
In Marvel: I Start by Marrying Scarlett Witch

"Daoism, magic, ninjutsu, technology, and so on - essentially, it's just the use of energy. Only when the ocean accommodates a hundred rivers can much be accommodated and understood." "To unite the ninja world to create a shinobi empire, repeal the Statute of Secrecy to eliminate the barrier between Muggles and wizards, don golden sacred robes to become the Holy Pope, engulf a blood demon to ascend to immortality, learn the dragon's roar to conquer the sky… "By uniting the world's strength into a whole, studying the most fundamental laws of the universe, Leon in the Marvel universe strives to surpass not just Thanos, but all Lords of Dimensions and create a personal universe that will be unique. "The main world where the main character is located is the year 2012 in the Marvel universe, with Iron Man and other heroes. Subworlds: Naruto, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Saint Seiya, The Elder Scrolls, etc..."

fun_friyay · Anime und Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 1

Sokovia, a lush green lawn, is currently hosting an extremely lavish wedding.

Aside from a few journalists with various professional photography equipment, the wedding is mostly attended by the wealthiest and most influential people in all of Sokovia.

Clearly, the protagonists of this wedding are not ordinary people, at least one of them is not.

"Leo Chen, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"

The priest stood on the stage, addressing a handsome man on the left.

The man solemnly replied, "I do!"

The priest nodded and then turned to the young woman on the right, dressed in a white wedding gown, her figure remarkably striking, and asked:

"Wanda, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"

The woman looked at the man opposite her with a face full of happiness and nodded gently.

"I do!"

[Mission accomplished, starting to extract a small world... Small world extraction in progress... Extraction complete, please check the extracted small world in the world options.]

As Wanda uttered the words "I do," an emotionless electronic voice rang in Leo's ear.

However, he had no time to pay attention to this prompt, as the exchange of rings and the kissing segment was about to begin.

Leo Chen, twenty years old, was originally just a rich second-generation in Sokovia, living a life of indulgence until his parents' unexpected death left him with a vast family business.

Three years ago, he suddenly changed his temperament, actively took over the family business, and through a series of thunderous measures, revived the originally third-rate family business, transforming it into the wealthiest young enterprise in Sokovia today.

At the same time, he also successfully entered the halls of marriage with a girl he had been dating for three years who worked at a convenience store.

This was Sokovia's news assessment of Leo, an emerging genius entrepreneur.

In reality, however, the original Leo had died in an accident three years ago, and his body was occupied by a transmigrator, leading to the subsequent earth-shattering changes.

Not long after arriving in this world, Leo discovered that the world he was in was actually the extremely dangerous Marvel universe.

Although he was a skilled fighter in his previous life, it was not easy to train this body, which had been hollowed out by indulgence, back to its peak.

Moreover, even if his body regained its peak condition, it wouldn't be enough to withstand Thanos and his planet-destroying cosmic fleet.

Fortunately, he also awakened a golden finger, a magical virtual panel.

The virtual panel would issue some main and side quests; completing the main quests allowed him to extract small worlds for travel, while completing side quests provided various rewards.

These rewards included items such as special ointments, sharp weapons, and even money, among other things.

His first main quest, and currently the only main quest, was to approach the Scarlet Witch Wanda, who had just turned seventeen and was working in a convenience store.

The main quest had three levels of completion: primary, intermediate, and advanced.

The higher the completion level, the better the initial identity and talents provided upon extracting a new world.

The primary completion level of the quest to approach the Scarlet Witch was to become close friends with Wanda, the intermediate level was to become her boyfriend, and the advanced level was to marry her.

Initially, Leo only aimed to become her boyfriend, as marriage was not a trifling matter. However, after three years of interaction, he actually fell in love with Wanda.

There was no way around it. Wanda was not like a typical Western woman; she was conservative in her thinking, gentle in her personality, and particularly serious about love.

Her ideal life was to become a housewife, supporting her husband and raising children peacefully for the rest of her life.

These aspects perfectly matched Leo's criteria for a spouse. In his previous life, he fought illegal underground fights abroad to earn money, just to find such a wife and live a prosperous and stable life.


At night, after Wanda fell asleep from exhaustion, Leo finally had the time to open his virtual panel and start reviewing the information from the day.

[Extracted World: Naruto.

Due to the host's high task completion level, providing five-element chakra talent, providing high-level identity: Prince of the Land of Fire (son of the brother of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire).

Duration: three months (small world time can be extended through side quests).

Main world and small world time are not synchronized; no time will pass upon return.

Items cannot be transferred between the main world and the small world; please do not carry unnecessary items.]

"Sure enough, the treatment for high completion levels is excellent!"

Seeing the description on the panel, Leo's eyes lit up.

Although it had been many years, he didn't remember the plot of the Naruto anime very clearly, but he knew that ninjas with five-element talents were rare in the entire ninja world.

Moreover, as a prince of the Land of Fire, at least he wouldn't have to worry about money and life, and the initial safety was high.

"Three months is too short."

After reading the rewards for completing the main quest, Leo immediately flipped to the side quest section to see if there were any quests to extend the time.

After searching for a while, he really found one:

[1. Settle in New York City: Move to New York with Wanda and settle down, reward: six months in the small world.]

"New York is not a safe city, but staying in Sokovia doesn't seem any safer either."

Although Leo was not a hardcore Marvel fan, he had some knowledge of Marvel movies while living abroad.

If he remembered correctly, the first battle of the Avengers took place in New York, and there were many other chaotic events there as well.

But thinking carefully, Sokovia didn't seem much better either, with a Hydra base hidden and the entire city almost destroyed in the future.

The key was that many of the side quests issued by the panel had their locations in New York.

Although there were no penalties for not completing main or side quests, only by completing more quests could he gain rewards and enhance his strength to face the dangerous Marvel world.

In his previous life, he fought life-and-death matches for money, knowing well that if he didn't train hard off-stage, he might die in the next match.

Quietly getting out of bed and going to the balcony, Leo closed the door and called his subordinate.

"Jack, you can take the team to New York now. We're moving up the plan to expand into the New York market!"

Expanding his family business into New York was a plan he had before, now just brought forward due to the side quest.

Leo knew well that in the Marvel world, no amount of money could deal with enemies like Thanos, but without money, even small fries could cause trouble.

Since they were settling in New York, his company had to expand there too, growing big and strong to become a top capitalist.

This way, if shameless government agencies tried to cause trouble, he would have enough means to cope.

After making the call, Leo returned to the bedroom to continue resting, needing to gather his strength for his journey to the Naruto small world the next day.

Wanda and her brother Quicksilver had not yet joined Hydra's experiments and had not been empowered by the Mind Stone, so their abilities were not very strong.

Wanda could perform some minor magic, but it wasn't very destructive. Quicksilver was faster than ordinary people, but his speed wasn't extraordinary either.

As for himself, with the aid of rewards from some side quests and his own daily efforts over the past three years, his strength had recovered to the level of his previous life, but he was still vulnerable to powerful firearms.

So if they were to settle in New York, it would have to wait until he learned chakra refinement and some ninjutsu in the Naruto world.