
Chapter 185

After eating Paul walk round his house looking to see if anything is missing, but everything is intact.

He went back into the house and saw Bianca sitting room so quiet and moody.

“What is the matter?”

“I think I should go, I think I’ve come between you and Christy, the problem is I don’t have anywhere to go, I can’t go back to the streets, the orphanage is no place for me to stay anymore, but I guess I can take care of myself”

Paul listen without interruption, he has never really known her that much, maybe because he didn’t have the time to know her, he didn’t know where she comes from nor meet her parents before and Bianca has never talked about her parents either.

“So what about your parents?”

“I don’t have any, I use to live in the orphanage but no one wants to adopt us, we grew up there and one day me and my two friends decided to run away and live far from the orphanage.

We came to this town and settled here, we did a lot of things, like sleeping with men for money until that day your mother found me and told me she was looking for a decent girl for her son.

She finds me reading a book in the library so she thought I was decent, she asked me to take her to my parents and I met one of my client asking him to pretend to be my father and we arrange for a mother.

 So Your Mother married me and brought me here to you, but I guess I was paying for my sins so maybe it's time to leave.”

“But you can stay” Paul finds himself saying, he was taking pity on her and he never wanted her to go back to the streets, surely it may not be a coincidence maybe she was brought to him so he could help her out.

“Are you sure?, you're not angry after all this things I told you?”

“No, why would I be angry?, You were only trying to survive and I understand it's not everyone that is privileged to have parents who are rich like me, so why will I be angry with you?, But the thing is, you just have to make sure that you change for the better”.

“Yes, I will change.”

“So would you like to go back to school considering the fact that my mum find you in the library; I thought maybe you really want to go to school.”

“Yes, I always dream of going to school and the library is the only place I could go to read free books because I don't have money for school”.

 Paul was so quiet, he begins to think that maybe he is so fortunate to have everything that he ever needs.

“Ok, so what if I said I will send you to school will you stay?”

“Yes, I will stay”

“But you must promise me that you will not fight with Christy and you will not make trouble for her”.