Currently being rewritten
(An: I edited this chapter cause when i reread it, i feel like i made the mc give up too much and made himself look dumb)
(3rd Person Pov)
Rimuru sat on one of the couches in the principals office at U.A. Highschool as he took a sip of the tea prepared by Nezu. Drinking it with his mask still on as he saw Nezu looking at himself with a smile that made him feel rather uncomfortable.
Rimuru: "*Sip*"
Principal Nezu: "*Smiles*"
Rimuru: "*Siiiip*"
Principal Nezu: "*Smiles even wider*"
Rimuru: "*Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip...*"
P.Nezu: "*Smiles in amusement*"
Rimuru sighed in annoyance and frustration as he placed his cup of tea on the table infront of himself as he just sat there silently. Principal Nezu seemed to really enjoy how uncomfortable Rimuru was feeling as he spoke.
P.Nezu: "Is the tea perhaps not to your liking Rimuru-San?"
Rimuru: "Ah! No, the tea was lovely. What wasn't lovely was you just staring at me. It's giving me the creeps."
P.Nezu: "Is that so? Then I do apologise for making you feel uncomfortable. It wasn't my intention to make you feel uncomfortable."
Nezu spoke with an amused smile adorning his face that didn't look apologetic at all.
Rimuru: "*Sigh* Alright, tell me what exactly am I here for?"
P.Nezu: "I'm sure you should be well aware the reason why I'd call you here."
Rimuru: "You want me to be a teacher at this highschool?"
P.Nezu: "Originally that was the plan. However, my plans have been changed slightly. I do still plan on hiring you, but before I do, I have a few questions I'd like you to answer. Is that alright with you?"
Rimuru: "That's fine with me. However, I must apologise in advance, because there may be several questions which I won't be willing to answer."
P.Nezu: "That's completely fine with me. Everyone is entitled to holding a secret or two. Now then, let's begin shall we?"
Rimuru was about to answer when he sensed the presence of another person outside waiting alongside Aizawa. He dismmised it as another teacher who came as backup just in case, so he simply faced Nezu and nodded his head.
P.Nezu: "Lovely. Now then, my first question I'd like you to answer. Are you the mysterious archer that sniped the Minotaur villain two days ago?"
Rimuru: "No."
P.Nezu: "Is that so? Onto my next question then. We're you also the one who burned down the villain's base several days ago?"
Rimuru: "I saw the news report about the incident. However, I have no involvement with burning that building."
P.Nezu: "I see. Will you admit that you are the one that killed that moose villain recently?"
Rimuru: "I did."
P.Nezu: "And I'll also take it that you are the culprit behind the missing memories of the civilians and villain's after killing the moose villain?"
Rimuru: "Yes."
P.Nezu: "How fascinating. Next question, did you have any involvement with saving the Yaoyorozu family?"
Rimuru pretended to be surprised as he spoke.
Rimuru: "The Yaoyorozu family was attacked?"
P.Nezu: "Indeed. Did you know what the Yaoyorozu family told the police? That a hail of blunt arrows rained down upon the villains knocking them out. And he said that all the arrows turned into motes of blue air."
Rimuru: "And I'm assuming you believe me the culprit?"
P.Nezu: "Exactly."
Rimuru: "And what makes you believe that?"
P.Nezu: "Soon, it'll all come to light young man. For now, I have three more questions I'd like you to answer."
Rimuru: "Shoot."
P.Nezu: "How confident are you in training the next generation of Heroes?"
Rimuru: "Extremely confident."
P.Nezu: "That's good to hear. The second to last question. We're you aware that earlier today I had sent a letter to your address, but for some strange reason, no matter who sent the letter, they couldn't seem to find your house. Why is that?"
Rimuru froze at Nezu's words as he cursed in his mind.
Rimuru: 'Oh F*ck! The bounded field I had setup! It was made so that no one would be able to find my house because the bounded field made them ignore it!'
Principal Nezu took notice of Rimuru's shocked body language as Rimuru spoke.
Rimuru: "I... Invoke the fifth?"
Principal Nezu snorted in amusement as he spoke.
P.Nezu: "Sadly, this isn't America."
Rimuru: "Ugh. I have no answer for that particular question."
P.Nezu: "I see. Then onto my last question. Tell me Rimuru Tempest, are you aware of who All For One is?"
Rimuru: "All For One you say?"
Rimuru sighed mentally as he now has an inkling as to who the identity of the other individual was and why it seems like Nezu never tried digging deeper into the answers he gave.
Rimuru: "I am aware of who he is."
Principal Nezu blinked in surprise at Rimuru's response as he understood why Rimuru answered him that way.
P.Nezu: "Interesting. What's your relationship with him?"
Rimuru: "I know alot about him, but he doesn't know alot about me."
P.Nezu: "Oh? Do enlighten me then. What do you know about him that he doesn't know about you?"
Rimuru: "Well, how about the fact that All For One is still alive."
Nezu froze at Rimuru's word's as he blinked in surprise and confusion.
P.Nezu: "Do you have any evidence that he is still alive?"
Rimuru: "Nope. I do not have any evidence that he is alive other than my own words"
P.Nezu: "Rimuru-San. Do you know just how dangerous All For One is? If he is truly alive and you have any information on him, it would be in your best interest to share such critical information. Otherwise, you may be considered an accomplice to him."
Rimuru: "If I was his accomplice, I'd have captured everyone here to give him your quirks. And considering you have the human lie detector standing right outside the door, you have no basis to accuse me of being an accomplice to a villain like him."
Principal Nezu hummed in amusement at Rimuru's words. To think his senses was so sharp that he noticed that Detective Naomasa was standing outside.
P.Nezu: 'How troublesome… Even if we suspect him of being an accomplice to All For One, not only do we not have any proof, but his record is also clear of any suspicious activities. If we do end up capturing him, and he really isn't related to All For One, our image and reputation will plummet. And such news wont escape the media's eyes, so on the off chance All For One is still alive, he will be made aware that we know about him. And we cant even rely on physical force as we would be considered the instigator of the fight. *Sigh*'
Principal Nezu gazed at Rimuru wondering how to proceed with the conversation. After a few minutes, Principal Nezu spoke.
P.Nezu: "Alright then. I'll take you at your word that you aren't an accomplice of All For One. But if you aren't one of his accomplice, then how do you know that he's still alive?"
Rimuru: "I have my own sources Principal Nezu."
P.Nezu: "An informant?"
Rimuru shook his head and replied
Rimuru: "Nope. All the information I have is all that I learnt of myself"
P.Nezu: "I see. Then, do you mind sharing a piece of information that would prove the legitimacy of your 'Information?'"
Rimuru pondered for a few seconds before he spoke.
Rimuru: "I've just recently came to learn that somewhere in Kamino Ward there is a hidden factory where All For One is experimenting on mass producing an army of super soldier's. Otherwise known as Nomu."
P.Nezu: "And where'd you come to learn of this information?"
Rimuru: "Its because I've seen it myself."
P.Nezu: "But how would you have seen it yet tell me that "Somewhere" in Kamino Ward and not the actual building? In fact, why didn't you report said factory as soon as you "Found It""
Rimuru: "Because I didn't want to alert those Nomu's, and end up endangering the innocent people."
Principal Nezu hummed rubbing his chin as he heard Rimuru's words. Principal Nezu rummaged through his drawer for a few seconds before he took out what looked like an id card as he spoke.
P.Nezu: "Here is your id card as one of UA High-schools newest faculty member. If its at all possible, I'd like you to come in early tomorrow so we can prepare your schedule for the new semester."
Rimuru raised an eyebrow curiously under his mask as he questioned.
Rimuru: "Thats it? I'm free to go now?"
P.Nezu: "Thats right. I've already done what I originally wanted you here for, so unless you have any questions you'd like to ask me, that should be all for today."
Rimuru: "Actually, I do have a question I'd like to ask you. What made you think that I was this mysterious Archer you were talking about earlier?"
P.Nezu: "Oh. It's about that?"
Principal Nezu opened the laptop on his desk before typing something and then he turned the screen allowing Rimuru to watch a video of himself coming out of his spirit form, before projecting his Black Bow and firing an arrow.
Rimuru: "How did you even capture this video? I remembered to avoid the camera's."
P.Nezu: "That may be the case, but i bet you never knew that UA High-school has its own satellite in space. Thats how we got this video."
Rimuru groaned as he muttered
Rimuru: "Ughh. The joys of being rich."
Principal Nezu chuckled in amusement as he watched Rimuru leave. After he had left, both Aizawa and Naomasa entered the office as Aizawa questioned
Aizawa: "Well? Whats the verdict?"
P.Nezu: "He's not as gullible as I had expected. He answered vaguely for most of my questions. But, was he telling the truth detective?"
Detective Naomasa is a tall man with short black hair and somewhat rectangular black eyes. He looked at the principal as he spoke
DN: "Although alot of his answers were vague, there was no falsehood."
P.Nezu: "What do you think Aizawa?"
Aizawa: "I have no comment to give. I'm just surprised you didnt want to capture and interrogate him."
P.Nezu: "It was too great a risk to try capture and interrogate him. If i had done anything and he retaliated, he wont be in the wrong because he was simply defending himself. And in the off chance news spread that UA was accusing a brand new hero as being an accomplice to a dangerous villain with our only reasoning was a hunch, we would lose alot of our image and reputation."
Aizawa: "I see."
-(Scene Break!)-
(3rd Person POV)
Rimuru sat atop the edge of an apartment dangling his leg as he pondered over the events that occured today. He sighed before shrugging his shoulders as he muttered to himself.
Rimuru: "I got the job I've been wanting, but now Nezu is suspicious of me. In fact, i feel like the only reason he allowed me to become a faculty member is to keep an eye on me. Regardless, I'm free right now, so let's continue my work."
Rimuru stood up and stretched his body before he faded away into his spirit form.
-(Scene End)-
(An: Not dropped! Ive just become extremely lazy so were back to irregular updates yay~)