
In Jujutsu Kaisen with Time Cursed Technique

Uchiro Madara, a modern otaku is transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen world with a God like Cursed Technique.

David_555 · Anime und Comics
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63 Chs

Gojo Satoru vs Kenjaku

"Alright, we'll handle it from here. You guys should hurry to Jujutsu High." Madara and Satoru nodded and vanished mysteriously.

" Oi, Emiko, do you think they'll win?" Toro asked his cousin as he saw the strange man vanish along Satoru.

" Do you know who that man is? " Emiko asked as she turned around to face her cousin. " He's Uchiro Madara" She didn't even need to say anything further. Everyone within Jujutsu High knew and respected that name, as they knew what it represented.

" Swoosh!" " It seems I'm still faster Madara." Satoru and Madara appeared. " You shouldn't be proud Satoru, the gap isn't that wide." Madara smiled and rolled his eyes, as they walked ahead.

" A barrier?" Satoru immediately examined the huge barrier covering Jujutsu High as he frowned. " What is it?" Madara asked as he approached the barrier.

" It feels like the normal veil we employ when we exorcise cursed spirits, but it's a million times stronger." He smiled and said, before stretching his palm forward.

"Void Rend!! Boom!!!" With a slight chuckle, a huge gash instantly appeared on the barrier, Satoru and Madara walked in.

" Good attack. Instantaneous and destructive. You've grown really strong Satoru, if I hadn't grown stronger too, I definitely wouldn't have wanted to spar with you." Madara chuckled as he placed his palms in his pockets, as both of them walked in. " Hehehe." Satoru chuckled, as he put his hands in the pockets of his long necked sweater.

He had advanced the Limitless technique to the point that, he could even passively manipulate spatial molecules to execute advanced attacks. If his ancestors who created the Limitless saw how far he had taken the technique, they would've been shocked to their cores.

" Looks like we have visitors." Kenjaku smiled, as he waved his katana causing the blood stains on it to fall off. " Let's go meet them.." Suguru smiled, in his hand was a dark brown disgusting looking orb, as he walked forward with Kenjaku.


" Oi Satoru. Late as always.." Suguru smiled, as he and Kenjaku came to meet Satoru and Madara on the compound.

" Suguru, it's been a while." Beside Satoru, Madara smiled, as Suguru frowned for a second, but he smiled afterwards, after all he believed that with his goal finally accomplished, he didn't need to fear any of them.

" And you. I'm going to make you pay for desecrating that body with your filth." Madara then turned around and looked at Kenjaku murderously.

" Where are my students Suguru?" Satoru asked calmly. " Can't you guess Satoru, I killed those monkeys by myself, even Okkotsu." Suguru smiled murderously, as he fiddled with the dark brown orb in his hand.

" So this was your endgame all along Suguru, to absorb Orimoto Rika, for what reason? "

Satoru asked calmly, but his fists were tightly clenched. Madara stood beside him, with his eyes fixed on Kenjaku, like a predatory, waiting for an opportunity to pounce on its prey.

" You see Satoru, with Orimoto Rika, I can finally perfect the Nephilim form, and with that, I can use the abilities of any curse in my arsenal, whenever and however. With this ability, even you won't be my match." Suguru smiled, as he swallowed the dark brown orb, as his face twisted to a degree.

The next second, a massive amount of cursed energy burst out of his body, as the upper part of his kimono was ripped apart revealing his body. Soon diamond hard scales appeared on his body, as large white feathery wings burst out of his back, like an angel.

" Yes, yes!!" He laughed happily, as his body underwent the transformation.

" Oi, Satoru, why don't I take Suguru, we both know you'll hold back when you're fighting against him, and I'll hold back against the Ichigo look alike." Madara sighed, as Satoru nodded.

" You're wrong about something Suguru. Even if you've mastered this form, you're still no match for me." Madara said as he stepped forward, accompanied by the swirls of infinite cursed energy, as he coldly approached Suguru.

" Oi, stitches, you're my opponent. I'm going to make you pay for everything." Satoru said, as he raised his hand, and unveiled his eyes. " Boom!!" Instantly, a massive wave of cursed energy swept out, as the Six eyes were fully manifest.


" Booom!!!" A massive shockwave spread out, as two figures came into view. One figure was floating in the air, as his piercing blue eyes glared at the figure below him with contempt. The figure on the ground was bleeding slightly from his lips, as he took deep breaths.

" Hahahaha. I know how to counter your Infinity, Gojo Satoru!!! And now I'm going to kill you!!! Domain Amplification!!"

Kenjaku let out a shrill laugh, as he brought his hands together and uttered.

Domain amplification was a technique which allowed one to derived strength from one's own innate domain, as well as disrupt other techniques. The downside was that, when domain amplification is activated, the user can't use his own cursed technique.

Kenjaku instantly arrived before Satoru, and slashed out with his sword, which left a deep cut on ground.

" Domain Amplification huh, quite resourceful. Void Rend!!" Seeing Kenjaku's incoming figure Satoru chuckled and raised his arm. "Boom!!!!!" Suddenly, the spatial molecules in the air solidified, before an invisible yet massive slash swept out. It was instanteneous and destructive, completely slashing all the buildings around cleanly.

Kenjaku, who was only a few meters away, instinctually shifted his his upper body to the left, as his left arm cleanly fell off, as blood dripped from the wound.

" What sort of attack is that? The Limitless does not have such an attack." He supported himself with the katana as he landed on the ground and said with a scowl.

" The Limitless isn't the only technique in my arsenal." Satoru smiled before he glanced at Kenjaku with his eyes.

" Spatial Cage." Instantly, Kenjaku felt as if he had been encased in some sort of three dimensional cage, as he immediately cancelled Domain Amplification and used one of Ichigo's techniques.

" Thunderclap and Flash: Overdrive." He used his right hand to execute a slash accompanied by massive lightning bolts, as a massive shockwave erupted.

" Yayyyy, you got out." Satoru chuckled, before his face turned serious. " Domain Expansion: Infinite Void."...