
In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

First of all, This is a Novel where there is Harem. So you are warned if you didn’t read the Synopsis. I will be using some forced romance and Cliches to my advantage to take Harem members. This will be AU with MCU plotline but the Superheroes’ power levels will be on the Comics side that will give me plenty of room to manoeuvre. Yeah Yeah, Mutants will be involved when I find them convenient to do so. If you don’t understand the powers of something or someone, go to Wiki please. Don’t bother me with useless chit chat. I will obviously add some characters that I want and May even add some OCs. So don’t moan about it. To the real Synopsis: A teenager of about 16 years old was going home from watching the Latest Marvel movie late at night with his Parents when they turned to an Alley way and encountered a robbery. From there, the situation Continues and our MC gets reincarnated. Disclaimer: I do not hold the right to any of the Marvel’s characters. I only hold the right to my Plot and OCs. Picture is not mine, you can ask me to remove it if you are the owner. I am currently Writing Gold Experience(GER) in DC. Will start updating this after that finishes.

Hancock_Sama · Anime und Comics
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154 Chs

73. Training and end

'Let's just recap on everything that I have learned till now and then we will start with other things from tomorrow'. King moved back to his room and started to recap on the knowledge that he ahd learned in the past two years.

The next day, King got up and headed straight for the Chi manipulation course in Kamar Taj. He was done with Sorcery and now it was time to start on other things.

The master that trained the apprentices here was another guy with a bald head and black skin. He looked like an honest guy.

"I am here to join the Chi Manipulation course. Agamotto should've told you already". King came in while riding Lopt leisurely and said.

"Yes, master has already told me. Please sit down here". The guy waved his hand and nodded.

King didn't dawdle and sat down between the apprentices here. Although his Chi Manipulation is at Master's level according to Alfheim but there is always room for improvement.

The guy started to show some different aspects to Chi Manipulation and also how it can be used to reinforce the body and even form an armour with energy.

King paid a bit of attention and knew that it was basically the same thing that he already learnt but there application of Chi was a bit more unrefined.

"Thanks for your time but it is not for me". King shook his head and left the place after ascertaining that it was not going to help.

Then he went to the martial arts field to see what he could learn here. This might be able to help him at least.

He got to the martial Arts master and saw Agamotto also standing there and giving lectured while showing different forms.

So he just sat got over there while sitting on Lopt and started listening intently. This Martial Arts was different than the one from Alfheim because Alfheim emphasised more on using the nature around you to attack your opponents.

While this martial arts incorporated Sorcery in an exquisite way for you to attack your opponents with.

It also incorporates multiple styles that have not even been invented yet like Muay Thai, Karate among others.

King was more than wiling to learn these because he wouldn't need to learn them in the future if he learned them now.

'Agamotto probably used the Time Stone for this one'. King thought while practicing the different stances of these styles.

With Sorcery alone, his variety on attacks had increased and the earring gave him another power which made him stronger again.

Now he was going to focus his training on these Martial Arts and then he will start focusing on his realm entirely.

'I still need to develop my divinities more'. King felt that he was taking in too much of a hurry right now.

If he can assemble and own the Realm in its entirety then he will be a Universal being and if he can ask the others to share a part of their powers in his domain then he will basically take another leap in power.

'Thos who sit in the shadows don't really feel all that strong anymore to be honest'. King shook his head and firmed up his eyes to stop thinking about these useless things and becoming complacent of his power.

'If Thor can advance to Rune King Thor then it will help me in the long run as well'. Plans were coming and going in his mind and he was really restless while performing the stances one by one.

Like this, he spent a full year in learning the Martial Arts in Kamar Taj. He learned everything in Kamar Taj in only three years which wasn't a long time at all.

In only three years, he mastered Sorcery and the Martial Arts of Kamar Taj flawlessly like the back of his hand.

'Time flies'. King looked up at the sky and sighed. He was feeling a little melancholic right now.

'Should go and visit everyone'. King stood up from his meditation session and moved to Agamotto's quarters.

"Are you ready to leave?" Agamotto stood up from his chair and asked with his old voice full of wisdom.

"Yeah, I have learnt everything there is to learn and now it is time for me to leave". King nodded his head and didn't talk nonsense with him.

"I will keep my promise and make sure that any large threats to Earth will be handled with all my strength". King didn't forget to add this sentence before going.

You need to tell people that you still remember your words and promises or it can make them think some unpleasant things.

"Take care then". Agamotto had a wide smile on his face after hearing King's words and waved his hand to shoo him away.

He always felt that his prestige had been seriously affected ever since King came to Kamar Taj. Which made him a bit vexed. Now that this bad star is going away and he is happy to comply.

"See ya then mate". King waved his hand and took out his space ship outside of Kamar Taj before boarding it and flying away.

'Now to find a quiet place and start integrating with the Realm'. He looked around and used some magic to find a hidden cave or something on the mountains.

After finding a suitable location. King rushed in with Lopt and closed the cave off with Illusions. No one can enter hundreds metres around this area.

He first expanded the cave and put some necessary furniture in place. He didn't forget to put a temperature regulating enchantment.

'Ah comfort before anything else'. King stretched his body on the bed and then closed his eyes while laying down comfortably.

He was transported straight to the realm with his soul and started to meditate and tried to integrate the realm with his soul.

Time trickled away at a constant pace and like this, he spent a year inside the realm in meditation. When the realm finally integrated with his body.

He felt a sense of euphoria like he just ejaculated a flood. He couldn't describe the pleasure behind that feeling.

After the realm was fully integrated. His power increased by leaps and bounds and he felt that the previous block on his Telekinesis was also lifted.