
In Jujutsu Kaisen As Tenjou Yuuya

Thrusted into the world of JJK by the higher beings to become their toy for entertainment follow Damon's journey who now possessed the powers of Yuuya Tenjou along with his door and cheats as he ventures into this unknown world of curses. *** Author here! First of all thanks for reading this. This is my first work so I hope you all won't me mad if I somehow mess this up. The protagonists won't be any good guy like tenjou Yuuya was and would be more of villain and lone wolf kind of guy so I warn you to not read this if you hopes of getting nice and naive kind of main character. I haven't thought of romance as I want this to be more focused on action but I may change my mind in the future. As for Harem or Not? Well that depends upon the future me.. once again thanks for reading

Dragon_7454 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Door To Another World

Hey there! author here I hope you are enjoying the story so far.

If you are please don't forget to add this to your collection while cheering for me donating all those powerstones you possess while please also keep commenting to motivate me to write more.


Entering the hidden gate, Damon looked around the dark room with curious but wary eyes, his gaze observing everything carefully while being cautious not to touch anything.

Countless items, varying from an old demon-like mask, a golden-colored khakkhara, to a futuristic cube-like object that hovered above a blue-colored plate, were scattered all over the place.

Looking at the objects with curious eyes, Damon gulped a bit as he recalled the contents of the novel he read long ago about what kinds of objects are placed here.

'I have to be careful not to touch anything,' Damon said to himself as he carefully ventured through the room. This place was introduced as the hidden door that even Yuuya didn't know about at the start of the series, where Yuuya's grandfather seems to keep things that he had brought from all over the world.

Many would say, "What's there to be wary about if they hadn't read the novel?" But those who have know how dangerous the things here can be.

Everything present here is strange objects related to different kinds of energies, similar to curse energy, mana, and holy energies that are present in the universe—some known, while some unknown to the very universe he currently resides in.

The objects lying around here are all strange and powerful artifacts covered by various powers throughout the universe. In the later volume, the genesis dragon messed with one of the artifacts here, causing aliens to target the planet, searching for some kind of blueprint for a weapon or something, almost causing the aliens to almost blow up the planet, which was prevented by Yuuya.

'Come to think of it... Are those aliens present in this universe too?' Damon thought, aware of his reincarnation as Yuuya Tenjou in this world of JJK where he shouldn't belong. He still doesn't know if this world is just JJK while he's an anomaly or an amalgam of two fictional realities.

'Hmm... I guess I would eventually find out about it.' Not knowing the answer, Damon decided to stop pondering about it for the moment, as the question would be answered in due time.

As Damon, now Yuuya, ventured through the large room, a strange feeling enveloped Yuuya's body, causing him to look in a certain direction.

'Is it there?' Recognizing the feeling, Yuuya became excited and followed the direction that was directing him towards the back of the room, where a strange door with the pattern of large owls and trees carved on it was placed.

'That's the door!' Looking at the door, an unconscious smile formed on Yuuya's face as he picked up his pace, approaching the door while making sure not to touch anything around.

Yuuya approached the doorknob and opened it, revealing an unfamiliar room decorated similarly to a log house, with a large wooden table and chairs, and a wooden closet. Weapons such as swords and axes were piled up like mountains.

Yuuya moved through the door without hesitation, and just as he did, a blue translucent screen, which Yuuya already anticipated, appeared before his eyes.

- <Skill [Appraisal] has been acquired.< p>

Skill [Endurance] has been acquired.

Title [Master of The Door] has been acquired. Title [Master of The House] has been acquired. Title [Otherworlder] has been

acquired. Title [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] has been acquired.>

- [Door To Another World] :: A door that suddenly appeared on Earth and leads to some other world. Even the Gods do not know why these doors appear, or how. The destination is unknown, and once you cross to a different world, the location becomes fixed. Those who become the door's master can manipulate various functions. The door is indestructible.

- [Appraisal] :: Skills to appraise various things.

- [Endurance] :: You have acquired great resistance to abnormal states, mental interference, or physical stress.

- [Master of The Door] :: The master of the door leading to another world. You can use the menu function.

- [Master of The House] :: The new master of the house where the wise man is said to have once lived. You have obtained ownership of this house.

- [Otherworlder] :: A person from another world. You will be given a special growth boost, allowing you to obtain more experience than normal. It will also be easier for you to learn skills. The level cap has been removed.

- [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time] :: The person who visited another world for the first time. A distinct title that makes it easier for you to invent skills and magic compared to the effect of similar titles such as [Pioneer]. The process of your growth will proceed in an ideal direction. In addition, you will be able to use [Item Box].

- [Item Box] :: You can manipulate a special region of space that allows you to store and retrieve things as much as you like. However, it's not possible to store living beings. There is no capacity or size limit for things you want to store.

Multiple translucent screens began to emerge in front of Yuuya's amused eyes briefing him about the skills he possesses.

A wild grin appeared on Yuuya's pig like face which was fulll of acne making him look more hideous as he went through the information about the skills and titles he possesses.

"Menu function.."

Yuuya muttered to himself as the term was mentioned causing another popup to appear in front of him.

- [Door To Another World]

Owner: Tenjou Yuuya

Functions: <Money Conversion> <Transfer > <Entry Restriction>

- [Money Conversion] :: Everything can be converted into money.

- [Transfer] :: The door can be summoned to the owner's current

location at any time.

- [Entry Restriction] :: Only those specified by the owner can pass

through the door.

Yuuya went through the details of every skill and titles description with an excited grin before finally closing the system popups and calling out his own status that he was impatient to see about.

- [Tenjou Yuuya]

Occupation: None

Level: 1

Magic: 1

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 1

Luck: 1

BP: 0

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder]

[Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

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