
Main Event

The duo walked together through the cave. Because of the darkness of the cave, normal people would have recoiled from seeing nothing, but it was not a problem for Theos, with his left ey,e, and Lu,na, with her high affinity for shadows, so that her shadow could observe the surroundings.

After entering the cave, she, for some reason, could now see more shadows, so she used her ability as efficiently as possible.

Thus they continued deeper and deeper into the cave.

"Hey, Theos, do you see that?" asked Luna, pointing to the front, where a small white light was getting bigger and bigger as it approached her.

"Yes, I see... We are close to the final event," Theos declared, preparing his storage ring that contained his most powerful weapon.

Luna also put on a serious expression, preparing her Mana for any situation. "Hey, you never told me it would be the main event... What is it finally?" She asked curiously, turning her gaze to Theos.