
Chapter 68 Just this once

“ Oh,  so you can’t say something?

Paul keep wondering why she’s  always saying your wife.

“I want to marry Christy” he finally said.

Sharon didn’t say anything because is not a surprise to her.

Paul looked at her, “Is she not going to say something?".

“I have a child with her” Paul said and waited to get the reaction but nothing, she seem not to be listening.

“Are you hearing me?” He ask Sharon.

“I heard you, am not surprised”

She kept quiet not saying anything again to Paul, and he didn’t like it that she is not shouting at him and throwing things around and threatening to call his mom.

"What is she planning? I hope she is not planning to kill us?" Paul starts thinking all manner of things.

“So where is the baby?” Sharon finally ask.

“She went to school”

“Hmmm, Paul…, Paul..” Sharon call but didn’t say anything.

“I know you hate me right now, but I couldn’t help it, she’s all I have ever wanted”

“Fine, my lawyer will serve you a divorce letter when I get back”

“Am so sorry” Paul pleaded with Sharon.

“Not your fault, is my mom who wanted me to marry and I made the biggest mistake of my life loving you” she starts to cry again and Paul hold her to console her.

“Why can’t you just love me? Am your wife, Christy is just a girlfriend”

“She is not just my girlfriend she is more than that, she didn’t want to marry me because of you”

“Fine, you can go ahead and marry her”

"Thank you, Sharon thank you," he left Sharon and rush out to tell Christy that Sharon has agreed for them to get married.

Christy didn’t find it a thing of joy, because if Sharon said yes, what about Paul’s mom?

“Why can’t you just be happy for me?” Paul ask Christy.

“There is nothing to be happy about, we still need to face your mom even though Sharon said yes”

“Your right, but leave my mom to me”

That night Sharon slept in Paul’s room, she didn’t give Paul any breathing space.

“Please I need you even though is just once” Sharon begged.

"You have your once before not anymore," Paul reminded Sharon of what she did to him.

“I know you are angry with me but forgive me already please”

“There is nothing to forgive, stop making this harder for any of us”

"Just this once and I promise to leave you alone, I will not tell your mom, I will not disturb you, I will leave you alone”

"Hmmm, that sounds good", Paul thought. “ Are you sure you will keep to your promise?”

“Yes, I will”

“Ok, just this once”

“Yes, just this once”

Paul thought of thinking about Christy while with Sharon, he switched his mind to Christy and pretend he was making love to Christy.

“There you have it, I hope you will stop disturbing me" Paul said when he was done.

“Yes”, Sharon said, feeling sad.

Paul felt like he has done the worst thing ever, he felt he has cheated on Christy, “I hope she’s not going to be angry with me?"

Bridget was so angry for Christy’s sake, she has to do something fast but what can she do? Is all left for Paul to decide, but she has to help Paul decide fast if not, something bad might go wrong.

“Good morning,” Paul greeted Christy the next day but she didn’t answer.

"What have I done wrong? I thought she wanted me to go to Sharon? Why the long face?"

Bridget stood in front of Paul at the office, but she wasn’t saying anything to him.

“What do you want?”

“When are you getting married to Christy?”

Paul thought the question came as a surprise but no, he has been asking himself the same thing, when will he sum up the courage to face his family and tell them he wants to marry Christy?, Why is he so afraid of his mom?

He has grown up with this much respect for his mother that is almost turning into fear.

He needs the help of his father but he didn’t know if his father will be willing to help him at this time.

“Good morning ma” little Sharon greets the big Sharon as she was about to leave for school the next morning.

"Morning, how are you?” 

“Am fine”

"What’s your name?"

"My dad call me peace but my mom call me Sharon”

"What! " Sharon look at Christy.

“Ok, is time to go” Paul took his daughter and left the two women there.

“How do you feel, taking over my husband and giving your daughter my name?” Sharon ask Christy when Paul is out of the house.

“Is not what you think, and am so sorry for what happened”

“No, your not sorry, you’re happy, you always pretends to be nice but all you do is hurt people”

“But that’s not true, I didn’t plan for any of this to happen”

“Shut-up you slut” she gave Christy a slap but Christy didn’t slap her back, so Sharon thought of slapping her again but Bridget stopped her.

“Don’t you ever slap her again”

“And who are you?” Sharon ask wondering why there are many women in Paul’s house.

“She is my senior sister, and I wouldn’t stand here and watch you slap her”

“Really? So what will you do if I slap her?”

“You wouldn’t dare” Bridget said ready to fight.

“Is ok, Bridget please don’t fight with her”, Christy pleaded with Bridget.

Must she slap  you?, If anyone slap you, you slap them back”

"She’s Paul’s wife” Christy told Bridget.

“And so? If she has a problem with her husband then let her take it out on her husband”

“Both of you are leaving this house this minute” Sharon start throwing their things out while Bridget was bringing them in, and Christy stood there begging both of them.

When Sharon could not take it anymore she grab Bridget by her hair and start pulling in.

Both fight for hours destroying things in Paul’s house, Christy keeps running around begging them to stop.

At last Christy called Paul and he came back from work. He met a very ugly scene.

“What is all this?” He ask but no one answered.

"What is this?" He turned and ask Bridget.

“She started it, I had no choice”

“What did she do?”

“She was busy slapping Christy and Christy was busy begging her so I have to stop her.”

“And why will you slap her? I thought we’ve talked about this?” Paul yells at Sharon.

“Don’t yell at me, both of them need to leave this house right now”

"They are going no where, in fact you are leaving today, call my mom if you want, I don’t care"

“Paul please don’t say that, is ok I will leave instead” Christy was so afraid to death.

“Fine, you can leave too” he is so tired of begging her to stay, “ but you are not leaving with my daughter.”

"Am going with her, you can’t take care of her”

"No, I can take care of her more than you do, both of you can leave” Paul said taking his daughter with him.

Sharon park up and left the house while Christy park her things but was still waiting for Paul to bring back her daughter.

“Are you still here?”

“Am waiting for my daughter”

“She’s not coming with you, just go and leave me all alone”

“What! Are you sure of what you are saying? Paul can not do that, am going there tomorrow to see him” his mother foamed when Sharon told her about Paul and Christy.

"Honey you need to calm down, I will go instead."

“No, I need to see things for myself, I have been under rating Paul, but this time, I will deal with that girl”

"There will be no need for that, just let me handle this” Mr. Brown told his wife.

“Make sure to throw that girl out of that house when you get there, if not am coming myself”

"What is wrong with that boy?, I thought he has forgotten about this girl, now he is staying with her in the city, not his fault anyways. I have to make things right, because I don’t think Paul can ever leave that girl alone” Mr. Brown thought.

Next day Mr. Brown is on his way to the city, getting there Paul was not at home. So he went to the office to look for him.

“Shtt… Paul’s father is here, what do I do now, where will I sleep?” Bridget ask herself as she saw Paul’s dad.

“Dad, you’re here?”

“Paul how are you?”

“Am fine dad”

“Are you sure you are fine?”

“How is work? You haven’t been sending your report lately what happened?”

“I will do that sir, I was a little busy”

“Ok, let me see Mr. Ken, I guess I will see you at home, we have a lot to talk about”

“Ok sir”

[Author’s Note]

Dear beautiful readers wishing you Merry Christmas, may the Lord bless you and your family this season and may you never lack any good thing IJN AMEN.

Keep enjoying this book and keep rating with five star. Love you all.