
Hey! Penny!

Roman shrugged. He didn't care what he did one way or the other. Being here was better than sitting around at home even though the beach wasn't quite his scene. 

He ended up joining Harry's attempts at wave jumping in the shallow water for a while before sitting down at the very edge of it and letting the waves crash over his legs. The closer he was to the water, the more peaceful everything seemed. 

Despite the shrieks of children and the caws of seagulls up ahead, the sound of the ocean was most prominent here. It was actually pretty relaxing until a random child tripped and landed right on top of him. 

"Sorry, Mister!" the kid yelled before getting right back up and continuing to chase his friend. 

Roman smiled a bit wistfully at how carefree the two of them were. He never had that chance at their age.