
I'm Going To Save You, Penny

"Would…all of our memories be gone at that point? Would I forget about her completely?" Roman asked hesitantly. 

Percy shrugged. "Probably. But it's better that way since you weren't supposed to meet in this world in the first place. If you were meant to meet, you would have before everything happened with the parallel world."

He didn't like the thought of forgetting Penny forever but if it meant she would get to live… "I'll do it."

The older man smiled. "Excellent. First, we need to withdraw as much cash from the bank as you possibly can since you can't exactly use credit cards when traveling to the past. The expiration dates get all messed up; trust me."

That made Roman wonder exactly how many time travel experiments had been conducted before making it here but he was too afraid to ask. He wanted to get this done as soon as possible so Penny could live the life she should have had. Even if it was one without him.