
10. Everywhere In Every Gear(2)

"I don't know," Beckett said simply. She smiled at him and said, "What if we play one more hand and then I'll tell you what we'll be doing next."

"Okay," Castle said instantly.

Beckett bit at her lower lip at how fast he'd spoken but turned her attention back to her cards before she set them down with a smile and told him, "Congratulations."

"I would have said you were speaking too fast, but I got lucky on my draw," Castle said, showing her his pair of eights. "So…" he began.

With a slight smile Beckett leaned over and shared a kiss with her boyfriend gently before they parted, and she murmured into his ear.

"Alright," Castle said, slightly weakly.

Moving to get off the bed Beckett kissed his cheek in passing before she went to her armoire, pulling out her robe before she went into the bathroom.

Castle, breathing out a little hard after he watched his girlfriend disappearing, turned then to the bed to rush and get it prepared as well as himself. Since it didn't take very long to do he was changing into pajamas and after that was finished he glanced over to the bathroom though the shower was still running.

Not realizing her boyfriend was at that moment staring at the door trying to turn off the shower with his mind, Beckett shut the water off and dried herself swiftly before pulling on her robe and then stepping out into the bedroom. "Are you trying to put a hole through my floor?" she asked with a slight smile as he stopped his pacing to look at her.

"No," Castle replied quickly. "You're set?"

"I am," Beckett said, smiling as he hurried over to her to stand directly in front of her.

"Good," Castle said simply before he reached for her and drew her to him, kissing her deeply as he clung to her body. He held her as close to him as he could and since he knew already she was naked underneath he was moving his hands around her as much as possible. When they stopped and parted he said with a smile, "Another hand?"

Kissing him on the lips Beckett pulled him over to the bed before he sat down on the edge as she was in front of him. She allowed him to untie her robe for her before he slid his hands underneath it over her sides, pulling her to him and back on the bed.

"Kate?" Castle said, touching her shoulder.

"I'm fine," Beckett said, quickly shaking herself of her memories. "Sorry."

"That's alright," Castle assured her with a smile. He then kissed her gently on the cheek saying, "You were thinking about that night, weren't you?"

"I was," Beckett replied easily, not having any trouble answering that. "Thank you for stopping me though." She wasn't surprised when he looked startled and she quickly told him, "I got the point where you threw us back on the bed."

"Ah…" Castle said. He wanted to say more but hesitated, not sure exactly what he could and then told her, "That was nice."

"It was," Beckett replied, trying not to laugh as he'd been quiet for a while. "But for now, I just realized something."

"Okay," Castle said slowly, not sure what she had thought of.

"We need to get her stroller," Beckett said, looking at him pointedly.

"It's on the way," Castle said with a laugh as he wasn't surprised it was that in the end. "It'll be here on Friday."

"And we are getting a stroller, right?" Beckett said.

"We are though really I was thinking a more modern pram," Castle told her.

"I'd prefer a stroller love," Beckett said firmly. "And the first set up we'll use basically makes it a modern pram."

"You're getting a stroller love," Castle assured her, kissing her cheek. "So we'll have to get that all set up."

"When it gets here," Beckett said with a yawn. She felt his hand on her hair and said, "You still enjoy that?"

"Your hair is the same," Castle said simply.

"Not really but thank you for convincing yourself that," Beckett told him before he lay down with her.

"Kate-" Castle started to say in slight annoyance.

"You can't deny that it happens," Beckett said, looking up at him looking down at her.

"No but your hair is wavier," Castle said firmly, curling it around his finger.

"More like exploded," Beckett said with a sigh.

"Now you sound like you're fishing," Castle told her jokingly. "I'll say it again though; you're beautiful."

Beckett smiled as he lowered his head to her, their lips meeting and making her smile disappear though she didn't care. When they stopped she waited for him to lie down and pressed close against his side murmuring, "Tabhair gealltanas dom rud éigin."

As she'd asked him to promise her something Castle said quickly, "Rud ar bith," saying anything.

"Tabhair grá dom," Beckett told him, saying simply the words love me.

"Gcónaí," Castle replied, saying always. He kissed her deeply before they slowly parted when they were a bit breathless and he then said, "Tabhair grá dom?"

"Gcónaí," Beckett said, a smile on her face before she drew him to her again.

Kissing hungrily that time Castle and Beckett allowed themselves to be drawn repeatedly back to one another until they were panting for air and holding onto one another, lying on their sides. They eventually laughed softly as the baby gently began to kick against Beckett's stomach and they kissed gently before they laid down normally, preparing to get some rest after their return home. But before they could sleep they whispered to one another in Irish, goodnights and I love yous that seemed louder than the storm still outside their small world of just them and their baby between their bodies and echoing in their minds as they dreamt of each other through the night.