
Training ace, new shadow knight

New world

Island of volcano.

"Sorry, I will not say pops again." Shouted a black haired boy to someone as he look up. No one replied him but he saw a big reptile like creature which is 10 times bigger than him run to him to attack. The boy start fighting with with all he have.

This monster are very strong. He need to use all of his fight back.

After finishing it he sit on the ground as he start to breath hurriedly. Suddenly a person appeared beside him and said "ace, you have to let go of this logia mind set. Anyone with haki can injure you. Also don't just use fire as fist fight. There is many way you can fight with fire." Ace just kept quite as he listen him. The person look very handsome. He has a good bodybuilder like figure with 8 pack abs. The person is the most famous person now. He is Majin. But people start to call him Ryuunosuke for some reason.

Majin then use his own hell fire ability and showed him different way to use fire. He made sword with fire. He also make whip with it. Then he bad birds or other animal and control them.

Ace looked at all this and thought to different way he can use his devil fruit power. Then he heard majin "how much heat you can generate?" Asked. So he Then showed majin. Majin then told him from now on increase his heat as much as he. Majin also told him if he can fully control fire he will be able produce blue flame which is more powerful than his current flame. It made him happy and start to practice with it.

Majin come to this island a weak ago with ace. He start train him in haki and other fighting style. Many things happened in this weak. Majin made all the elders and previous 13 CP agents into shadow knight.


Next day morning after breakfast he used his door fruit ability and make a door that connects to skypia with the main building.

He open the door and went inside. Then he use haki and find everyone. He saw sonia and samia in the hall and Domino to her room. Sadi is on the back garden.

Majin went to the sisters and told them that get ready he will take them somewhere. Then majin went to the back garden. There he saw a great view. He saw a naked said bathing in sun.

Majin walk to her and said "you're enjoying your time."

Sadi already noticed him with her haki but she didn't shy or cover herself with anything. Then she looked back and saw majin looking at her breast. She felt proud and strength her back to give majin a good view as she's said "yes, I like the place."

Seeing her majin smile as he walk beside her and hold one of her boobs as he massage it as he asked "don't you miss your prisoners?" Sadi moaned a little and replied "well I do a little as there is no one here to punish." Majin pinched her nipple and move his face toward her and kissed her. After a long kiss he let her go and said "get ready, we will go somewhere else and meet with other."

Said look disappointed as he didn't go all the way but do as he said. Because she heard his next word "as for this we will continue later" and he slap her butt.

After that majin went to Dominos room. He knocked then entered. Domino looked at him with complicated eyes. He has seen all the broadcast. SHe also now like majin as what he did. So after a long thought she decided to accept his offer. So when she so him here now she never thought she will accept it so fast.

Majin looked at her and said "what you thought about my offer?"

Domino took a deep breath and then said "okay, I accepted your offer." Majin smiled at her reply and then said "good good. Okay now get ready we will go to meet other." He give her a good secretary dress. And left the room.

After 10 minutes everyone is ready and agin use the door to go back to amazon as he said "you can from now on use this door to came and go." Everyone nodded at his word.

Then they return back to amazon. After that majin asked everyone to come to his room. Which is only Hancock, Robin, Yamato and Ulti. Then he introduced said and domino to them. Also same of others way. Then he told everyone that if they want to travel world they can do it. Yamato enthusiastically agreed. Robin also agreed as she wanted to search the void century. Majin didn't told her about that she already knows. He let her find herself. Sadi and Domino will also follow them. Hancock doesn't want to go as she just want to stay with majin.

No one said anything as they know that to Hancock majin is everything. Everything she does it is for majin.

Then majin went to his room as he need to do the work he left. After returning majin again made another 18 shadow knight and use five elder and CP agents soul for it. He also made them eternal loyalty to him.

Cp agents have some good power and fighting techniques. But they don't have any devil fruit ability.

As fo the elder one has short teleport more like blink. 2 has zoan devil fruit which are reptile who can breath fire and other is mammal which increase body strength. As for the last one he a swordsman also has home smithing knowledge.

'Hamm I think I should go wano sometimes and learn Smithing there.