
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Minato Template 41 : Kirito Vs Lee (Rewrite)

Finally, the day came when the first test of the Chunin exams was about to take place.

All the team ended up entering the Chunin exams.

Team 10 also entered the Chunin exams but one of the members, Haku could not enter the exam with team 10 as only 3 people in a team are allowed.

Haku had to enter another team to participate.

Currently, Kirito, Naruto and Ino were going toward the first examination hall to get the first test done.

Kirito already had some idea of how the test was going to go but he was not sure. This world is like the anime he saw but at the same time, it's so different that he could not say whether the first exam is going to go like in the canon or not.

"Man, I am super pumped up for this test. I am gonna be the best Dattebayo" said Naruto in his extremely loud and annoying tone.

Kirito could not sleep well last night because Naruto kept shouting about the Chunin exam and being the Hokage.

And that even in his sleep after Kirito had to knock him out so hopefully Naruto will let him sleep.

Needless to say, Kirito was annoyed and pissed. So whichever motherf***er wants to annoy him more today will have a really good field day in the Konoha hospital.

"Don't be a baka Naruto, Kirito Kun is going to be the best" shouted Ino equally annoyed and almost equally annoying to Kirito.

Kirito sighed and not for the first time was thinking whether he should have been born into any other village than Konoha. "Why all the weird people of the world are in Konoha God Damit" Mutter Kirito in a low voice.

By the time they reach the examination building, kirito sees the gate guards whose names he doesn't remember, bullying new Genins.

Naruto already went to meet his team and on the way, Shikamaru joined Kirito and Ino.

Shikmaru and Ino were about to interfere but before that, Kirito stopped them and explained the entire situation to them about this floor being a decoy to challenge the participants.

When they finally came to the examination floor, they saw many people there ready for the examination to begin.

While Kirito's teammates were observing everyone who was looking cool and dangerous. Kirito himself was only looking towards Lee and Gaara. Only those two can give him a good fight here.

But then his eyes fall and Kabuto. "Yes, there is another person who can," muttered Kirito in a slow tone.

He already had plans for Kabuto and thus for the time being he is not going to come in contact with him.

Soon Lee ends up coming to Kirito where he bothers Sakura and proposes his love for her.

"You are Kirito Kun right," said Lee with a smile.

Kirito simply nodded and already had some idea where this was going.

Lee wanted to fight Sasuke in the anime because he believed that hard work could overcome any talent. At that time Sasuke was the rookie of the year.

But now Kirito is the rookie of the year and thus there is a possibility that Lee wanted to fight him.

"Fight Me" Lee shouted.

"There we go," sighed Kirito in his mind.

"I don't know why you want to fight me but I am not interested" replied Kirito and to be honest he was lying.

Kirito was interested in fighting Lee but currently, he did not want to showcase what he could do to others.

" I am sorry but I have a reason to prove that hard work can surpass talent and thus I must fight you to show my youth and hard work," said Lee.

This made Kirito's already bad mood even worse.

Saying that he has the talent and won't work hard is an insult to his extreme training regime which he has been following for all these years.

So he has a system, so what that he has a cheat, he had to work hard to gain the power which he had gained right now.

To learn a simple shun shin he had to work extremely hard for more than 2 weeks. To learn Rasengan it took him more than a month.

Every day when he does not get any results he perseverant through those times. All the time he exhausted his entire chakra because he had to maintain his shadow clones as well as training, he was perseverant.

So yeah, this makes Kirito more pissed.

Kirito though also understand where Lee is coming from. Not being able to use chakra is frankly a death sentence in this world but Lee and Guy are some unique people who never stop and never give up no matter what they are facing.

He commended them for this, but he was mad either way.

"What do you mean by hard work and talent? Are you trying to implement that I do not work hard you cheap Bruce Lee Copy" Said Kirito now really irritated.

Most of this irritation was not even caused by Lee but the poor Lee has to now suffer nonetheless.

"Who is Bruce Lee," Lee asked in confusion.

Kirito signed. "This is frustrating when even your joke is pointless to say when other people don't know what you are talking about," thought Kirito.

"Doesn't matter, you wanna fight then come. Let me show you how much hard work I have done that people can't even see" said Kirito in an upbeat tone, finally getting a little better at the thought of having a good fight.

Yeah, he did not want to show what he could do now but who cares anyway rights.

"So what say you, You Wanna Dance" Kirito said with a smirk on his face.


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