
In Naruto as Boruto

Ken, a middle-aged man working at an IT company who enjoys watching Anime and reading manga died in a car accident. However, instead of seeing Angels, Gods, Satan, heaven or hell... He realized he was in a much worse place, with terror striking foes everywhere.

Defilement · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Rogue Nin

As Naruto ate his fill, various thoughts formed in his mind. He began to recall the events in the manga and from Naruto's personal life experience.

It was the 2nd year after Jiraiya and he departed from Konoha. Naruto has learned various techniques from Jiraiya. Such as scouting, close-quarter combat, Ninjutsu and various other things, making him a versatile Shinobi.

However, Naruto in the canon spammed two moves: Rasengan and Shadow Clone, making all his versatility and battle prowess go into the mud. That's something Ken hated about Canon Naruto, because he could have become much, much more of a deadly weapon.

As Naruto took a sip from his green tea, he tried to strike up a conversation with Jiraiya.

"Sensei... Why don't we spend the rest of our ticking time in the North? Amongst the Samurais?"

Jiraiya chewed on a piece of meat and replied.

"Mm-Mm... Why?"

Naruto took another sip and responded:

"I really want to learn sportsmanship... Is that ok?"

Jiraiya finished his meal and burped, patting his belly after being satisfied, he nodded.

"Why not? If you're confident you can master swordplay in a year, Sure," Naruto's eyes gleamed. Seeing his determination, Jiraiya narrowed his eyes.

"You were being serious?"

"Yes... Although it seems unrealistic, I am 100% confident I can master the Blade in a year. Just... Trust me, okay?"

Jiraiya was urging to refute, but the resolve Naruto was showing made him hesitant to crush that dream. So he reluctantly agreed.

"But..," Naruto's ears perked, listening. "We have to buy you a good sword first. And fortunately for you, I know a style or two"

Naruto's Iris sparkled. "Thank you!"

Jiraiya just waved his hands. But then, he turned serious. He leaned forward and checked his surroundings, and whispered.

"Look to your right... Remember, don't make it obvious"

Naruto signaled through his eyes that he understood, he faked a cramp on his neck and caught a glimpse of a man wearing a blue pajama near the entrance.

Jiraiya held out a magazine and whispered.

"A-Class, Rogue Nin from the Mist"

Naruto slowly tapped on the table in a rhythm, it was code language.

[What is he doing in the Fire Nation?]

Jiraiya lightly whistled, rhythmically.

[Special case. Kill on sight]

Jiraiya peeked, seeing Naruto nod using his eyes. Satisfied, he put the magazine down, stood up, and walked into the washroom.

Naruto straightened after finishing his tea and secretly glanced at the Rogue Nin, who was now starting to walk away.

Using his Wind Style Jutsu [Silent Steps], Naruto followed him into his room. The Rogue Nin, oblivious to his pursuer, closed the door. But Naruto was already in, sticking onto the ceiling like a spider.

"Fucking hell... I really wanna get that receptionist"

Pulling out a cigar, the Mist Ninja lit up the end and smoked in. However, before he could relieve his lungs from the smoke, a shadow fell on him at lightning speed.


His senses screamed for him to move, but it was too late.


The room was dyed red as his throat was slit with deadly precision, not even giving him a chance to glimpse at his reaper.

Naruto wiped the blood off his face and knelt down, inspecting the man's face in the bounty book.

"Let's see... Not him, not him... Aha! Haruki, A-Class Rogue Nin from the Mist. Bounty: 500000 Yen"

Naruto looked at the man's face and grinned.

"Woah there, quite the troublemaker, aren't you? Well, thanks for the money, I'll get my new sword with that, thank you!"

As Naruto searched the room for any loot, the door slid open to reveal a white-haired man.

"You aren't exactly skilled at assassinations, are you?"

Naruto shrugged. "Well, theory can only take you so far. It was harder to do it, so yeah, forgive me if it was sloppy, Sensei"

Jiraiya closed the door and sealed all the blood in a scroll, then he cleansed the body and wrapped the body in bandages before packing him in a big backpack... Specially for carrying corpses.

Naruto threw a look over his shoulders and yelled.

"Don't waste the money on beverages, alright?! I need a sword!"

"Yeah, yeah," Jiraiya waves his hands before closing the door, leaving Naruto to examine the loot he acquired, and some past memories of his body.

'Looks like some things were left out on the Manga and the Anime... Who knew Naruto was actually practicing assassinations from Jiraiya'

Naruto chuckled. 'Well, works out for me'

He sat cross-legged and examined the scrolls in front of him. There were 3, to be exact, all of them being Water Style Ninjutsu.

"Let's look at the first one"

[Aquatic Surge :

Rank: A

Description: Creates a massive wave of water that surges towards the target, smashing everything in its path.]


He opened the next one.

[Hydroblade Slash :

Rank: A

Description: Forms sharp, crescent-shaped blades of water that can be launched at high speed to cut through obstacles or foes.]

'Just what I wanted. I really got lucky with this one, even though it's only B-Rank, I can make good use of it'

Naruto opened the last one.

[Tidal Embrace :

Rank: S

Description: Summons a colossal water elemental that envelops and immobilizes the opponent, drowning them in a vortex of water.]

"What the fuck?!"

Naruto couldn't help but blurt out, what was an A-Class Rogue Nin doing carrying an S-Class Jutsu!!??