
chapter two


Written by: author FIYIN

Ian pov

Am sorry babe I promise to make it up to you...

God.. I need to make it up to mia,

Crazy crazy crazy is all I am, I don't give a fuck, I am who I am ( ringtone)

📞👨 Hi Dad

📞👴 How are you son

📞👨 Am fine

📞👴 I call to remind you about the meeting you have this morning

📞👨 Yes, dad am on my way

📞👴 Okay son, take care

📞👨 And you too

Call drop

I pick up my suitcase and head to the door

Let do a brief Introduce

My name is Ian Martin's, I have a sister called Annabelle, we lost mom in labor when giving birth to Anna, dad didn't marry another wife because he believed he's betraying his wife, dad and I took care of Anna till she grows up and I love her so much, mia is my girlfriend since college and since I took over dad's company I hardly have her time, you know it not easy taking care of three companies.

Yes, we have company at Paris, Africa and also here in Spain. We are into media and entertainment- the Martin's media and entertainment-company..you can say am rich won't deny that, am one of the top five richest young guy in the world, I am popular.

That's that for now

I pick one from my cars and head to the company, on entering the company the workers concentrate on their work... good am a disciplinarian when it comes to my work am very strict, I don't joke, laugh, I always make a straight face.

I enter into the elevator going to my office, my coffee is Already placed on the table, I sit down and my p.a enter into the office, she's a chubby, tall fair Lady

Good morning sir

Morning Emily

Sir, you have a meeting in the next five minutes

Okay let go... I stood up sipping from my coffee before heading out with Emily..


.Written by: author FIYIN

Kim eunji POV



Joh-eun achim ( good morning)Mrs hye su

You are late eunji- she said from the counter with a frown

Biane( sorry) I said dragging myself to the back of the counter to change into my work outfit

Go to table five and take their orders

I took my note and pen


Ahn- nyong- hee kah- say-yo( goodbye)Mrs hye su

Pizza shop

Ahn- nyong- ha-say-yo ( hello) eunji you are right on time, we have so many orders

I drop my bag and started packing the pizza pack in box

How many packs...I called out to my boss Mr Chao


Yeh(yes) I packed the pizzas in the box and put them on the bike and off I went


I finish delivering the package and left for the newspaper shop

Newspaper shop

Ahn-nyong-ha-say-yo ( hello)

How are you eunji Mrs Williams

How are you my dear..she said with a smile

Am fyn...Mrs Williams is from Spain she got married to a Mr Kang, who is a Korean she teaches me Spanish if we are less busy she's really nice unlike my other bosses.

I packed the newspaper into the basket and put it on the bicycle, she handed me the list of people that order for it and there address


Board meeting

Ian pov

Commence I order in a cold voice and keep a straight face

One of the share holder stood up Ehm...sir Ian we suggest we have another branch

Yeah, am already working on it.

Wow! That good sir...he said having his sit

I plan on building another branch in Busan in Korea

Buena idea sir Mr Lee said, they all nodded

Bien,todos pueden despedirse( good, you may all dismissed. I said standing up and head for my office with my p.a

Phew! That goes well, did I have any other schedule today, Emily?

No sir, she replied..okay am done for today let me surprise my love.

Am going out and am not coming back again, if you don't have anything to do you can also go home because from tomorrow our schedule will be tight.

Yes sir...

Bien( good) bye... I pick up my suit and left the company I need to surprised my babe .

Written by: author fiyin

Ian pov

I drove my latest porch out of the company, I stop at a flower shop bought one and drove off in high speed because I can't wait to see her...I humm to the song playing in my car, I drove silently into the compound so I won't draw attention to my self

Another car is packed outside it's looks like Mike's... talking of Mike, we've not hang out lately I need to make up to him.. I walk into the spacious living room shock on what am seeing

To say am shock is an understatement

What's this on the floor.. a guy trouser, blouse,bra and pants... wait I got those bra and pants for mia during Val..

Hope is not what am thinking, bcoz if it is...I used my hand to scatter my hair, I will murder someone. I heard some footsteps, I look up the stairs to see mia in towels walking down the stairs without noticing me.. okay now she do, shock on seeing me..then someone show up at her back..

Babe why are yo... He choke on his words on seeing me. Wait... Mike

Shock grip me, tears welled up in my eye I can't see anything again my attack started I started breathing so fast, I dip my hand in my pocket and bring out my inhaler doing my things, I gain my strength again.... they are both in front of me asking me if am alright...are this two serious! how can I be alright? heaven knows it take all the strength in me not to stranggle the both of them.. I shift back from there hold creating a distance ...

I..I.. can explain.... Mia said trying to hold me but I shift back

You are getting everything wrong, it's not what you are thinking...Mike said I gave the both of them one last look before walking out, enter my car and drove off in high speed..

I got home went into the bar in my house drink to my satisfaction and drag my drunk self into the room and fell flat on the bed and slept off..

I don't know how long have slept but I Know I woke up weak and hungry, I went downstairs to get some thing to eat... I grab some snacks and drinks put them in tray and carry them upstairs to my room...

it's going to be a wicked world from me to people from now on ..