

Azalea, grew up with no parents. The only family she had was her brother, Chase. Chase had been her father and father figure ever since she was five. He thought her how to fight and defend herself. This was because her father was the wealthiest mafia drug lord that ever existed, but he was killed by a known enemy who pretended to be friends with her brother. Azalea was totally unaware of the deep enmity between her brother and the his treacherous friend until the day Chase was attacked by Bethany and his group. Her world crashed as she was kidnapped by the same man who killed her brother, and requested to own ownership of everything her brother had worked hard for. Whilein his grasp, Azalea decided to escape by every means but Bethany wasn't a man that she could easily run away from. There was something about him that kept her in chains no matter how she tried to escape and avenge her brother's death. What could this be? Her doom or her liberation.

Proudwriter · Urban
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9 Chs


Rohan could not contain the anger sge felt when Ryan kept talking about how ge killed her brother.

"I will kill you murderer!" Rohan pulled out from from the strong hold of Ryan's men. She attacked jom, by diving him to the ground.

"I will kilkcyou for qat you did to my brother!" Rohan began throwing punches on Ryan's face. She used to be trainer by Alex's men on how to fight, do sge was pretty good with her fists. She knew they would take her away. But she wasn't going without a fight. She punched the day light out of of Ryan's face. She did not stop throwing her punches, for sfe didn't want to give Ryan a chance to retaliate.

When she noticed that Ryan's men were coming for her. She rather increased her punches on hos nose and lips. By the time she was dragged away, Ryan looked like he just got rammed on the face by a train. He was bleeding terribly from his nose, and lips.

Ryan stood up, but staggered backward.

"Can't believe the little imp could pack quire a punch. Rohan was held down by Ryan's men. Her legs in a kneeling position, while bother shoulders were pressed down with her hands behind her.

She was breathing heavily, but managed to raise her head up in strain, to glare at Ryan.

"You know what little poppy, I would make sure you are locked up in my dungeon without food or water.

"You can do that, but I can assure you that I would name you pay by evey means possible, for what you did to my brother,"

"Ah! I can't wait for that day to come. In the meantime, you will be under my custody until I take ownership of the club.

Alonso seemed confused about what to do at that very moment. Rohan was like a sister to Akex, and if he was really dead, the more reason he cannot let her go. But then. Giving the club to Ryan was more like giving him ownership of the group.

He knew someone like Ryan can never be satisfied. Giving him the club now, will only make him thirst for more.

"I will be waiting for your final decision. If you do not make a decision, then Rohan will pay for your refusal. "

"Do not listen to him uncle. My brother's hardwork cannot go to waste, uncle. You must remember that," Rogan said while she was being taken away.

Alonso suddenly felt weak on his knew the moment Rohan was taken away. He shook his head, knowing the downfall of the group has just began. He wondred if what Ryan said about Alex's death was true. And if truly that was the case, then he would have to fight to the last drop of his blood to make sure the club does not go to Ryan.

"Don Alonso, we cannot just let Ryan take Rohan away. She is Alex's favorite. Don't you believe that he could still be alive?" Turner asked looking very sad and angry at tge sane time.

He wished he could tell if Skex was alive or dead. He only knew that Alex would come if he was truly alive because he hates to go our of business.

How could someone who cares for business so much suddenly not show up for over a month.

"Don Alonso?" He raised his gaze at Turner.

"Rohan has chosen to sacrifice for the boss. The best way to repay her now is to make sure the club and every other assets of the group is kept intact."

Alonso got his acts together and began calling a the trusted allies to come together and weather the storm that was about sweeping the group off the surface of the earth.

Meanwhile, Rohan was taken to to Ryan's mansion with her hands and feet tied up. Rohan knew she wasn't going to stay in the mansion for long, because she would make her escape very soon. She let them take her into the mansion. While she was expecting to be locked up in a dungeon, she was rather locked up in one of the rooms in the mansion.

Rohan looked around the empty room with just a medium sized bed, a wardrobe which was closed, probably empty. A desk stood right under a .uni televisual at the opposite side of the bed.

Why the hell did he bring her to a room? This wasn't the plan. Could it be that he prepared a room so sfe can be serving him and his men.

Shit! How stupid was she not to think about this earlier? She's so done for. Immediately she began working on the rope tied on her wrists. She had to make it faster, before one among them comes and asks to be served. She woukd rather than jet anyone news advantage of her. Within minutes, she was done untying herself from the rope. She then focused on her legs and untied the ropes on her legs.

Good! Now she wants the see who would come first. He would be so dead. While waiting, she began rummaging through the wardrobe which was filled with lingerie. Rohan opened her eyes wide in shock. She knew this was going to happen. That sick Godforsaken pervert!

Rohan quickly put the lingerie back where they belong and scurried off to her bed. She was initially looking for a weapon but found none.

Rohan waited until she dozed off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Ryan was treating himself in his study. Just when he thought he had gotten rid of Alex. He never knew his minion was also as rude and nerve wrecking as Alex.

"Shit! Can't you be more gentle!?" Ryan yelled at his personal doctor who fixed him up whenever he was busted.

"I'm trying to be, just relax and let me fix your face, will you?"

"How can I relax when my face is broken, by that twart!"

"You know, I find it hard that a little ie girl could do this to you."

"Did you say a little girl? That witch isn't little!"

"Woah! I haven't seen you so pissed about someone as you are towards the kid."

"She's a good disciple of Alex, how can I not be angry?"

Initially, Ryan had been observing Alex's club and the little girl who always followed him around for years. His original plan was to kidnap the girl to make Alex handover everything he had. But then he changed his mind, for he never had the opportunity to kidnap the girl, since she was always heavily guarded. He had to confront Alex face to face, as he did not have the patience to wait anymore.

He knew it won't be easy to take Alex's property when he was still alive, so he had to ambush him with his men after he got information from those he stationed around the club. Just as expected, Alex refused to surrender which led to their battle.

He really hoped Alex was dead because if he wasn't, knowing how he operated, he would bring down his mansion and everything related to it.

"All done," Doctor Raphael said, packing up his medical kits into his box.

"Try not to do anything strenuous so your nose won't fall off this time." Ryan gazed at his doctor in a glare, which made him chuckle heartily.

"I was only just kidding. But still, try not to get involved in a fight or anything related."

"I'm not stupid. I won't. "

"Okay, so long." The doctor left Ryan office. He began to think of what to do in order to make Alonso submit to him, just in case he decided to listen to the little witch and rather declare a war on him.

Suddenly, his mind drifted to the little witch. He wondered what she was doing at that very moment. He instantly decided to pay her a visit and remind her to be good or face worse punishment.

Ryan slowly walked to the room where she was locked in. He brought out his keys from his jacket pocket. Ryan has the keys to every room in the house, so it was easy for him to locate the one he needed to open the door.

When he successfully opened, he walked in only to find her asleep.

Ryan walked closer to the bed and found her sound asleep. He began to wonder how a person who was kidnapped could sleep so soundly without being scared.

He suddenly noticed her dark long hair, which sprawled beautifully on the bed. Ryan had totally become lost in the beauty of Rohan, that he still watched her while her eyes gradually opened. The next thing he knew was a hard punch thrown at his nose.

"Arrghh!!! My nose."

"Pervert! I knew you would come."

Rohan stayed in her room, counting sheeps most of the time.

While she was in her room, doimg same thing sge did almost evetyday, the door to the room flew open, not she never cared to see who it was.

"I see you are obedient as always." That was Ryan, but she never paid him any mind.

"Well, I'm here to inform you that you will be having a home tutor from now on."

That caught Rohan's attention, as she turned towards him.

Suddenly, she busted into laughter. Whereas, Ryan stood at the entrance off the door, watching her in a confused manner.

"What's so funny?"

"You are."

"I've never seen a kidnapper who suddenly became nice to his prisoner. To me that's foolishness of the highest order."

Ryan stared atcher with an angry gaze and his hands folded in a feast.

Rohan wasn't scared about anything as of the moment. She preferred being tortured than kept in a room for a year.

"What? You are angry?"

Well of you are, I can't feel more better, because you actually deserve it!"

"Watch your mouth Rohan, I won't tolerate you disobeying my orders or being stubborn."

"Well, I don't give a fuck how you feel. You should have expected this from me since you killed my brother!"

Damn it! She hates him with so much passion, just by the thought that he a talky killed her brother. What did he think he was doing trying to bring her a tutor.

"The tutor will be here tomorrow morning and you must study, whether you liked it or not!"

"I want to see you try forcing me!" Ryan walked towards her in full speeds and grabbed her by the neck."

"Don't you dare try to oppose me again, else i wouldn't just torture you, but i will make you serve me every night!" Rohan gasped sy what he had just said she stared in his eyes abd saw nothing but seriousness. It seemed like he actually meant what he Said. At thst moment, her heart began beating very fast. What he had just said, wasn't what she expected will be her punished.

"For the first time in your life, I've finally gotten that fearful gaze o so wanted. So you are scared of sex? Well if you do not want to become a slave to my cock, then you had better be good, while I'm still good to you!" With that, he pushed her to the bed where she fell on. Rohan heart pounded in her chest as she was still very shocked at what he had just said. He quickly walked out of the room, leaving her panting for breath.

She really do not wish to become a sec slave for him or anyone else, and the only way to be safe, was for her to quite being stubborn.

The next day, Rohan was in the room as usual, when the door flunged open. The first person she saw was Ryan, which made her heart skip. Now she was scared of him, all because of what he had said yesterday.

"So, this is Mrs Natasha, and she will be your tutor from now on. Rohan took a quick glance at the lady who looked like a middle aged lady, with black hair and Hazel eyes.

"Nice to meet you, miss?..." Rohan wasn't in the mood to talk, so she just stared at the lady speechlessly.

"Her name is Rohan, it's nice to meet you."

Were they kidding her? Especially the lady called Natasha. What is good about being the tutor of a kidnapped girl. She must be one of the members of the group, orsybre a eofde of a member of the group.

Roshna walked back to her bed and laid down, like they weren't in the room. Meanwhile, they only stared at her carefully confused, from her perspective.

Well, that was as far as she could go with being respectful.

The lesson was as boring as fuck. She preferred fighting and training than reading a book. She still find it hard to believe that she didn't sleep through the teachings of the lady tutor. The moment the lady left, Rohan breathed a sigh of relief. The thought that she would have to be taught this lady everyday, suddenly made Rohan weak and frustrated.

She so wished to leave the hell he now. She can no longer bully anyone anymore, else she would suffer the fate of being used as a sex slave to Please Ryam.

Rohan adjusted her behaviour and let the lady teach her from where she stopped at high school. The lady taught her more subjects than she had imagined the lady would be able to teach.

"Are you a member of the black hawk?" Rohan blurted out the questing even before she knew she did. The lady seemed to be startled at her question.

"He used to be a member," the lady said, closed her eyes, after replying to the question.

"Huh, used to be?"

"Yes, he died four years ago." Rohan stared at the lady with compassion. It reminded her of her dad.

"Boss Ryan used to take care of me and my kids after his passing."

"What! The devil could do that?"