silence filled the room, he looked around before asking, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

"I'm sorry for accidentally sleeping in your bed. Why are you still mad?" I asked him, ignoring his question.

"How do you accidentally sleep in someone else's bed?!" he said angrily.

"I was sleep deprived and went to a warm place to sleep. Why are you still mad?" I asked again.

He frowned, "I cant understand that language."

I frowned and shook my head, went to the speaker and plugged my phone into it. I turned Sound of Silence by Disturbed on and let it play quietly as I calmed down. Running my fingers through my hair, I took a deep breath and looked up at Sakazuki, "I'm broken. I couldnt sleep this week and ended up searching for comfort. My room is cold and dark. Yours is dark and warm. I wont bother you anymore."

That made his angrier. As he gritted his teeth, he growled out, "What do you mean?"

"I made a blanket pile. The one in the middle is a heating pad so the whole pile will be warm," I said.

He half growled and half sighed before grumbling, "What do you mean by broken?"

"I was trapped in a tree for hundreds of years. Then I wake up on a boat and the person who broke me out of imprisonment is telling people I'm his kid and I'm meeting thousands of people the next day. I'll tell you a secret though, I've been drinking tea vodka not tea since I woke up. Does that help?" I asked him.

"If you didnt want to meet anyone, you could have said so," he growled.

"And your response would be to tell me to buck up and get over it," I stated.

He stayed silent but his anger was heating the room. My eyes stayed on his as he glared at me. He gave in after a while a silence, as he calmed down he spoke, "Please continue."

"I had friends before all of this. And lovers too. I didnt have this small of a body then but I mean, they didnt care. But now they're all gone. It just doesnt feel real," I said and looked at the walls, "My best friend was Aka, the wereliger. We were so in sync with each other, we could read each others minds."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the pantry door. Opening it and rotating the different shelves, I found rum and tossed one to him before getting one for myself, "I failed to protect them because I followed borrowed ideals. Hundreds of years later, I let myself love again. And then I couldnt protect them. Now I'm in a body that looks six and once again I spent hundreds of years secluded, but this time by force."

He didnt say anything, instead he sat on the ground and opened his bottle of rum. I passed him a pillow to sit on and picked up a blanket, wrapping it around me in a bundle, "Now I dont have anything to live for. I cant die, cant even feel pain. The hell am I supposed to do?"

He downed half the bottle and sighed, "You can find something to waste the time until your ready to move on."

"Indeed. But do what?" I asked and placed more bottles out on the floor with some light snacks.

"You already have something in mind, so say it." he grumbled.

"I saw so many old porno mags during the inspections that I feel pity for them. I mean, honestly, what has the porn industry come to," I sighed with a laugh as he choked on the rum.

"Cough cough cough-! What is wrong with you?!" he said shocked.

"And the fiction books are so lame!" I lamented with a smile.

"Are you done?" he deadpanned.

"Sure..." I said and smiled.

He shook his head, "So your a pervert novelist now?"

"Well, if people find out that a 6 year old beat marine hero Garp and was admitted to the marines to work under his father, a soon to be admiral, they would freak," I laughed a bit.

"If you put it that way, then yes.... Can I ask you something?" he looked at me with a small frown.

"Ask away," I shrugged.

"Why did you really come to sleep in my bed last night?" he asked straighforwardly.

"I already said," I said looking at the bottle in my hand.

"Liar. You talk in your sleep," he commented with a deeper frown.

"Oh yeah? What did I say?" I smirked thinking it was harmless babbling.

"Quoting you, 'My tiger, this house cat wont let you go this time' then some babbling before saying something about a younger wolf."

"Mhmm... Let me just go slam my head on a wall for a while," I said.

"Tell me," he said amused.

"I dont like keeping secrets from people I trust, but I cant tell you about this until I'm older," I said seriously.

-Host is reminded that host has saved enough points to extend age limit if discount coupon is used or host completes the 'Aging' mission line-