

#Chapter35 Pet

/"We meet again pet, now be a good girl and drop that knife, it's not gonna do you any good, just force me to hurt you/" he said, his breath hitting her ear making her lip curl in disgust.

Nonetheless, with some hesitation involved, she dropped the knife as it landed on the wooden floor with a clank.

/"Good pet/" he mumbled against her ear yet again as he started dragging her along with him, backward towards the couch.

She was being dragged with him backward blindly as her eyes shifted fiercely from the floor to the knife against her jugular and then her surroundings for any hope of escape but with that knife resting there, she was helpless in his grip.

Once he was against the couch, he sat down, harshly pulling her down with him, making her sit right on his blue jeans-clad lap.