
Chapter 125 Hangout

 “Hello Paul how are you? and where the hell are you right now?” Patrick ask him over the phone.

 “I’m in the office”

 “Wow thank the Lord, I thought you are dead by now” Patrick said laughing at Paul over the phone.

 “And why will you think that? Look, let me tell you I am a man ok and no Woman will tell me what to do” he brag over the phone.

 “Shut up you, little Bianca is making you stay indoors and you are here making noise, can we hang out today? Patrick ask.

“Yes of course that will be a big relief to me” Paul said and hahaha Patrick laugh at him.

“Ok let me just call James see you after work.”

“Guys… guys… guy… what is all this?” James ask making Paul and Patrick stare at each other.

 “What is your own problem now?” Patrick asked James.

 “Can you guys imagine my wife, she has been beefing me for two days now”

 “Are you serious why?” Patrick and Paul ask simultaneously.

 “Ask me na, just for nothing I didn't do anything to her, we didn't fight, we didn't quarrel, we didn't argue, she just wake up one morning and decide not to talk to me again and she keeps hiding her face from me each time I asked her what’s wrong with her and why is she not facing me she says she’s doing a makeup as in new makeup can you guys imagine that?”

 “hahaha a makeup! and she refused to talk to you because of a makeup? anyways women are bags of problem how can she not talk to her husband because of makeup?” Patrick and Paul ask and keeps laughing at James predicament.

“Well I think women have some kind of madness running in their vein” Patrick said.

 “Look at Paul here he can no longer walk in his house freely because of one small girl controlling him and locking him up in his room, controlling him like a remote control” Patrick said. “hahaha” they all laugh.

“Are you serious when did this happen? and why didn't you guys tell me? oh my goodness Paul” James called.

“So you didn't hear about it Bridget didn't tell you? Paul ask him.

 “No, I told you Bridget refused to talk to me, it’s been two days now she refused to talk to me”

 “What did she say was her problem?” Paul ask again.

 “I don’t know, she said that she has a new makeup on so she can’t talk to me and always hiding her face”

“hahaha that is ridiculous, they all love makeup Paul and Patrick said. simultaneously .

“But wait.. wait.. wait.. was she hiding her face from you?” Paul ask again.


 “Oh my goodness maybe it’s because of the bruises”

 “What bruises are you talking about?” James ask so curious.

“So she didn’t tell you? guy just relax nothing is wrong with Bridget she got into a fight with Bianca she and Christy were in my house and Bianca pick a fight with them she has bruises on her face so don't worry too much she will be fine”