
Chapter 47 Don't leave me

“What that hell… no wonder Paul was behaving that way,  I know he didn’t get this behavior from me, and I no is that Christy girl, will you blame him? The boy is in love” he wanted to knock and remind him that his mom could catch them with this loud noise they are making but he drop his hand again and walk away shaking his head.

“Paul please stop, your mom could hear us”

“Let her hear, you are going to kiss me the way you said” he keeps going after Christy while she run round the room.

“Paul stop am tired” she stop running and Paul got to her.

“ Catch you” he hug Christy and she felt something poking her tummy.

“What’s that?” Christy ask

“What? Paul ask back.

“This”, Christy point at his underwear that looks like something is trying to poke out.

“Oh that, it wants you”

“Huh.. now?”

“Yes now” Paul said and bend over to kiss her.

“Paul stop”

“Why? You don’t want me?

“No, but your parents are at home”

“They wouldn’t hear us, besides I will take it easy on you”

“That’s how you always say but at the end you won’t take it easy on me”

“Really? Am sorry, but this time I promise to go easy on you, but if you don’t want then is ok, I will just leave you alone, Paul pretends to let go and started walking away from Christy.

“No is not like that, ok am sorry,” Christy said and walk towards Paul who is still pretending to give up.

Christy hugged him but he didn’t hug her back, “Paul am sorry huh…”

He was just smiling as he backed Christy. “No is fine if you don’t want me, I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to do”

“No, I want to do” she said without thinking.

Paul turned, “really? You want to do?”

Christy nod but not looking at Paul’s face.

“Look at you? I know you want me but why pretend?”

“Am not pretending Paul, I love you and I want you too”.

“Hmmm, I didn’t hear that, can you say it again”

“Paul stop, I love you”

“Louder” he said cupping his hand round his ear.

“Leave me alone, am not saying it again, Christy left Paul standing there to go and sit down on the bed.

“Where do you think you are going? You are owning me”

“Am not owning you any thing” Christy said, but before she finish her statement Paul was all over her.

“Do you know what you owe me?” he whispers in her ear.

“No,” Christy said.

“You own me babies, I want to put my babies here” he touched Christy’s tummy and she feels something like cool chills run down her body.

“What!” Christy pulled away from Paul.

“Yes Christy, will you marry me? I know I don’t have a ring here but promise me you will wait for me and that you will be the mother of my children”

“Children”? Christy found herself yells without knowing,

“What is he talking about,? Children! No, I barely know myself, so what do I know of children?”

“You are not saying anything, are you ok or you don’t love me enough to carry my child?” Paul ask looking at the confused Christy.

She wasn’t expecting that, yes she loves him, yes she would like to carry his child but not now!”

“Christy… are you ok?” Paul keep asking.

“Yes, am fine”

“Paul… look I love you and I would love to be the mother of your children but I have a long way to go, I still need to go to school.”

“Don’t worry about that ok, let me be the one to worry about it, Just accept me ok”

“Ok, I accept” Christy said and they lock in an embrace with Christy’s mind running like a headless chicken.

“I want to make love to you,” Paul said bringing Christy back to present.

“Huh… what! No, please Paul don’t”

“But why?”

“I don’t want you to put your baby in there, at least not now”

“Paul laughed at her, it doesn’t mean is going to enter now” Paul said still laughing.

“Then when? Christy ask so curious.

“Well, I don’t know, maybe now, maybe next month but I wouldn’t be around next month, am keeping track on you”

“What do you mean”

“Never mind, but don’t be afraid, I wouldn’t hurt you ok, what ever you need just ask, but for now am going to use protection on you”

“What do you mean protection?”

He brought it out, “this, if I use this on you, you will not get pregnant”

“Really? She ask surprised.

“Yes,” Paul reply happy to be the one teaching her about this things, it makes him feel so proud of himself, not all this girls who will even carry it in their bag.” He murmured.

“Ok, I trust you”

“Thank you for trusting me, and I love you so much”, he said while putting it on while Christy just look at him.

“Done”,  he said moving close to Christy who just keep looking at him with a disgusting look.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You want to put that thing inside of me?”

“Yes, why? I mean, is not going to enter inside, it will come out when am bringing it out you know” Paul didn’t know how to really put it.

But Christy insist that it’s going to hang inside of her and that she is afraid of having something like balloon insert inside her.

“Ok, I will take it off” Paul took it off and they start making love.

“Do you love me”? Paul ask Christy while still inside of her.

“Yes I do, I love you so much Paul, please don’t leave me for someone else.”

“That will never happen,” Paul said, going in and out of her.

“Do you enjoy me?” Paul ask again.

“Yes, and you”? She ask back.

“Heaven knows how much I love your inside” Paul said whispering into her ear  and Christy was send into another planet called max.

Paul didn’t realize how many times he released inside of Christy because of their silly bed talk, he now developed a new skills he didn’t know he already have, the skill of talking sweet nothing when ever he is with Christy.

Christy was so tried by the time they were done, she feels like a part of her was deposited into Paul’s body, she didn’t want to stay apart from him, they hug each other so tightly while they draft into the dream land.

They both jump out of bed by a knock on the door.

“Paul.. wake up is morning and you are running late, is time to park up”. He heard his mother’s voice but thank goodness the door was locked.

Christy hurried and put on her dress.

“Paul how do I get home? Is daybreak already and your mom will see me”

“Relax” he said not wanting her to get worried while thinking of a way out.

“We are going to take our bath before you leave”.

“No Paul she will catch me, remember she warned me to stay away from you.”

“Come to me, I said relax, I will take you home myself before leaving for the airport.”

They went into the bathroom and Christy love the way he always makes her not to worry.

After the bath, Paul give Christy an envelope.

“Don’t open it until you get home, and always keep Bridget away from your stuffs”.


Paul walked her through the kitchen door and into his car.

“Is that not Paul, and where is he going?” His mother ask.

“Maybe he is just getting something for school, his father replied.

“Something like what?, He had everything he needs, that boy is getting on my nerves”. She stamps her feet and went to sit beside her husband.

“Honey take it easy on him, he will come around,”

“When? That boy is making me talk too much, he has started locking his door now, I hope he is not smoking inside that room”

“Nooo… Paul can never smoke”, his father defended him.

“You think so?” The mom ask worried.

“Yes, don't worry yourself, Paul is a good boy” he said wondering if he is right.

Paul dropped off Christy and went back home smiling as he drive, if not for this school, he wouldn’t let her go, “I really love this girl.”

He parked the car in front of his mother without realizing she was there because of the thoughts in his head.

“Mom.. you scared me”

“Will you stop this madness and come back to your senses? Why do you always smile when no one is with you?”

“Mom…, my sweetest mom, you know I love you, come on” he said and hug her.

“I know, but you must stop acting strange”

“But am not acting strange, am still the same Paul, your favorite son”

“Why are you locking your door this days, I hope you are not smoking”