Currently being rewritten
(3rd Person Pov)
The UA faculty members watched in disbelief as the zero pointer went up in flames. Rimuru's actions caused even more confusion. Just how many quirks did this guy have?
"Principal Nezu."
Aizawa spoke and Nezu raised his paw stopping Aizawa as he replied calmly.
"I know. This Rimuru Tempest is truly a mysterious individual. The fact that the more we watch the less we learn just how much he's capable of is truly a rather unique experience. However, Rimuru has shown that he is a competent hero. And with an abundance of unique and unknown quirks, he's likely the most versatile of all our faculty members. He's as fast and as strong as All Might, has the ability to turn invisible, can cast minor hypnosis and alter people's memories, summon weapons, snipe individuals from great distances, manifest arrows seemingly out nothing and now even create fire. It's really hard to believe he couldn't be All For One's successor. And he's not inexperienced as well. He questioned Aizawa on as much relevant information that he could acquire, and chose the quickest path to saving the 'hostages' using the advantages of his marksmanship and physical abilities. He prioritised the 'hostages' safety, before dealing with the greatest threat as well."
Nezu looked increadibly pleased with the outcome of this test as he turned around to leave the room they were in.
"Tell Rimuru to come by my office in a bit to get his class schedule."
And with those words spoken, Principal Nezu left the monitor room heading back to his office leaving the rest of the school staff to watch as Rimuru's cloak fluttered in the wind, his entire self illuminated by the flames of the still burning Zero Pointer Robot.
(Scene Break!)
(3rd Person Pov)
Rimuru walked out of the city where Aizawa waited outside a bus to bring Rimuru back to the main campus.
"Well, how did I do?"
Rimuru questioned curiously. Aizawa simply gazed at Rimuru in silence for a few seconds before he answered.
"You did extremely well. You cleared the test with the best results anyone could have achieved. Principal Nezu has requested you at his office. He wants to give you your class schedule."
Rimuru nodded his head as he made his way into the bus with Aizawa following right behind him. Rimuru and Aizawa sat opposite each other as the bus drove off heading to the main campus as Aizawa questioned.
"Rimuru-San. If I may ask, why do you wear that mask on your face? I've noticed you tend to keep it on as often as possible. Is it a support item that helps with your quirk in some way?"
Rimuru shook his head as he responded.
"The mask isn't a support item. I just use it to hide my face. After all, it's really difficult being fabulous."
Rimuru spoke smugly making Aizawa deadpan.
"Is that so? And what about the outfit your wearing? Any specific reason you chose that as your hero costume? I don't see any reason how it may aid you with your quirks."
Rimuru nodded his head in understanding as he answered.
"It's got nothing to do with aiding me with my quirk. It's just an asthetic choice."
"Is that so?"
Aizawa hummed as he closed his eyes and went to sleep leaving the conversation at that. Rimuru continued looking out the bus's window as he pondered to himself.
'I wonder how everyone back "home" took to my sudden disappearance? Is it strange that I want them to be panicked, to keep trying to search for me everyday and too never give up on the possibility that I might return. I pray that the time difference between both this world and my own isn't too great. I miss my friends….'
A few minutes later, they arrived back to the main campus, as Aizawa walked alongside Rimuru in silence until they arrived at Principal Nezu's office knocking on the door and entering upon being given permission.
Both Rimuru and Aizawa saw Nezu sitting at his desk paperwork stacked to his right as he greeted them both.
"It's good to see you both again. Please, have a seat."
Both Rimuru and Aizawa took a seat in front of Nezu as he continued.
"Rimuru-San. Your schedule has been decided already."
Rimuru nodded his head as he questioned.
"When do I begin? And what class will I be teaching?"
Principal Nezu took out two schedule's handing it over to Rimuru as he spoke with a bright smile.
"You'll start in a few days during the UA entry exam. As for the class and lesson you'll be teaching, the class will be both 1-A and 1-B of the Hero Course. The subject in question is Heroics, where you will act as an assistant to the actual teachers. Since as of right now, they should have more experience in teaching compared to yourself. If they call in sick or have other issues, you will be in charge for their heroics lesson. But should you prove to be great at teaching by yourself, even if not only Heroics then I may have you become a proper teacher and not as an assistant. Now, any questions?"
Principal Nezu questioned patiently.
Rimuru pondered for a few seconds before he spoke.
"I do actually have a few. The first is if you have any programs that can help me until I get my first paycheque? Since I'm kinda broke at the moment and I require a lot of food."
Both Nezu and Aizawa seemed surprised by Rimuru's question but then they remembered about how his profile stated he was an orphan and he is just twenty years old. So it's pretty understandable that his financial situation might not be the best.
"Hrrm. That shouldn't be a problem. I can allow you access to the school's cafeteria even after school hours, and I'll give you around 152,920 Yen to help you out during your first month until it's time for your salary. Meals are already free whenever lunch rush is around, but after school hours, you'll be on your own to cook food for yourself. Is that alright with you?"
Rimuru nodded his head enthusiastically.
"Thanks Principal Nezu! You're a lifesaver!"
Principal Nezu smiled in amusement at Rimuru's words as he replied.
"Your very welcome."
Principal Nezu's gaze became more serious as he questioned.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you set that zero pointer ablaze?"
Rimuru pursed his lips behind his mask as he sighed and shook his head.
"I appreciate it truly that you are willing to help me out, but unfortunately, I do mind you asking, so I won't be answering any questions."
Principal Nezu leaned back into his chair as he spoke calmly.
"You are aware just how suspicious you are making yourself look with how secretive you are being. Your a mystery Tempest-San, so many quirks, so much information about things you shouldn't know and very elusive and secretive. Not to mention how often you seem to hide your face. And with all these factors it's really hard not to believe you aren't in cahoots with All For One."
Rimuru nodded his head solemnly.
"I'm aware. I know just how suspicious I look. But trust me, I can swear to you that I have nothing involving with All For One."
Nezu hummed as he stood up and spoke.
"Then Rimuru Tempest. Since you seem to understand just how big of a risk I'm putting everyone in right now both students and teachers alike as well as UA High School's reputation by hiring you, I'll take you at your word. Just know that the one thing I despise the most is someone who makes such solemn promises only to end up betraying them."
Principal Nezu spoke with eerie calmness before placing an envelope in front of Rimuru as well as the two class schedules as he spoke.
"Here's the aid money and the class scheudle. Welcome young man to UA High School."
Principal Nezu then walked back to his seat and gazed at Rimuru.
"Thank you for your trust in me Principal Nezu, as well as your aid. Your words have been noted, and I'll ensure that your decision wasn't the wrong one."
Rimuru spoke seriously as he pocketed the envelope and picked up the two schedules looking at them.
"Is that all?"
Rimuru questioned from behind his mask and Principal Nezu nodded his head.
"I'll send you a text during the day of the opening ceremony and I expect you to be present. I also wish to inform you that classes finish by around 18.00 pm, so you will most likely be doing hero work really late in the evening."
Rimuru nodded in understanding.
"I have no issues with that."
Principal Nezu nodded and spoke.
"Then you may return now. And please whatever it is you did that prevented us from finding your house, undo it."
Rimuru nodded his head and left the office as the sounds of his footsteps echoed down in the hallway until it disappeared. And only then did Aizawa speak.
"Your taking a huge risk with the kid. He's not honest, really suspicious, and has an unknown number of quirks at his disposal including mind control and memory manipulation which he didn't mind using on innocent civilians to get away with murdering a villain even if it's because the way he grew up."
Principal Nezu nodded his head as he replied calmly.
"I understand your point of view Shota, but it's better to keep him in close proximity especially on the off chance he is working for All For One, you can erase his quirks making All Might's job less complicated. Keep your friends close, but enemies closer as they say. I'm taking a risky gamble by hiring him, but you forgot that what Toshinori told us was that his memories were just slightly altered. Now what does that tell you about Rimuru's hypnosis ability?"
Aizawa pondered for a few seconds before replying.
"It's not guaranteed he didn't do it because he couldn't but because of other limiting factors such as possible deep respect and admiration for All Might making him not use the full extent of his abilities."
"A possibility. But I'd like to think it's because hypnosis doesn't completely work on strong willed individuals. Otherwise Toshinori wouldn't have been able to remember the details of his encounter with Rimuru."
Principal Nezu shared his perspective.
"For the sake of everyone who will be coming to this High School, I pray your gamble pays off. Now if you'll excuse me, I have underground Hero work to deal with"
Aizawa spoke rubbing his forehead as he left the office leaving Principal Nezu all alone who smiled as he responded with a confident glint in his eyes.
"Don't worry Aizawa. I'm confident in the hand I've been given, and that's why I'm willing to place all my chips in for this reckless gamble of mine."
Principal Nezu spoke looking out the window as he leaned back into his chair pondering to himself with a wicked grin.
'It seems like things won't be getting boring anytime soon.'
(An: YO! So, I'm lazy and really fucking inconsistent with updates, so maybe this shit will get updated in the next several years. Got into Star Rail, and just finished the Penacony Quest after beating the shit out of Sunday after he became a Gundam trying to play God twice. And I'll admit I'm surprised anyone still remembers this exists. My other two ff are *Eh* unsure as of the moment, so just see yall in a few millennia when I update again.)