
In Mushoku Tensei

A boy transmigrated in Mushoku Tensei with a system.

Mister_Ren · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 003 - Roxy Migurdia

In these past 6 months Wynstan gained various skills and increased his mana reserves to monstrous level.

He mastered all Elementary, Intermediate, Advance magic in all elements.

[Four Element Magic Mastery (Active, Advance).]

The system excludes all of his originally made spells like the [Flame of Setsuna (Active, Saint)] from the list. The [Flame Thrower (Active, Advance)] also joined the [Four Element Magic Mastery (Active, Advance)].

His control over mana also improved and made his battle aura which he hasn't been using much to upgrade to advance.

[Battle Aura (Active, Advance).]

This made him an unofficial Fire Saint and Advance warrior without any martial arts or swordsmanship training.

Paul is advanced ranked in three different sword styles which are, Sword God Style, Water God Style, and North God style.

The styles can be described as the following, Sword God is for pure offense, Water God for defense, and North God for trickery and versatility.

If Wynstan fought Paul using only his Battle Aura he wouldn't be able to put up a fight as a warrior like Paul is unconsciously using Battle Aura without himself noticing.

Again the power scaling in this world is God > Emperor >King > Saint > Advanced > Intermediate > Beginner.

Based on this scaling, Wynstan's unique spell [Flame of Setsuna (Active, Saint).] can even take down a king rank if they meet his eye.

Wynstan right now is relaxing on a tree branch near Greyrat household.

"Wyn breakfast is ready," Lilia called Wynstan, to which Wynstan just smiled and nodded in response.

Suddenly something made a wrecking sound then a considerable huge volume of water shot towards Wynstan.

Wynstan smiled and knew that this is when Rudeus tried to practice intermediate magic and destroyed a part of the house in return.

As the water torrent neared hitting him, Wynstan responded and created a wall of wind to shield him and the tree from getting wet.

As Wynstan jumped down from the tree he heard Zenith squeaking about how genius her son is.

Wynstan just wishes that Rudeus doesn't also reveal that he has talent in magic too.

Wynstan then walked towards the house then up on the second floor when he saw a broken wall and four people.

Lilia is wiping the floor because it's drench from Rudeus [Water Cannon (Active, Intermediate).]

While Zenith and Paul are arguing which one should Rudeus learn.

Zenith wanted to hire a magic tutor while jumping in joy.

"Wait a minute! We promised that if it were a boy, he'd be a swordsman." Paul said with arms crossed.

Wynstan looked at Rudeus and gave him a thumbs up.

"Wynstan!" Zenith jumps at Wynstan like a high school girl then lifts him up which surprises Wynstan but welcomes it. She is like a very excited dog that discovers something new.

Wysntan, Zenith, and Lilia are very close after all as Wynstan even though he is still 3 years old, correction, 3 years old and 9 months is very helpful around the house.

Zenith garden is beautiful as ever and Lilia is Wynstan's cooking buddy.

After some time of spinning Wynstan around Zenith finally let him go.

'Dizzy, Di-dizzy,' Wyntan said as he stumbled to retain his balance but gave up and puked to the broken wall.

Lilia then reprimanded Zenith's actions which she replied with an embarrassed giggle.

"Hey watch out!" Paul shouted as he noticed Wynstan stumble again after he's done puking.

Wynstan fell from the second floor.

"Damn it!" Paul tried to dash but failed to reach Wynstan in time.

Zenith, and Lilia have a dreaded look on their faces but Rudeus is smirking inwardly as he knows that Wynstan is stronger than him.

In Wynstan Point of View the surroundings are blurring as he just found out that getting spin around is one of his weaknesses.

WIth an inward sigh, Wynstan activated [Battle Aura (Active, Advance).] as he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

Wynstan didn't feel any pain but his dizziness was still there so he continued to close his eyes.

"Quick! use healing on him," Paul said as Zenith and Lilia were already running towards Wynstan.

[Negative Status Resistance (Passive, Beginner) Obtained.] As the system prompted him the dizziness quickly vanished as he felt warm around his head.

Opening his eyes and feeling refreshed, Wynstan quickly jumps up then looks at the people that have a concerned look on their face.

"I'm sorry, Are you alright Wyn?" Zenith looks like she is about to cry in guilt.

'Why is everything so dramatic?' Wynstan thought but didn't voice out.

"Yeah, Um, Sorry for worrying you, but my body is strong," Wynstan said as he jumped high and landed on his palm lifting his whole body with one hand.

Of course he can only do this because of his [Battle Aura (Active, Advance).]

Seeing how fit Wynstan is, Paul 's eyes glittered comically then quickly snatched Wystan from Zenith.

"Wait dear-" Zenith didn't even have time to finish as Paul already started training Wynstan in swordsmanship.

Though he is really the worst teacher there is, He describes the technique as swoosh, boom, kachow while making various poses.

Wynstan planned to learn swordsmanship too because why not? It will improve his fighting prowess and increase his survivability.

'Well, still better than nothing,' Wynstan thought as he mimicked Paul's body movement but failed miserably. He is not flexible enough, He's like a robot which made Paul laugh.

Paul saw potential in Wynstan, Of course he still planned to teach Rudeus in swordsmanship.

Because Wynstan still didn't show the family his talent in magic, the teacher will only instruct Rudeus.

After a few days, Rudy's Tutor Arrived.

Roxy Migurdia, A young Mirgurd woman who is part of the demon race. She is short in height with pale skin and long, blue, water colored hair and eyes of the same color. Her outfit usually consists of a magician's hat and robe. Her hair is held in two braids reaching below her waist.

When Wynstan made his first eye contact with Roxy the system finally gave him his second quest.

[Quest: Teach Roxy Silent Casting.]

[Time Limit: Until Roxy left Buena Village (Approximately: 1 and a half year).]

[Reward : Flame Breathing (Active, Saint) - Used by the Flame Shashira from Demon Slayer world. Increase your strength, stamina, reaction time, and speed when activated.]

[Accept? (Y/N)]

[Failure Penalty: Left Eye will be permanently blinded.]

Wynstan's left eye twitched as he gave Roxy a polite smile.