
In Love with the Dragon - Chapter 19

In Love with the Dragon - Chapter 19

"Did you really hold the real wakizashi?" Due was interested to know. His eyes showed fascination.

"Yes, Dad. Why--?"

"Your father is the true owner of the sword, Qila," Spike explained.

"You mean, Limrick had stolen it?" Her eyes narrowed angrily. "The nerve of the man!"

"Limrick used your mother to steal my wakizashi!" Due exclaimed with remembered pain.

Qila held his father's hands. "Oh, Dad! I'm sorry!"

"I forgive her because I have you, child!"

After a moment of silent embrace, Due began making a plan. Spike listened and spoke to inject some ideas of his own.

When Qila introduced her strategy, the two men were stunned.

"I can do it," she repeated boldly.

"Yes, but it's too dangerous!" Due cautioned.

"We can't let you do that, Qila!" Spike was reluctant.

"I'll do it whether you like it or not," Qila insisted. "But with your help, it would be easier for me."

Spike glanced at Due. There was an understanding when their eyes met.

"Okay. What's the plan?" Due sighed heavily.

* * *

Abigor Limrick drooled as he listened to the leader of No One Organization. His expression was serious because he was being berated repeatedly.

"Nightmare King! You failed No One! You said you would win the fight against those two! What happened? You failed me!" Mr. No One was just a shadow of a man. His head was round and big. His shoulder was wide.

"I will win the fight, my lord!" Abigor could cut off the sermon. They were just having a video call but he knew retaliation would come swiftly. With one press of a button, he would die a painful death. Although he would not feel it... He would explode!

When he joined the No One Organization, he had expected to receive an unlimited income by just listening to a video tape all-day. It was about mundane hobbies that anyone could have. He did not know that it was addictive. And mind-altering.

One day, when his head was full of the soothing words, he had gone to the gym. The usher brought him underground. A doctor with a surgical mask injected him with anesthesia. He had a minor operation. A bomb was implanted in him!

After that, Abigor began hating the rich and the successful people around him. He had an obsessive desire to kill them one by one.

He had the video tape up until now but it was useless because it got destroyed when he got angry. He had an infamous tantrum. He threw things around when he was furious about something.

"Nightmare King, listen to me! You must kill these two or I will kill you! That's an ultimatum!"

"Yes, my lord! I will do all your instructions to the letter!" Abigor dribbled saliva while he stuttered.

"You better do them! I am getting impatient! I won't take away all your funds for now! All the ammunitions are there for you! All you have to do is perform your tasks! Kill those two! I wanted Pendragon and Seawolf gone!"

"M-may I ask why you wanted those two gone?" Abigor dared to ask.

"Those two are shapeshifters! That's why!"

"Ah, shapeshifters!" Abigor thought Mr. No One was having hallucinations.

"Nightmare King!"

"Yes, my lord! It will be done, my lord! Your wish is my command, my lord!" he chanted agreement while his mind seethed.

'Damn my arrogance! Damn the wakizashi! Damn Qila Arrow!' Abigor swore at all the things that hindered his performance to do the tasks loaded to him.

He deeply regretted the arrogant tantrum he showed in the presence of Pendragon. He was desperate to find Qila Arrow and he got fired because he could not know what happened to her.

'Maybe, you killed her with the cocci powder! Maybe, you overestimated her ability to absorb the drug!'

Abigor was challenged when Qila showed an extraordinary resistance to the effect of the cocci plant. Her accomplishments level at work and during the training were incomparable.

And his beloved wakizashi! Qila handled the sword well!

Abigor smiled for the first time. It was a sickly smile. His glance turned to the wall, where his wakizashi hanged.

"My wakizashi! Seawolf is stupid when he owned this sword! Only I, the Nightmare King, is the only privileged one to own this!" A maniacal laughter reverberated around the safe-house.

He admired it with his fascinated eyes. The handle had gems in it where the fingers should be when in a fight. The blade was shiny and sharp. One touch on the edge would cut the skin.

'Qila Arrow, where are you, my child! Don't tell me you are killed by the cocci spray?'

Second to his affection was Qila Arrow because she was their child: Wendy and Abigor. When recruited, Wendy was just thirteen years old but she looked a passable eighteen-year-old because she had a well-developed body. Her voice was the only give-away. She spoke like a little girl.

"I will teach you how to defend yourself, Wendy!" Abigor trained her personally. "You will live where I want you to live. And I will provide for you!" Her being an orphan was easy. Without parents or relatives that would obstruct his schemes for her.

And he had many plans for her...

When the Japanese short sword was gone during the auction, Abigor research who had got it. Alarick Seawolf!

He sent Wendy to get it. The sword was her first mission.

And when Wendy came back with all the contents of the Seawolf's safe, Abigor could not believe his eyes. There was money as well. Lots of money!

"Wendy, you shall use another alias. Dani! This time you shall be Dani!"

"I am afraid, Abigor... Last time, I was Lala..." Wendy had cried like a little girl.

Abigor slobbered all over her face to comfort her. He had been using her for his release. And he gave her enough money every time he wanted her.

But Wendy had known the difference of gentle coupling and physical cravings. Ever since she had a relationship with Seawolf--intimacy was vital to win the man's confidence, she had fought Abigor's affection.

"I'm scared, Abigor..."

Abigor discovered the reason. Wendy was pregnant! He was elated. He had a child!

"Okay. You shall remain here until you gave birth to our child!"

He was utterly disappointed when she gave birth to a baby girl. He was depressed for a while. He stopped giving her allowance. He lost interest in her.

Until one day, Wendy showed herself to him. Beautiful. Delectable. Desirable. And cold.

"Wow, Wendy! You look different!"

"Don't call me Wendy! I am Celine!" she said formally.

"Okay. What can you do for me, Celine?"

"I'd like to work but your men must back me up."


"Don't play dumb, Abigor! I know you have several rich men lined up for your women!" Her voice was shrill.

"Hah! You were right! What is the arrangement?" Abigor admired her intelligence. Wendy might be bluffing about the 'women' he had trained but her bluff was accurate!

"You will give me funds and I will clean the safe of the rich men for you!" She sounded desperate but determined.

Abigor pretended to think about it.

"Okay! I'll give you ten percent!"

"Don't take me for being stupid, Abigor! Thirty percent!"

"Don't forget you asked for back-up! Twenty percent!"

"Twenty-five percent! And that's final!"

"Or else?"

"Or else--I will go to Mr. No One!" Wendy threatened seriously.

Abigor did not dare disbelieve her. "My men shall be there every time you finish the mission!" he shouted.

"You put all that in black-and-white. Tomorrow, I'll be back to sign the agreement!"

Wendy or Celine hoarded many riches from wealthy men. She had a short rest when she was working on Pendragon. She did not tell but something triggered her emotionally.

"What's wrong with you, Celine? Your next mission is the descendant of the Khan!"

"Give it to anyone! And I am not Celine. I am Dylan!" Wendy cut the lines abruptly.

Her strange behavior lasted for several months. She did not answer Abigor's calls until he could not wait any longer. He went to Wendy's apartment.

"Wendy! Open the door!" He knocked loudly.

"Stop hammering the door!" She opened the thin panel. "What do you want?" she snarled at him.

Abigor was stunned when he saw her again. Wendy had cut her long hair but instead of looking masculine, she was more feminine with this new hairstyle.

"May I come in?" Abigor used his best courteous tone.

Wendy eyed him dubiously. "You can come in." She turned away to get her daughter who woke up from all the shouting and knocking. "What do you want?" she asked again while rocking the baby.

In those moments, Abigor fell in love again with Wendy. "Please, come back to my arms! I will give you all your wants!"

But Wendy was not interested. She gave her a list of insurance companies. "Buy me insurance policies from these companies. Make my child a sole beneficiary."

"Wait a minute! Did you name the child?"

"Not yet. I just call her 'the baby.' It is your fault, Abigor! If you kept your promises to me--"

"Qila Arrow! Let's call her Qila Arrow!"

"What? All recruits are named Qila Arrow! I don't--"

"If you wanted yourself insured, let me name her!" he interrupted rudely.

"Okay! She will be the hundredth Qila Arrow!" Wendy growled angrily.

Abigor Limrick gave a satisfied smile. He accepted the baby as his daughter.

That scene happened many years ago.

When Qila had finished school, Abigor manipulated her employment. He hacked her email to cancel her applications to other companies. He deposited large amounts of money to her bank accounts.

But now, Abigor could not find Qila Arrow!