
Chapter 154

Paul went home not knowing how to feel, if to feel guilty or not.

“Did you guys find her” Christy ask Paul immediately he enter the house.

“No, we can’t find her body only the car was brought out but where could she be? no one knows If she’s dead or alive. but let’s just hope that she’s alive.

“Well if her body is not yet found, it means she's alive.”

“We hope so” Paul said.

 Sharon's mother was beyond consoling at this time, she keeps shouting, making noise like she's lost her mind.

Sharon woke up in an unknown place after some days of being unconscious.

“Where am I? am I dead?”

“No you're not”, a guy the same age as her said.

 “So where am I now?”

“My house”

“How did I get here?”

“Calm down, you ask too many questions, I just saved your life”

“My life!, Yes! I remember going into the water with my car, are you sure am not dead? because I went into the water with my car what happened?”

“Well you are just lucky to be alive, my mother found you floating but luckily you are still alive so she brought you to me”

 “Can I go home now”



“Your leg you have a broken leg”

“What?” she look at her leg it was bandage, now she can feel the pain.

“But I can walk” she said so determined to go home.

“Ok, you can try” the guy said not wanting to argue with her.

 Sharon tries getting up but the pain was unbearable. The guy made her lie down again and within minutes a lady walk in.

“Who is she?” Sharon asked.

“She's the woman taking care of your legs”

“Ok, but can I mum?”


“Where's my phone?”.

“Wow I don’t think you can make a call”


“Because you lost everything in the water but if you have any number I can use my phone to call”.

 Sharon try calling her mother's number but it wasn’t connecting, “it’s ok you can try again later” the guy took the phone from her.

“It's time for you to eat”. he went into his kitchen and brought her food for.  After feeding her he took the plates away.

Sharon was just looking at him, he looks nice and he has a nice house, everything looks clean and beautiful.

“What about your wife and children” she ask suddenly.

“I live alone, I've never been married” he said and Sharon kept quiet.

 “You're welcome to my house, I'll be leaving for work.  whatever you need you can call my maid, I've told her what to do. I’ll be leaving by 8 a.m.

“Ok” Sharon said turning away from the guy he left her and went to work.

“Good morning ma” the maid greets her. “What can I get for you?, What will you like to eat?” Sharon keeps looked at her and shook her head.

“No ma, you need to eat something, my boss asked me to give you anything you want so please, we have a lot of food in this house just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you”