
September 23, 2019

Just a normal school day it passes by as the seasons change. I've know the kids here since I've been to the middle school connected to the high school. Never understood why they did it that way.

It's a lottery school it's a "A" school the teachers and other staff brag about it. I've made new friend's while here, I've grown close to Sam she is my best friend, then there's Emily she also is new and we've grown close too as well as Hailey we've all became close friend's. We usually walk around together during lunch and talk about who knows what.

As days past I actually like my schedule though the school had to change it due to the bio classes being filled this year by a lot of us freshman. But it's fine since I have Sam in one more of my classes and other school friend's I've known for a while in my other class. My teachers are pretty chill they don't make a fuss as long as you do their work.

In my 6th period I don't know why but I always stare at this one kid, he's cute but I don't know him that well and I'm too scared to approach so I just treat him like any other classmate. He's short like me just like 2 or 1 inches taller or maybe is it 3 , I don't even know. Anyway I've seen him around in the middle school last year.

After that I guess I began to notice him more and more and couldn't help but to stare more and more as the days keep going by.

I never told anyone about it because they would overreact thinking it's a crush... well that's it I guess my life's not that interesting if u look at it ... sorry to take tour time up.