
Chapter 23

Chapter 23


Me: what are you doing here?

Eleanor: I would like to talk to you

Me: But why do you look so serious?

Eleanor: because what I have to tell you is of paramount importance and I would like you to listen to me carefully

Me: ok I'll listen to you then

Eleanor: I want to have this conversation with you may I'm not happy my love, you made me a promise that so far you haven't kept

Me amazed: I don't remember doing such a thing, I've always kept my promises as far as I can remember

Eleanor: I was the happiest woman around you you know? I could never have found a man like you, a man who would have loved me, raised me, pampered me like you did

Me: where did I fail then my heart?

Eleanor: You promised me to be happy, and all you did was become an insufferable person, who treats people around him badly, and makes them unhappy, when you've always been someone who brings joy around him