
Summer Festival

The summer festival near Kazuma's house was held after the Bon festival, so although there were many people, it was unlikely that he would see anyone from his high school. It wasn't even close to the high school that Minato and his friends attended, so it was even less likely.

Still, this is less than I expected.

When he actually looked at the venue, there were fewer people than he had imagined. However, there were enough people to say that it was crowded.

As he pulled up his memory, thinking that there used to be more of them, Kazuma answered Minato's thought.

"It's a lot less crowded now, isn't it?"

"Yeah, didn't there used to be more people?"

"It's the only festival that takes place after the Bon Festival. Besides, there's a big festival before the Bon Festival in the next town, so everyone went there."

"I see, but I'm rather grateful."

"Right? You should thank me."

"Yes, yes, thank you."

If possible, he didn't want to be recognized by the people from the same high school, so it was convenient that the people went to the big festival in the next town.

One of the reasons was simply because it was close to Kazuma's house, but he probably chose this summer festival because he knew it would be less crowded.

When Minato lightly replied to his boastful chest but firmly expressed his gratitude, Kazuma grinned.

"The four of us can go around together, but since this is a good time, we'll go as two… There is no need to worry about getting separated and losing track of each other with the amount of people here. Shiori, let's go."

"Yes. See you later!"

"Ah, oi!"

When Minato called out to them, Kazuma and Momose turned a blind eye and left. When he looked at Airi next to him, she looked puzzled, as if she hadn't grasped the situation.

While smiling with a mixture of gratitude and dismay at the back of Kazuma and Momose after they intentionally left them alone together, Minato called out to her.

"Airi, let's go, too."


He didn't ask Airi if she had ever been to a summer festival before, but it was probably her first time since she was looking around with a twinkle in her eye.

He smiled wryly at her lack of greed as usual, since she never bought anything for that matter.

"Is there anything you want to buy?"

"It's fun just to watch, so not particularly."

"You don't have to be shy, you know?"

"But items are a pain to manage, and living things are out of the question. And food is as expensive as ever, right?"

"…Well, you're right about the items and living things. But it's more of a pragmatism."

It seemed that the criteria for wanting something in Airi's mind was whether it would be useful in her daily life.

When he thought that she was frugal and indeed not greedy, she gave him a nasty look.

"Or should I tell you that I want this or that? I can tell you if you want."

"You say that, but when it comes to buying, you're reluctant, right? It's obvious."

When she made this face, she was probably just teasing Minato, and if she did it enough times, he would get used to it.

In the first place, Airi was not the kind of person who would buy something she didn't want, so it wasn't even a threat.

Perhaps displeased with Minato's easygoing attitude, she became slightly dissatisfied.

"I didn't expect you to see through me like that."

"Does Airi know how much she teases me? If she's frustrated, she'll try to annoy me by being selfish."

"Muu, you said it, didn't you? Then why don't you buy all the food from the stalls?"

"I'm pretty sure we won't be able to eat it all together, so we'll have to leave some behind. That'd be such a waste, wouldn't it?"


"Now, what's next?"

When Minato debunked Airi's selfishness, she puffed up her cheeks and showed her grumpiness.

It was probably an attempt to show, "I'm angry," but it was rather funny because he knew she wouldn't look like this when she was really angry.

Perhaps she had reached the end of her patience with Minato's completely unfazed response, she began to groan.

"Uuh… That's mean. I feel like I'm being ignored."

"I guess it's my win this time."

"…No, how about this?"

Airi grinned as she thought of a good idea, and moved the hand she was holding with Minato to change the way they were connected.

It was like a lover's bond, and her thin, supple fingers grabbed Minato and wouldn't let go.

No matter how annoyed she was with Minato's attitude, it was still overkill.

"Oi, I don't think we should do this."

"It's too dim to tell anyway, and in any case, we were already together when we were holding hands. Or do you want to force me to shake it off?"

If Minato really tried to resist, he would be able to pull his hand away from Airi's in no time.

However, he didn't want to let go of Airi, who was smiling happily at him, so he let out a sigh and looked at her.

"Whatever, I don't care what happens."

"Yes, that's fine."

Even though he had warned her a lot, Airi didn't seem to care at all.

Minato let out a sigh again, thinking that he might not be able to compete with her in any way.

"So, we could at least buy some food, don't you think?"

Minato knew that she wouldn't want to buy any items or living things. If that's the case, there was nothing left but food.

Since the matter that had just occurred had gone sour, he returned to the subject to change the atmosphere, and Airi raised her eyebrows in concern.

"But isn't it expensive?"

"What did I tell you at the fireworks display? Don't be shy about the price."

"…Then I'll take your word for it."

What Airi bought was a candy apple. Following the cotton candy, he could see through her reason for choosing it.

"Because you can't eat it at home?"

"Yes, because I don't make this kind of food at home."

"I hope Airi is happy with it. But I'm pretty sure that candy apples are… No, I'll just keep quiet."

"I don't like it when you cut off right there."

"Well, just try it and see for yourself."


It seemed to bother her that Minato had cut off the conversation, but Airi didn't question him and happily tried to bite into the candy apple.

However, her face clouded over and she pulled her mouth away from the candy. Minato had an idea as to why. Because he had actually experienced it, and the expression on her face was exactly the same as Momose's when she was little.

"…It's hard to eat."

"That's the problem. If you buy it just because you can only eat it at festivals, you're in for a world of trouble."

"So you knew. Why didn't you tell me?"

"You chose what you wanted to eat. I didn't tell you because I thought it would be wrong of me to deny it."

Of course, he meant it, but it was also a way to get back at Airi for what she had just done.

Although he hadn't intended to express it, she seemed to have noticed Minato's inner thoughts. She then stared at him with a sultry look in her eyes.


"I don't know what you're talking about."

"…Minato-san is picking on me."

"Don't say it like that. You're not trying to do anything weird, are you?"


As he continued to lose his cool, a candy apple was thrust in front of him.

It was exactly the same as with the cotton candy, and although he knew what she wanted him to do, he couldn't just shred it like last time.

He looked at her, thinking that Airi must have known that, but she turned away with a puffy face.

"Eat or I'll shove it in your face."

"…You know what that means, don't you?"

"Yes, it's fine. I know exactly what I'm saying."

"Then I won't hesitate."

He took a bite of the candy in Airi's hand. He had eaten it in the past, but it was still hard to eat.

She probably didn't expect Minato to eat it, as her eyes widened and she stiffened.

"I ate it like you said, no complaints?"

"…That's bold. I didn't think you would actually eat it. So, what did you think?"

"Hard to eat. Now, it's Airi's turn."

He took the candy apple from Airi's hand and held it out in front of her.

It was the opposite of what she had just done, and her cheeks turned red.

"Eh, um."

"You fed me, but you won't eat yourself?"

"…No, I'll eat, I'll eat it."

Airi took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and then bit into it.

She must have something to say, because she was staring at Minato with a grudge while she was eating.

After she had thoroughly finished eating, she opened her mouth.

"You're really bold today. I never thought we'd be feeding each other like this outside."

"On a day like this, at least."

Actually, he was doing something that would be immediately talked about by anyone who knew Airi, so nothing was okay about it.

But the taste of the candy apple that lingered in Minato's mouth was so sweet that it melted his heart, just like the fun days he had had with her.