
Previous emperor pirates, inauguration

Those pirate emperor that stayed in their position for decades is now in great crisis. Both the big mom crew and beast pirates crew couldn't find their captain. It's like they vanished within the air.

Big mom crew

Katakuri and smoothy search everywhere for their mother but they couldn't find her. Katakuri orders a lockdown for all of the islands. Also told everyone to stay on guard.

Then katakuri and smoothie call all the other commanders. After everyone arrives they inform everyone about big mom. It was at that time the broadcast about redline started. At first, they didn't watch but after some time they look as for Majins power.

Suddenly katakuri and smoothie both have a very bad premonition. They don't want to believe it so they contact Beast pirates crew.

Beast pirates crew

After majin left the whole kingdom was put into lockdown. As they suddenly can't feel kaido anymore on the island.

They start to look for him. He didn't leave but suddenly vanished. They did the same as big mom pirates.

When theY saw a new broadcast. At first, they ignored it but suddenly someone told them to look at something. When all the commanders looked at the broadcast their faces showed great shock.

As they were watching the broadcast kaidos Commander, ace got a call from someone they didn't expect. He accepted it And the first thing they heard "did you lose kaido?"

When ace heard this his face showed shock as to how can they get the news so fast. But Replied "what do need katakuri? Don't tell me you just called for this."

Back to Big mom pirates

Katakuri confirmed by his reply that they also can't find kaido. 'Two of the four emperors vanished, and Yamato is fighting there. So only this devil has the power of doing this. But why he didn't attack everyone only vanished with the emperor Unless. Unless Whitebeard also died.' Katakuri thought to himself.

Without replying katakuri cut the call. And keep watching the broadcast. as the video finished katakuri confirmed his doubts when majin said in the broadcast "I give you a new era". He again thought to himself 'so he let us live because we aren't from older generations'.

Katakuri share his thought with smoothie and others.

So after a great discussion, they decided to pull together and make katakuri the new captain.

Back to the present moment

After hearing the press release katakuri and big mom pirates decided to strengthen their border from any outside attack. They decided to wait until the situation settled down.

Two days went by.

Today many people, press come to sabody to see the inauguration of the new leader of WG.

Time skip to the inauguration

Dragon walk to the stage and said "thanks everyone for this opportunity. I will try my best to make the world peaceful. Thank you"

Everyone applauds him.

Majin who so the broadcast with everyone on amazon smiled a little. In a day Yamato and others will go out to the sea. Majin made a modern ship with his annihilation maker. This has enough ability and power to kill an admiral. It can also go in a stealthy mood. All the cannons don't fire regular balls. It fire beam. It can also turn into submarines and go underwater. So with this ship, they are safe.

Majin also selects the three female knights as their bodyguards. He also transferred all the navigation knowledge he get until now by absorbing to this female knight. So robin and others don't need to be wary about navigating in the new world.

They don't have any pirate flags or marine flags. Their flag is different. It's Majin in his full archangel form pic in the flag as Ryuunosuke was written at the upper side of the flag.

For some time all of them also Amazonians start to call him Ryuunosuke.

Only Hancock and Robin call him "Ryuu" in short form. Yamato always calls him captain. Sadi calls him little brother after their play. Domino calls him boss. And Ulti even doesn't want to call him "master" as Yamato had a great "talk" with her.

Majin scolded Yamato many times to not act like that with Ulti. She nodded when she heard him but quickly forget it. Ulti also acts innocent in front of me. Majin just shook at this "Tom and Jerry" and ignore these two most of the time.

So now today they start an outside camp with every Amazonian to party for Robin and Yamato and also he wants to party.