
Chapter 20 Ran Away

"Where will I go now? I don’t have

anyone to go to", Christy keep

 roaming around the city with no

 place to go.

"Hey.. is that not the girl Paul is

 dying for?" Sharon drove to where

 Christy was sitting.


"Hello", Christy got up in respect.

"What are you doing here? Do you

 live here,"? Sharon turn round

looking at the place, this place

 doesn’t look like somewhere

people live.

"Can’t you talk?" She ask because

 Christy was keeping quiet all this


" I...I...I ran away from home, I don’t

have anywhere to go to". Christy

said facing the ground.

"Ok, have you eaten?" 


"Hmm, I thought as much, come

 let me get you something to eat

 first, then you can tell me all

 about you running away from home."

Christy entered the car and Sharon

 took her to a nearby restaurant to eat.

 "So tell me why you are running

away from home".

" My stepmom and sister wants

 to kill me."

"What? Why?"

"I don’t know, they have been

maltreating me ever since my

parents passed away"

"Ohh… your parents are dead?"


"Oh, am really sorry about that, have you told Paul?"

"No, I don't want him worrying about me"

"Why? is he not your boyfriend?"

"I don’t know if he is my boyfriend"

Christy said facing down.

"Hmm Paul, this are the kind of

girls he like, girls who are not sure

of themselves". Sharon said within her.

"So where do you plan on staying after

 running away from home.?"

"I don’t know, I have nowhere to go."

"Will you stay with me?" Sharon offer.

"No..no..no..no.. thank you but no."

"Why? You don’t like me?"

"No, is not like that, I don’t want to

 disturb you."

"Did I say you are disturbing me?

let me worry about that, I just want

 to help. So will you come with me?"

Christy nods her head in agreement.

Sharon took Christy to their house

outside town where her parents

has built to rest if they need to

stay out of town for a few days,

they don’t normally go there all

the time, sometimes it takes them

 two to three years before they

 come to the place.

"Wow.. this place is beautiful" Christy

shouted seeing how beautiful

 and serene the place is, she love

 it here, how she wish her parents

 own a place like this.

"I see you like the place," Sharon said.

"Yes, I love it." Christy smile.

"Well you will be the only person

staying here, is a big house can

 you cope with it?"

"What? Where are your parents

and where will you go?"

"Well am going home to my parents,

this place is a place we come to

 relax, but don’t worry my parents

only come here one or two times

 in two years, you can have it all to


"No..no..no.. please don’t go, I can’t

stay here all alone."

"You are not alone, there are helpers

 her, who help keep the place clean,

they come every day to clean the

place, you will be seeing them

every day so don’t worry about

been alone."

Sharon look at Christy feeling

 sorry for her.

"Do you want me to stay with you?"


"Ok, I will come back but as for

now, I need to go somewhere."

She open one of the room for

 Christy and showed her around

the place.

"Thank you so much," Christy said

when Sharon was about leaving

 the building.

"You are welcome, just be good

and we don’t have a problem".

Sharon drove out of the building

and start wondering if she did the

 right thing.

"I don’t want to go back to my

 formal life, I want to give up such

 life, now this girl is so inviting, no,

Sharon please stop, just stop

thinking about her, she is not

your type, yes, she is not my type"

Sharon keep fighting with the urge

of having her way with Christy,

beside Paul will hate her for the

 rest of her life if he found out that

 she  is a lesbian. Ohh.. shitt..

why am I the only one with all this

stupid  habits how do I get over

 this habits?"

"Where is Christy?" Her stepmom

 ask Bridget, "is she  not coming back

home, who is going to clean this

 house for her? She better come

 back and continue her work, is

getting late."

"Mom I don’t know where she is,

and she is no were near the


"Have you try looking for her?" The

 mother ask Bridget.

"Yes, but I can’t find her."

"If she comes back here I will kill

 her with my hands."

Bridget on the other hand was

thinking about the house chores

 if Christy refused to come back.

"Bridget go and clean the kitchen

 is time to cook."

"Mom, please get a house help

am too busy to be doing house


"Really? What kind of work do

you do that makes you to be

so busy?"

"Mom remember I told you am

doing a part time job."

"Yes I remembered now, but just try

and clean today, Christy will get

tired where ever she is and come

 back home, just try my dear."

"Ok mom", Bridget reluctantly

went to the kitchen to clean.

Paul called Christy number but

 it was off.

"What is wrong with this girl? Why

can’t she just turn on her phone

for once, or did Bridget take her

phone this time?"

Christy wanted to call Paul but

remembered she didn’t come out

with anything apart from the


"Ohh.. no, what is wrong with me,

now Bridget will take everything I

can’t reach Paul and he may be

 trying to call me, I know what to

do, I will ask Sharon to take me

home so i can take my phone."

She looked at the necklace and

 was so thankful that Bridget did

 not take the necklace because

this necklace look like something

 very dear to Paul, and it also look

 expensive. I will keep this with me

 for the rest of my life, I will always

 think of Paul, it will remind me of

 him, she worn the necklace round

 her neck and walk around the


"Who is that and how did she get

into this house?"

"Heyy.. who are you?" The caretaker

ask Christy seeing her walking

 round the compound not minding

that she didn’t own the place.

Christy walk toward the man and

bow before him.

"Good morning sir,"

"Yes, who are you and how did

 you get in?"

"Is miss Sharon that brought me

 here and ask me to stay here,

she told me you would come,

my name is Christy."

"Really? How did you know Sharon?"

the man ask Christy

"Emm..emm..emm" she don't really

 know how to describe her because

Sharon is not her friend, she has only

met her two times and didn’t really

 know her that well.  

"You don’t know? And you expect

 me to believe you? Am calling

 madam right away."

"No..no..no.. please don’t,  let me

call Sharon instead" she search

herself but no phone.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Christy

ask the man.

"You don’t even have a phone;

take"  he hand her the phone but

oh.. no.. she didn’t even have

Sharon’s number.

"Now you are leaving this place,

you are a liar and I hate people

who lie"

"Am not lying" Christy start to cry.

"please call her if you have her


"I don’t have her number, is only

madam I know, I don’t even know

this Sharon you are talking about"

He start dragging Christy out of

the place.

"What is going on here?, please

take your hands off her" Sharon

 shouted at the caretaker.

"Why do you have to drag her like


"Am sorry little madam, I ask her

who she is but she couldn’t explain

 herself so I ask her to leave, am

only doing my job ma’am."

"Didn’t she tell you that am the

one who ask her to stay here?"

"She did."

"Then why did you still drag her out?"

"Am sorry ma’am."

"Is ok, come lets go inside"  Sharon

took Christy back inside the house.

"Are you hungry? I bought food

 for you."

"Yes, am so hungry" Christy said

She was wondering if she will ever see any

food to eat today but thank

 goodness Sharon has come

 with food and not just any food,

she really spend money on this

food Christy thought.

"Just eat ok, I want to take you

somewhere out of town."

"Really? I will love to."

"Ok, just eat and change this dress."

"Oh.. I don’t have another dress,

I didn’t come out with any, I forgot

because I ran out of the house."

"Is ok, just eat I will get you something

to put on."

Sharon left to buy some cloths for her.

"Wow… this is so beautiful", Christy

said looking at herself in the mirror,

"but this is too short, I  don’t like

wearing dress that are so revealing"

Christy complain.

"Don’t  worry I will be with you all

 the time, so you don’t have to

worry about men disturbing you."