
In Naruto WOrld

This is a story about a boy who gets transmigrated into Naruto's body right at the point where the story began. Filled with excitement and hesitation he takes his step forward in order to not get killed without enjoying this unconventional life to the fullest. If you want to support me, here's my Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/Horny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

My Encounter With Haku (Special Chapter)

I could feel the rays of the sun right on my face through the tree leaves as I lay on the grass field, the cold pleasant wind blowing over me made sure that I didn't feel uncomfortable as I enjoyed my leisure time to the utmost.

I was tired of practicing climbing trees with my feet covered in Chakra so I decided to rest here for a while but the resting time extended thanks to the comfortable weather which made me want to laze around.

As I was lying on the grass someone approached me, if not for the perfume the person had I won't be able to discover them approaching me due to how silent their footsteps were. I was about to open my eyes to see the figure that had approached me but before that, I heard their delicate voice, "You'll catch a cold if you keep on laying here."

Hearing that voice my first reaction was of course to open my eyes. I saw a beautiful woman's face close to me and was mesmerized by her beauty. As if uncomfortable by my blank stare at her the woman said, "You listening? I said you'll catch a cold if you remain here like that for long-". Before the woman could finish her words I grabbed hold of her and pushed it towards me and then shoved my tongue in her mouth while clasping her lips with mine and started kissing her forcefully. The woman of course resisted with her might but soon gave in.

I could feel that she wanted to say something but I didn't let her as I continued devouring her lips while my left hand was caressing her waist. Soon I removed her top and started playing with her nipples with my hands while still kissing her. I could feel that she too was enjoying it judging from the lack of her resistance, the only pity was that her boobs were still underdeveloped as a result I could only play with her nipples.

My body was as excited as it could be by now and was ready for the main act. I moved my hand towards the insides of the lower part of her dress while still kissing her ferociously but instead of what I was expecting to feel...I felt something similar to a hot rod... confused I moved my hand more inwards and felt something like a sac with two balls. I soon understood what was going on and stopped kissing the person whose lips I was devouring for a while...

The person looked toward me and said in an exasperated manner, "That's what I was trying to tell you all along...I'm a man." My mind went blank the moment it heard those words. The earlier melodious voice no longer felt melodious to me...

"It felt good though... but I want to feel even better which I believe won't be possible if I don't do anything extreme..judging from the reaction which you are currently having..no worries I got it covered. "Water Clone Jutsu," Haku said and made three water clones of himself which immediately immobilized Naruto and tore off his clothes.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I asked the feminine man in front of me to which he replied with a creepy smile, "Nothing much, just what you were about to do with me a few moments back, that is, fuck you." The man said as his clones placed me on the ground in a very vulnerable position.

I saw the naked figure of the feminine man who I thought to be a hot woman a few minutes back approaching me from behind while holding his dick...his aim clearly my hole.

"Nooooooo SAVEEE MEEEE!!!"

I soon opened my eyes just to realize I was on a boat with Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna, and another boatman and we were going towards the Wave country. I calmed my heavy breathing as I wiped off the cold sweat that had been formed on my forehead while being thankful to God that it has all been a dream...a dream that I would like to forget as soon as possible.

Made this during the wave country arc. Releasing it now that the book is finished.

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