
chapter eleven


Written by author fiyin

Lee's POV

I and an-na walk side by side into the cafeteria but unfortunately an-na bump into someone, making her slipped but I was quick to catch her...

Sorry..the girl said with tears in her eyes...am really sorry, she bow her head then walk past us...

What is wrong with that girl.... an-na ask, obviously she's as confused as I am

Whatever we walk into the cafeteria fully, order what we want and settle down on an empty sit in the middle of the room...

Lee... I heard my name but that voice sound familiar...wait..

I turn and I saw her ...my first crush hye sun

She ran to me and I stood up and embrace her...

Hye sun..where have you been all this while, I tried your line it's not going...

Am sorry... You remember when I told you am not feeling too well...

Yes i nodded anxiously...

Well, my parent fought and it's was terrible, so they split up, as been their only child..they both wanted me... Which we know it's not possible.so I ran to my nanny's place....have been there all this while..

Wow ..so what happened to your parents now, I said dragging her to sit with me but she sit on my leg .

Well, they are back together because I refuse to see them and I plan on disowning them by going to the court, so they had no choice but to come back together, because they are not ready to loose me ..

Wow ..I miss you, she said hugging me tight..

I miss you more..

an-na POV

I can't believe Lee acted like I don't exist, like he treated me like am invisible really..

I clear my throat, atleat to draw their attention to me but they are both engross in what they are saying...

I can't believe Lee allow her to sit on his leg..

I can't take it anymore..

Lee what's this.. who is she...I ask with a glare

Who's this...the girl ask glaring at me..

Well she's is...ehm....he scratched his head


Cat got his tongue!

Lee pov

Am confused on what to do or say... I love hye sun so much and I also love an-na too

I don't know what to say.. hye sun is my childhood friend and I miss her so much ...

She's someone I like, have been looking for you but you no where to be found, I searched your nanny's place but I was told she no longer lived there...

That because she had to relocate because of my parent trouble, she said

Well an-na meet my childhood friend...

And crush...hye sun added

And hye sun meet my girlfriend....

Nice meeting you... an-na said while hye sun scoff..

You are only a replacement for me, am the only one he love and know one else....hye sun said with a smirk while an-na only look at me

Teddy .... I miss you, she said pouting her lips.

I miss you too, let go home...I want to see aunt ...

No problem but we no longer stay in our house again..

Why...she asked

Uncle as usual..I shrugged

That man needs to be tamed, so where do you stay now?

Well thanks to an-na, her uncle has a house around our place so we packed there..

Am not allowing you to stay in that place, you are packing to my house..

What about your parents...

I said my house not my parent house..she said with an eye roll, and am not taking no for an answer

Okay ... anything you want..




Ian pov

Crazy crazy crazy is all I am, I don't give a fuck, I am who I am ( ringtone)

Hello Ethan

Hi boss

What wrong ..

I get the picture of the girl you talked about


Yes sir, I sent it to your email sir .

Okay thanks Ethan, I will call you back

Call drop

I went through my emails and I met the greatest shock of my life..

The pictures are eunji's own...she's the girl from my dream, no wonder she's far away, no wonder she's no longer in my dream...

God I fucked up ....

Good for you, my subconscious snapped at me ...

Why are you concerned, I thought you don't like her...

Shut up ...I sneer in my head.

Whatever you are on your own..it's said and vanish

Eunji's POV

Lee came home with, hye sun and they both looked happy together...another drama(scoffed)

But what about an-na what will happen to her

Lee rush downstairs with hye sun laughing...

sis,we are packing out ....Lee said smiling..

Where are we packing to and why are we packing?

Nothing sis, hye sun and I suggest we pack to her place ....

And why is that...I ask taking a sit in front of him

Nothing sis...

He was about saying something when an-na came in looking pale.

That innocent child!

Ahn-nyong-ha-say-yo sis (hello sis)

How are you an-na..

Am good sis..she picked a sit beside me..

So Lee why did you say we are packing out again, I ask looking at him but he was speechless..but hye sun speak for him

Aunt I suggest you pack out....I look from Lee to hye sun then to an-na..what should I do, my brother in the middle of fake love and real love...

So did you agree to it ...

Yes, she reply sitting on lee's lap...

Am talking to my brother let him speak,...

Yes sis, I accepted it..

And why's that....

Nothing aunt I just ..shut up I bang my hand on the table making them flinch.

Stand up on his leg now before I spank you ...she jump up....

Sit down there, I pointed to another sit..


Written by author fiyin

Eunji POV cont'd

Sit down there... I pointed to a chair beside Lee.

So Lee, why did you accept to pack out ...

Ehm...I... thought I should follow her idea.

Or you are still confused, if you love her or not ...I ask raising my left eyebrow.


Now you listen, hye sun, why are you here again ?...after running after lee's friend,breaking my brother's heart, you have the gut to come back..

Aunty is not like that, hye sun make a mistake and I have forgiven her and I still like her...

Ohh! I see....no problem...

Lee..you are an ingrate, where was she when we were thrown out of the house, if not for an-na we would probably be sleeping on the street now,she came to our aid...

But sis..

Shut up am still speaking, she show you what true love is,but this earthworm deserted you when you needed her most ...

When we lost our parents,she was no where to be found, we console ourselves....

Lee...you are only confuse, you don't love her anymore...

No sis, I did, I love her so much ....

I stood up and went to lee's room packed his belongings Take it downstairs with me....

Sis what are you doing?..he stood up to collect his belongings from me but instead he was sent to the ground by my thunderous slap ..

I hate nonsense, who does that? after everything an-na did for us. look at where was gifted to us for free by her uncle, two times our house and lee want to do this because of a dumper.

I took his belongings out, drop them in front of the gate and walk back inside...

Now, have done you a favor by helping you to pack your things out, now you can leave...

I sat down beside an-na who is already in tears..

Lee pov

To say am confused is an understatement for my state, my sis has never raised her hand to hit me before...

But seeing an-na cried shattered me, I can't afford to see her hurt, it break my heart

What has come over me, sis is right, hye sun as never been there for me, she only betray me, but I like her...

I walk over to an-na..

I tried touching her but she moved away from me, and that hurt me more.

Lee, you need to realize how you felt, I will give you some space and with that you'll know who you truly love...

But sunshine.....she raised her hand up to stop me..

Let give each other seven days, after seven days and your heart is still with me then come back to me but if your heart is still with her then...I will accept my fate.

And so saying she walk out..

Mr ko pov

Nana, wake up some minutes ago and I can't stop the happiness in me...

I miss my wife..

How are you feeling, I ask her sitting beside her on the bed

Am good, honey am sorry for everything I did to you, am sincerely sorry...

No problem my love, I have forgiven you, but I have a place am taking you.

Really, where...

It's a surprise..


We walk side by side holding each other hand as I take Nana to the children's ward,

Nana saw babies in their crib and she was moved to tears..

She walk over to the babies, and burst into tears..

Honey they are beautiful....she said carrying a baby in her hand .

Honey I want a baby too, am ready.

Wow ....

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thank you and happy New year in advance

love you guys