
Chapter 65 So sick

“Go to her? No, I am going to wait for her, she will come around I don’t want to force myself at her as she is still angry with me for marrying Sharon” Paul thought.

“But what do I do?”

Three days later little Sharon who is now called peace starts school and Christy was so happy dressing her for school.

 “I will be here for one month then I will leave them to continue their life.” Christy thought still not feeling comfortable staying in another woman’s house.

“I will like you to go to school, Paul finally said to Christy, because he remembered the promise he made to her and now he wants to fulfil that promise.

“No need” Christy said.

“But why”

“I don’t think am interested in school anymore, what will I learn there? I no longer know anything about books, they are all gone away from my head.”

“I will make them come back please just do this for me” Paul pleaded 

           “don’t waste your money Paul, am not going” she said that not because she doesn’t want to go to school but because she feels she is not supposed to be taking things from another woman’s husband.

“Ok, tell me want do you want me to do for you? Just tell me and I will do it”

“Nothing, I don’t need anything from you” Christy said and Paul felt a sharp pain go through his chest.

“What do you mean?”

“Look, I don’t feel comfortable staying here, this is another woman’s house you are her husband, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, she is legally married to you. Me staying here will cause problems.”

“So what are you saying”

“I will stay here for a month so my daughter can settle down with you then I will leave.”

“What! You want to leave me?” Paul ask not believing what he just heard.

“That is the right thing to do Paul” she said and walk out on him.

Paul went to bed that night and felt like dying.

This can’t be happening to him, Christy can’t do this to him, he came down with a fever in the middle of the night and they rushed him to the hospital.

“You will be find, just make sure to take your medications” the doctor told him and discharge him.

But instead of Paul getting better, he was just getting worse.

“look, I need to take you back to the hospital” Christy said.

“And then what?, 

“The medicine are not working, you are shaking and burning hot like fire.”

Christy went down to bring towel and water to cool down his temperature.

When she is done and about to take the water back Paul held her hand making her sit down on the bed.

“Please don’t go, stay with me tonight, please”

She wants to say something but Paul stopped her.

“Give me your hand,” he took Christy’s hand and place it on his chest. It was beating really fast.

“Did you feel that? It wants you, it will stop beating if you go”

“Paul stop saying that, nothing will happen to you”

“Only if you are here with me”

“But you’re married.”

“Did you see me wearing any ring? I went there because I was force to, is only my body that was there, my spirit and soul where with you all this time.

Ok, to be honest with you, I haven’t slept with Sharon since the day we got wedded.”

“What! Are you serious?” Christy didn’t believe him.

“Yes, am telling you the truth.”

“But why?”

“I don’t know why, but am glad I didn’t”

“Paul that is not right, that is wickedness” Christy said feeling sad for Sharon.

“Are you for real?, you want me to do it with Sharon?”

“That’s not what am saying but both of you are married didn’t you both go to honeymoon?” 

“Yea, we went but all I could think about was you, I wasn’t even seeing her, so what do you expect me to do?” 

Christy felt Paul’s head and his temperature has calm down a bit.

“Please don’t leave me am begging you”

Christy was quiet.

“Will you stay?”

“I don’t  know, but for now am going to look after my daughter, your fever has gone down now” she left him and went away.

At midnight the fever came back with full force, Bridget heard Paul shaking and rushed to see him almost falling out of bed.

“O my God, you burn like hell,” she yells.

“Am taking you to the hospital now”, Bridget sat him down on the bed and try putting his cloth on.

“No need Bridget.”

“What do you mean no need, do you want to die here?”

“We are just coming back from the hospital, and I have taken my drugs.”

“So what do you want me to do?”

“Ask Christy to come, I need her.”

“Christy?” Bridget ask, “what has Christy got to do with this fever? Oh.. ok,  I think I know.”

She got up and went to Christy’s room.

“Christy come, Paul needs you.”

“I have told him am not staying there with him”.

“What is wrong with you? Do you want him to die? Just go there and take care of him.” 

“You are going to wake up the baby” Christy said.

“Forget the baby I will take care of her” just go”

Christy was reluctant but Bridget push her towards the door.

“Go.. just go in there and make sure he is ok, and stop been so foolish”

Christy keep looking back.

“Don’t worry about the baby, I will take care of her”

Christy went in and find Paul in a worst state.

“O my God, I need to take you to the hospital, you’re burning hot”

“Is late Christy, you can’t do that now, we wait till morning”

“So what do I do? Are you going to stay like this?”

“You can stay with me I will be fine, just come lay down with me”

“Christy went and lay down beside Paul”

“Can I hold you?” Paul ask Christy.


Paul place his hand on Christy and it felt like home, he slept so sound and the fever almost gone.

Early in the morning around five Paul felt so hard, he wants her so badly and Christy could feel it, but this is bad, Christy thought.


“We can’t do this” Christy argued.

“We are not doing anything bad, this is what I want, please don’t say no”

Christy felt it was a huge mistake coming here, this is why she wants to stay at her daughter’s room because she knew Paul wouldn’t let her go free.

“I can’t do this anymore, I have to go, you are ok now, no need for me to continue staying here, she got up to leave”

“Fine, you can go, I won’t disturb you again, it was all in vain that I waited for you all this years, but if you walk out on me, I will go back and marry Sharon”

“That is what you should do, Sharon is your wife” Christy said.

Paul cried that morning, he never saw this side of Christy before, She has a heart of stone” Paul thought.

The fever came back one more time but not as serious as before.

Where is my dad, his daughter ask that morning as she prepare for school.

He is inside, she ran to him.

“Heyy… how are you my sweet heart, come here, he hugged her and ask her to open one of the drawer and to take any money she sees there.

“You don’t have to give her money you know, she is still small” Christy said.

“Ok, don’t worry my dear, your mommy said you will not be needing it now ok, hurry up and go to school, you will be late. Come and kiss daddy, she ran to hug him and then Christy took her to school.

“Can you come to work? Bridget ask Paul?”

“I don’t think so, I will come next week”

“Ok, so how did it go? Is she coming around?”

Paul looked at Bridget and kept quiet. His face is not smiling.

“Hmmm, I guess is no” she said and walked away.

Going out she met Christy coming back from the school.

“Are you going to work? Christy ask Bridget.


“Ok, see you when you come back”

“Christy please, may I ask you what is wrong with you?”

“What do you mean?”

Do you want to loose him? Because you will regret it”

“I have already lost him”

“Says who? He needs you like mad, can’t you see?”

“Ok,  can’t you think? Christy ask Bridget.

“Think about what?”

“He is not married to me yet, what if he got me pregnant again?”

Bridget thought for a second.

“I think your right, but don’t worry, this is a different case ok, marrying you wouldn’t be a problem, just say yes, and everything will be fine, I will ask him to come and see mom”.

Christy walked into the house and finds Paul in the kitchen.

“What are you doing?”

“Am hungry”

“Ok, let me give you something to eat,”

She prepared the food for him and feed him because is like Paul was still weak. But he was just pretending to be weak so Christy could feed him.