
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chapter 116 : I Am Suddenly Strong ? (Rewrite)

As all the Anbu rushed towards me, I got ready for the battle. I activated my Hyper Focus because I will be an idiot if I am underestimating these Anbus.

Usually, the skills of this warrior are higher in a time of war than in a time of peace. Not to mention the sheer numbers advantage they have.

With lightning speed, multiple kunai came towards me. Dodging them was pretty easy, too easy if I say so. This attack was a distraction and also a trap.

All the kunai were rig with exploding tags. Seems like people in this era had some good seal masters.

I rather than dodging each one of those kunai, started to print hand signs.

"Wind Style, Great Wind Break Through" I shouted.

Usually, I don't shout but today I felt like it.

Just like I anticipated, all the kunai blew away, but this was again a distraction attack. A few Shinobi started to gang up on me. I dodged the attack.

Before I counterattack, there was another attack and then there was another attack.

"I guess 1 vs 20 was not that good idea huh," I thought to myself and smiled.

Without hand signs, I created shadow clones and even the odd a little. Currently, my shadow clones are almost as good as me when it comes to handling an opponent of high chunin to low jonin level. Thus, here I am not going to have any issues.

I mainly targeted the high Jonin. I duck an incoming kick from behind me.

"Damn, my senses are working amazing for some reason" I practically was enjoying this feeling. I felt that as my template was opening more the my senses were also getting better. 

Like its overall improvement.

At the same time I was also seeing a pattern here. The more I use powers like Hyper Focus, they get better.

I just dodged an attack which I did not even see coming. I just reacted because my senses were telling me to react.

It's almost like I got spider-sense.

I dodged and dodged again created a Rasengan in my hand and sent it flying towards the person who was targeting me.

Not the high Jonin but the person who sneak attack me from behind.

Thanks to my training, I was able to increase the speed of my Rasengan throwing technique.

Now it's faster than most of Kunai's throwing techniques.

The moment the Rasengan connected, the person was thrown back and I am sure that he is dead.

The high chunin printed a hand sign and used a powerful fire-style Jutsu towards me.

I opened my palm and started rotating my chakra forming another Rasengan but this time around this was a Rasen Shuriken.

I also cover my hands with steel release and launch the jutsu right at the fireball coming towards me.

What happened next was exactly what I planned. Actually, this move is something I have practised a lot, especially for all those pyromancers.

The Wind-style Rasengan Shuriken cut right through the fireball but at the same time also ended up absorbing the fire and going towards the Jonin.

Guess what happens next.

A fire tornado engulfs the high Jonin entirely. He was not even able to dodge the fast attack because his fireball blocked his vision making the attack almost point-blank.

While I did this grand attack combo, another Anbu sneaked up on me and tried to attack me.

The keyword was being tried to attack me because I was able to dodge thanks to my insane senses and punch him.

Almost forgot that my hands are right now coated with steel release. But even then it's fine right? It's not like the person will die with just a punch from my steel-coated hand. Again not like I care if he dies.

But I really do care about what happened next. My punch which was not supposed to be a very strong attack and at best should only knock out a Low Jonin level shinobi totally blasted the Anbu.

This face was blasted out like how Saitama's punches do to monsters.

"What the fuck" I shouted not expecting this result. My reaction also brought attention from other shinobi and my clones who were fighting.

"How the hell that happened? I did not put that much effort into that punch" I thought to myself.

But there was a feeling that not only my Hyper Focus but even steel release has gotten better. 

Maybe this has something to do with that seal, I am seeing this suddenly improvement after traveling from that seal after all. 

Now I was getting more interested in all the changes happening to me after either getting my Spiritual Cap removed or after coming here in the past.

Although I am sure that it has something to do with my spiritual cap.

"Alright the high Jonin is dealt with and now it's time to end this pointless battle and rush back to Uzu. I also need to find the reason why I am suddenly strong" I mutter to myself and look towards the rest of the Anbu who were fighting.

There were only 12 left and only 5 of my clones were holding them back. Jeez, I was so excited to fight that I did not see that they were actually getting pop while I was fighting.

"Alright, time to use the traps I set up here," I said to myself with a smirk and form hand signs.

"Uzumaki Style, Dark Eclipse," I said.

This is a Genjutsu which uses seals in a trapped area. After putting all the seals and making sure that the enemy is in the right stop. I can activate it and boy this is fun.

This Genjutsu messes up their chakra and their senses. Practically making them confused about how to use their own bodies. The only problem is that it needs to be set up beforehand and needs a lot of chakra to perform.

Not a huge deal compared to what I can achieve with it.

Yup, my clones all popped away the moment the Genjutsu started and all the Anbu are now confused.

It's pretty funny seeing this all-serious and powerful ninja acting like an idiot in front of you. They actually can't control their bodies right now.

For example, if they want to move their head right, their left leg moves back to something like that. The signal that their brains are giving to their bodies is all messed up.

"Alright then, enough fun time to end this" I said and created a powerful RasenShuriken. This one was not like the previous attack which I made to only handle one Jonin.

This was intended to handle all the Shinobi in one go.

With that technique launch towards the Anbu, I use the Flying Thunder God technique and flash out from there.

(Even I say Flash out, I did not mean a real flash of light but that I teleported. This is something all of you are mistaking and commenting in the comments so I clarify it here).


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