

Azalea, grew up with no parents. The only family she had was her brother, Chase. Chase had been her father and father figure ever since she was five. He thought her how to fight and defend herself. This was because her father was the wealthiest mafia drug lord that ever existed, but he was killed by a known enemy who pretended to be friends with her brother. Azalea was totally unaware of the deep enmity between her brother and the his treacherous friend until the day Chase was attacked by Bethany and his group. Her world crashed as she was kidnapped by the same man who killed her brother, and requested to own ownership of everything her brother had worked hard for. Whilein his grasp, Azalea decided to escape by every means but Bethany wasn't a man that she could easily run away from. There was something about him that kept her in chains no matter how she tried to escape and avenge her brother's death. What could this be? Her doom or her liberation.

Proudwriter · Urban
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9 Chs



Rohan found herself in a different environment and she didn't understand why they had to run away from the city.

Where they were was very hidden before. Rohans was so eager to go out to have fun or better, yet just walked around the area.

"I wish I could go out now?"

"Miss, Rohan, can you stop wanting to go out?"

"Why, I'm tired of this shithole. Look, I'm a young lady and you don't expect me to be locked up forever. I mean I have a whole life ahead of me."

"But what if you are caught? Mr Ryan can be brutal if you push him."

"Really? I want to see him try. I'm no longer that little kid he could scare as he pleases.

"I don't know about that, but we have to be very careful with wherever we go."

"Hold on, is he running away from someone? Like a more powerful drug lord than he was?"

"I have no idea about that, but I do know that we are not permitted to go wherever we please."

"I see." Rohan knew that it was a waste of time trying to convince the old lady. She's so done trying to convince her to escape. If she does not want to leave, then she could stay with them until she's gray.

She was so done waiting. Time to take her destiny into her own hands. She realized that the longer she waited, the less the chance she had of ever leaving the place.

This was like the fifth time they have moved you in two years. If only she knew who the big guy they were running from was, she would have loved to go to him. At least she wouldn't be locked up in a room. And

She can also make herself useful and do the things which she is asked to.

Her tutor practically lived in her room and she was sure it was all on the instructions of Ryan. In his dreams, if he thinks the old lady can actually stop her from escaping. She had only been wanting for a time to escape, but from the look of things she wouldn't be able to escape while waiting for the right time.

They kept going from one place to the other like a nomad.

Rohan decided to wait until nightfall. Whether they liked it or not, she was going to leave and never come back.

After getting her dinner, she waited for the old lady to sleep, and when she did, Rohan smiled at herself. It was time to put her plans into action.

She quickly changed into black pants and a hooded cardigan.

Perfect! Now it was time to leave. Actually, she didn't have anything to pack, just a little bag where she stuffed some clothes which she had bought over the years, from Ryan.

When she walked to the door, she took one last glance at the old lady. Too bad they will not meet again."

Rohan walked outside her room and closed the door behind her slowly. She looked at her left-hand side, and then her right-hand side and the coast seemed to be clear. Good, now it was time to make her way out of the building. She had no idea what the time was but she knew it was pretty dark outside, when she checked through the window.

Rohan contemplated which direction to follow. She finally settled on the right part. Since it was right, she believed it would take her to the right part which she so sought.

She picked on her heels and ran down the right part. She slowly stepped on the stairs that led outside. The moment she took the last step, her joy knew no bounds. Finally, she will be leaving the God-forsaken place. Rohan's eyes scanned the downtown part of the building, and realized that the guards guiding the plane were all with guns.

Escaping right under their nose might not be the right thing to do.

She retraced back her steps, but she never planned on going back to the room.

Rohan waited patiently, when she found out that the guards were slowly walking away from that particular spot.

She slowly walked over to the area that was without guards. She ran like a squirrel into the woods, before anyone noticed her.

Just as she was bouncing into the woods for her freedom. She was shocked when she heard her name."

Let me go!" She struggled with him and he towed her on his muscled shoulders.

"Don't you dare touch me! I will kill you!!" He didn't bother listening to her. He had nevet seen a girl as stubborn as her. Not even the ladies he laid with were this stubborn. How could little girl like her be so stubborn?

She was no longer a child but she had always been this stubborn even before now.

He dropped her with lady violet, who was also a member of the black hawk.

"Wow... she's do pretty and fresh, I can imagine how lustful those men will be over her beauty.

"Don't you dare sell me out to someone unknown, else I will kill him and I will come for you!"

"How I love that. I can't wait to see you all dressed up and prepared to take on your first mission. I wish to see how you plan on killing Mr Graham" Ryan began to laugh hysterically.

To be honest. He had been asking himself why he bothered to take her with him, and also, why he didn't drop her when they had refused to go tothe club.

Two years ago, he had heard that Alex was alive and that was trouble for him. Since Rohan had proven to be quite attractive, he planned on giving her out to his valued customer.

Staying in the room was just a waste of time, now that she's grown up, it was better to make her work for him.

He waited outside violet's room, waiting for her to dress up so he could take her to his guests.

"Hey Boss, would you like to see the lady you brought in some minutes ago?"

Ryan tapped his toes on the floor, waiting for her.

The moment she came out, Ryan raised his gaze up at her, but became dumbfounded. He couldn't believe the beauty in front of him. He took his gaze up at her, only to see her with a frown on her face.

"You can get angry all you want, but you must serve my guests"

"Your call." Was all she told him, and he was a little disturbed, knowing what she was capable off. He knew exactly what she did did to him, but then, he went sure she wouldn't do such because seeing the guards alone will not make her act on her free will.

"I'm guessing you are very smart, and as someone who is smart, there are some certain things, you know you shouldn't do, just incase you really want to leave a free life someday.

"Enough with the preaching, let's get this over and done with!"

He took a quick glance at her. Seeing how she was walking with her hips swaying from one side to the other in the skimpy short dress made him a little confused.

Why the hell did violet give her something so short. It was exposing more than it should. It's her first abd she shouldn't be looking too seductive. He quickly came down from his car and followed behind her.

"Well, that's none of his business. What he cared for was his money and nothing more. Giving his client something fresh would help his business. Actually she could make him money this way, rather than being locked up.

He watched her go into the club. Well the club was where she spent half of her life, so it wasn't something new to see her bounce into the club without care. He walked into the club where his friends and business associats were. He introduced her to his very important guest for the night. And frim the way Mr Graham's eyes lit up, he could tell that he liked her.

Ryan sat on the couch where Rohan and Mr Graham sat. He was sipping his wine slowly. He wasn't supposed to be watching them, but his curiosity won't let him concentrate.

He caught of glimpse of Rohan feeding him some fruits. His eyes slowly dated to her dress,which was extremely short abd revealing. Her skin, so smooth and milky. Ryan immediately shook his head. The colour of her skin had nothing to do with him as it stands.

Whenever he tried to get up to leave he would find himself sitting down to watch rhat was happening. This isn't how it was supposed to be.

When did he become so petty. She wasn't the first lady he had been giving to business partners, why was this different?

Ryan froze, when Graham's hands began tracing the frame of her legs. He was doing it do slowly that Ryan folded his hand to a fist and grit his teeth. He took his eyes away from what was happening in front of him and also tried to catch his bresth.

Hell no! This is so wrong. It tok all the strength he had in him to force himself to a stand

Immediately, he stormed out of their presence

The moment he got outside, he began breathing heavily.

Ryan began pacing outside. Despite how much he tried sto stop himself not to think. He couldn't help himself but think about how Mr Graham was tracing his fingers on her skin.

He thought of what would happen after then. He would probably caress her skin and place kisses on her skin.

Fuck! What the hell was he thinking about now? Damn it! The more he tried to stop himself from thinkimg, it flooded his memories more.

Without thinking twice, Ryan walked into the club and there he saw her holding her waist. The worse of it all was seeing Mr Graham's arousal.

He turned his gaze towards her and she looked like someone who was willing to do anything.

He was so mistaken, thinkimg sexual. work on helr. As it stands, there was nothing in this world to make her cry or scared anymore.

He made up his mind and walked back to the spot where they were seated

"I'm so sorry Mr Graham," I would compensate for all your losses. He immediately caught Rohan by the hand and dragged her out with him.

"What do you think you are doing? Let me go!"

Ryan refused to listen to her but rather dragged her to the car with him.

"I must have been crazy to bring you back to my car, but you just need to be very calm and let me think."

"There's nothing to think about , you did something so terrible and all you have to do is take me back to and let me do my job."

"What job? You don't have job to do back there!" He instantly got into the car and drive back home.

When they got home, he quickly pulled her with him to her room.

"This is where you belong."He stared at the short dress she was wearing and clenched his fist.

"And pull that dress off you for fucks sake!" He left her room and banged the door against her ears.

Shit! Shit! What the hell just happened at the club? Why did he take her home.

What was this feeling all about?

This was doom knocking at his door. He can't possibly be getting attracted to her pretty fast. He must stop whatever he was feeling, now that he still had the chance.

Ryan went back to his room and began pacing the hard floor of his room. Something must have been terribly wrong with him.

He had so many beautiful women who flock around him. Then how come he was now being attracted to a child.

"Boss, Don Graham would like to have a word with you."

Shit! He knew Mr Graham would not be happy about what he had done earlier. Abd of course it was his fault.

Ryan walked lazily towards his study room to take the calm of Mr Graham.

"Hello Don Graham."

"What the hell happened earlier,Ryan?"

"I'm so sorry Don, she was the wrong girl."

"How much?"

"What do you mean?"

"How much does it cost to have her, I will triple the amount."

"Huh?" No, no, no. He must have been hearing things wrongly.

"Mr Ryan, are you there."

"Yes," Ryan snapped out of his thoughts, and quivkly cleared his throat.


"Okay let's do it this way. I want you to help me talk to whoever is in charge of her to let ne gave her, I will pay him whatever amount he wants."

Oh no... this is the first time he's getting such offer from a client.

What was he trying to do earlier, acting all good and. Innocent. He was never a saint, so why would become one now?

Good man be damned! He was no good man. Ryan stormed into Rohan's room, only to find her fast asleep.

Ryan became weak that instant. How was he to take a sleeping lady to Mr Graham. Ryan hit his head whth his palm, thinking about what he was to do.

How was he going to convince Mr Graham about Rohan not being ready for the night.

While contemplating on what to do? His eyes, lazily darted to Rohan's sleeping form.

She wore a tiny short, exposing her bare skin and a little white shirt. Staring at her glassy lookimg skin made Ryan confused. No matter how much he tried to convince himself that Rohan was a child, he could not. His six senses failed him, his eyes failed him and his emotions failed him too.

He couldn't tear his eyes off her. Only then, it dawned on him that he wouldn't be able to give her to any man, not his business associates, not his friends, not even his employees.

He was the one who held her captive, and only him can decide what will be done to her.