
Chapter 194

“Is anything the matter?”. Christy ask Paul “why are you so restless?”

“Oh nothing, I… I just want to check up on James” he lied just to go to Bianca.

“Is there anything wrong with James; why are you always going to James these days.?”

“But I’ve always gone to James” Paul defend himself.

“I know but these days are different, I don’t like the way you look at me these days and I don’t like your movement these days. What’s going on Paul?”. Christy keep trying to no why Paul is so restless around her.

“Look nothing is wrong, you're just getting all worked up, I promise nothing is wrong. I'm good, and I love you.”

“I know you do, but I want you around me. You know I'm pregnant and I'm beginning to feel funny inside”. She said starting to behave weak.

“What!, are you ok?, Paul rushed her examining her and Christy thought to use that opportunity to make him stay.

She starts behave week and collapse in his hands.

“Oh my goodness Christy, Christy what’s wrong?. Oh God please help me, let me take you to the hospital”

“No please I don't want to go to the hospital, just take me to the room. I’ll be fine just take me to the room”.

 Paul carried her to the room and she held onto him “please stay with me, don’t go anywhere”.

“Yes I'm here with you, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here”

“Please rub my tummy” she said and Paul start rubbing her tummy.

With that Christy pin him down and Paul didn't have the chance to go to Bianca.

He couldn't stop thinking about what Bianca is up to right now. “I hope she won’t get upset with me, but I can't leave Christy here”. He keep thinking between staying and going but he cannot leave Christy in such a condition he has to stay.

Bianca could not take this anymore, so she thought of going to Paul. She waited and waited but Paul is not showing up, the thing now is that she doesn't know where Paul lives so she has no option but to keep waiting.

“Paul is joking with me, he's not picking my calls and it's not showing up. I will not take it lightly with him” she keep ranting.

While with Christy Paul’s phone keep ringing like a million times but he puts it on silent so Christy didn’t see. He could only feel the vibration in his pocket but there's no way for him to pick.

“Are you ok now?” Paul ask Christy but she shook her head indicating that she is not yet ok.

He looked at the time it’s past 10 p.m. so there’s nothing he could do again. He just forgot about going to Bianca. “Maybe I will just talk to her tomorrow” he concluded within him and then went to sleep lying beside Christy and hugging her so tightly.

Bianca starts throwing things around the house she was so angry to the point of killing someone.